Manifest 4x20 Series Finale Ending Explained

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Let's break down all the big reveals, twists, and more from the #Manifest Season 4 Part 2 ending. Major spoilers ahead.

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There was nothing more satisfying than watching Angelina blow up into ash


Cal finally got to live his childhood with Olive <3


No one can tell me that Saanvi and Ben didn't have chemistry since season one. There's been so many sparks. And yes I was happy when they made out, but Ben and Grace are a match made in heaven.


Ben had to give Grace (forgiveness to Angelina) in order to receive Grace. That was deep.


I was literally bawling my eyes out during Mick and Zeke's scene


Its having a beautiful ending.

In first episode, it was only few hours for passengers but 5 years for their relatives.
in last episode, it was only few hours for relatives, but 10 years for passengers.


The ending was definitely not what I expected but I absolutely loved it! Everyone got their happy ending. Cal and Olive get to have their childhood back, Ben gets Grace back, Saanvi gets Alex back, Mick gets Zeke back, and Angelina is dead and can no longer cause chaos in everyone’s life.😅 I wish it wasn’t over but I’m satisfied with how it ended ❤


TJ losing Olive was a real gut punch in my opinion


I'm also happy that Jared and Drea ended up together. These two have dedicated their whole lives to protecting 828 passengers. Mich made the right choice to let Jared go. I also think God gave them a choice to fly to the light or live in the current timeline. They chose the light because they were drawn to it. So, that timeline was officially erased but they were also judged from it. Which is why they are keeping the memories from it. I know it would never happen, but I wouldn't mind a spinoff show with Eagan & Adrian or Jared and Drea.


I finally got it. Cal is the dragon, Ben is the Peacock, and Macaulay and Zeke are the twin flames.


One of the most beautiful, satisfying ending in TV history. Gonna miss this show


Watching Angelina and the other “evil” ones explode into ash was one of the funniest things I’ve seen this year. I couldn’t stop laughing 😂😂


From the first episodes with Michaela narrating. It Kinda foreshadowed this ending and that she survived. She said waiting for that flight was the biggest mistake they made, but actually saved them.


Here is what actually happened. When the plane went missing they all were gone for 5 years in their reality. And then in another seemingly similar reality although other parallel-reality they came back 5 years laters. And they were set out to save that dying parallel earth which they assume is their native reality, The divine did this to see if they had the power to do so. However when the divine saw that they not all succeeded in this task he vaporized those who were not pure of heart (the 11 passengers) and version of earth. And returned the victorious ones to an alternate reality of their dreams because they had learned what means the most to them.

So in conclusion the 5 Year Time span Earth wherein they had the callings and had to go through all sorts of trials was a parallel version of earth that ultimately was destroyed by the divine, since the "chosen participants" could not save the earth, so that Jared, Olive, Eden everyone on that version died!. They then flew back as if the plane never crashed to begin with and arrived at the terminal only to see they were never gone. And living their dream life. However they just migrated timelines thats why they have the memory recall, because it really happened!.

Its a simple but powerful message that says, "love what you have"
Each character in the show went through the lessons of loss
And those that returned were able to accept the loss and move forward only to realize they didn't lose anything and appreciate it all thus more than ever before.

But there is no doubt about it there is a Parallel Earth version connected to this TV Show eventhough it may not be obvious.

Earth 1 (Original Timeline) - Where the plane went missing and never returned. (All passengers died).
Earth 2 (The bridge timeline) - Where the plane went missing but came back years after. (Calling timeline where they got visions of the Earth 1 Timeline)
Earth 3 (Alternate Timeline) - Where the plane never went missing and things picked up where they left it. (Passengers return to a timeline where they get to live their reward).


For me, I was disappointed in the last season and especially the ending, I never felt that Michaela should have been with Zeke as they had zero chemistry and as Jared said 'he (Zeke) had one day to live otherwise I could not watch the love of my life marry another man'. Michaela and Jared always seemed to find their way back to each other they were meant to be together the storyline was heavily based around these characters and their connection. Jared and Drea was an awkward add-in that didn't make sense.


To some extent, I can understand why some people don't like this show. It's way too deep and confusing at times about a flight that just disappeared for 5 years. However, it has to one of the best ones I've ever watched. I'm sure that people will find it interesting to watch once they experience it, delve deep into the lore and pay attention to it's details.


At first I hated the ending.. I thought It didn’t make any sense, returning to the starting point, like those 5, 5 years were just nothing. Overall I thought life has to continue, not just start all over again, returning the dead people along the way…But then I realised that all 828ers where just robbed of their normal, happy life, with all their relatives alive. It was just not fair, they definitely didn’t deserve to land 5, 5 years later and learn that your loved ones thought you were dead for 5, 5 years. Many of them lost their families, missed their children’s growing and of course got through terrible experiments with them. So yeah, I’m happy for 828ers. It’s finally their chance to live the life they were robbed so awful


Insane how this series worked with all those 'real world' myths and church related. The puzzle just fit perfect in my eyes. Also some big life lessons to everyone who's watching. Compliments to the writers off the story. All good things.


I really loved the ending..they got to live their lives again!!!!Fortunatlely Cal came back to his younger self with no bitter memories haunting him and get to live his childhood stress free!🥰❤️


just got finished watching it and wow, it looks like I’m in the huge minority. that ending was incredibly morbid. the world we watched for the last 5 years was wiped from existence. Eden is gone, Hope is gone, Chloe is gone. unless the passengers got sent to an alternate reality, then they did not save the world

I don’t buy into the idea that coming back to 2013 is a happy ending for everyone. passengers lived lives for 5 years, with people they loved. the families they returned to are not the same ones they spent those 5 years with and never can be. If I was someone like Ben or the mother who gave birth in the detention center, I’d be mortified that my babies were erased from reality
