Manifest Season 4 Part 2 Ending Proved It's All About God Who Control Everything

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Manifest Season 4 Part 2 Ending Proved It's All About God Who Control Everthing, Is Manifest a religious show? Years after the series began, Manifest season 4 part 2 finally provided an answer to this long-standing question.

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Y’all I was DYING when they showed Obama and Bethany goes, “Oh thank you Jesus” 😂💀


I don’t know about anyone else, but I have loved Eagan’s character development. Like he was willing to trade his life for Adrian’s. I would’ve never guess that


To be fair the writers did intend to carry the series through to June 2024 but after it was cancelled then signed to Netflix, it was only renewed for series 4, not 5and 6 as intended. I imagine that if they had those last two series a lot more would be answered in much more detail. Would definitely feel more complete but the writers did increasingly with what they had. To condense theee seasons of content into 1 and it still feel somewhat complete is pretty impressive


Eagan while not necessarily my favorite character has always been the most interesting to me in the sense that... I never thought he was pure evil. Yes he's been antagonistic, yes he's not the nicest guy, but ultimately he has a shocking amount of parallels to Ben and some lesser extent Saanvi.

Yes, Eagan kidnapped Ben. Of course he did, he thought Ben was working with the enemy -- Ben has assaulted people; Xer and passenger both (Cody and Adrian). Eagan broke into Vance's house, yes -- of course he did! From his perspective the NSA, and thus Vance, still looked like the enemy. Ben has broken into plenty places himself in the name of doing good. He also explicitly stopped Randall from shooting Vance's son. The most evil act he did, stealing the sapphire, can be likened to Saanvi taking the piece of Noah's Ark from Eureka -- again, why *would* you trust people you are convinced are the enemy with such a powerful object?

In an alternate universe Eagan could have easily been written as the lone wolf protagonist of the story. He wasn't so much a villain as he was an anti hero. I always expected him to end up turning "towards" the good side in the end and I'm so glad he got there.


I think a large part was Adrian pointing out that he was straight up sacrificing his ass (which we established he was quite fond of) for someone else which made Eagan forgive himself for the things he has done since he comes though when it counts, lightening his heart, and tipping the scales in his favor.


Everyone is disappointed with them returning to 2013. Bu what kind of ending would you have wanted instead?

That timeline was miserable. Grace and Zeke were dead, childhoods and relationships ruined, bad things happening to everyone, crazy Angelina. I don’t see them surviving the Death Date but continuing living in that actual hell timeline. But maybe that’s just me. I love happily ever after. I’m glad they got a happy ending and a do-over.


I think overall I’m reasonably satisfied with the ending, I always knew it wouldn’t be perfect.

The main disappointment is that for a show I have really enjoyed, it has ruined the rewatch-ability. Most of the storylines just feel irrelevant or entirely pointless now.


When you read interviews with Jeff Rake (as early as Season 3), he actually makes the plot clearer. But bizarrely, none of it made it into the show itself... and it doesn't change that S4 is extremely poorly written and retcons a lot of earlier stuff.

So, in interviews, Rake basically says he wanted to tell a modern Noah's Ark story. So, with that perspective, we can read in that god was frustrated with humanity and essentially used 828 as a test sample of humans. Basically, if 828 passed the test, god would spare the world. If they didn't, he'd destroy everything. From this perspective, Ben yelling at god at the end that only 11 passengers failed and the rest passed and "isn't that good enough?!?" actually makes some sense. It follows stories of biblical figures similarly negotiating with God.

But again, none of that actually made it into the show. The death date thing has happened at least 5 times in the show's history (828, meth heads, Al Zuras, Zeke, Griffon), and it was only ever once tied to the apocalypse (with 828). But we're never told why 828 is tied to the apocalypse.


Honestly, while I do think Jared and Michaela's relationship had it's merits, I don't think they should have gotten back together just for them to break up again. I would have preferred them to just get back to a normal, uncomplicated friendship. Similar to how they did Sav and Ben, unless they were going to keep them together in the end, I don't think they should have thrown the hookup scene in just for the fans.


Yeah, the writers did what they could with what they had. But my main question after watching the finale is, what happened to everyone in the original timeline? Did they get transferred into this timeline? Did the world of the original timeline just go to shit? Did everyone in the original timeline just die? Another question I have is about Zeke, didn’t he get teleported by into 2018 in the cave by the glow? Is that the Zeke of another timeline? So is the Zeke in the new timeline just not going to go to the cave? Adding time travel to shows always make things more complicated with all these questions.


In the end, the show was pretty poorly written and almost none of these questions were answered.

And I still don’t get why the tail fin was found in the ocean

For a long time, the show was hinting at the idea that reality was oscillating back and forth between "the plane crashed" and "the plane landed safely on time, " depending on what the passengers were doing. So, Saanvi killing the Major made the tailfin appear at the bottom of the ocean (as if the plane had crashed), whereas Cal "fulfilling his callings" made him age up 5 years (as if the plane had landed safely on time).

However, S4 basically never actually confirmed any of this. And in fact, absolutely zero reason is given for why Cal got older at all, and his final few episodes make it seem like he's actually failing at the callings and has to sacrifice himself to redeem himself and everyone.

I guess if you wanted to be generous, you could say that the tailfin reappearing was a "warning" to the passengers. But it's kinda silly that the whole plot of S3 was that the tailfin wanted to be found (via Cal's callings), only to demand that the passengers throw it back into the ocean.


Can someone explain to me why Fiona and captain daily didn’t come off the plane after the glow? And I still don’t get why the tail fin was found in the ocean..or why so many of their callings seemed like they died and then came back to life while they were gone…

Honestly I have so many more questions than answers after that finale


I'll never forget how the script rubbed the show's religion in the face of Zeke's resurrection. He has died after doing a good deed (good Samaritan), resurrects with a warm light and the next scene shows us the scientist on the floor crying because she can't find a cure scientifically. 😢😂


So Ben is saved because he forgives Angelina but God doesn't forgive her and turn her to ashes. The conman is saved because he "sacrificed" himself but then later he is not scarified and gets to live.
Also I don't forgive AI voices in horrible YouTube videos.


Fiona came back. You can see her walking through the April 7th 2013 door; even Ben talks about her arrival “even the people we lost along the way…”

Daly probably didn’t come back because he didn’t pass the final judgement. My guess is that it has sth to do with him forcing Fiona on the plane.


The plane blew up in season 1, so how did it reappear????


My only theory is that this show was only actually prewritten for 2 seasons. Everything up through Season 2 seems to gel perfectly fine, and seems to be headed in a coherent direction.

Season 3 starts off strong with more lore about the lifeboat. But then it's clear that the writers had no idea what the hell to do with the story. The tailfin reappeared at the beginning of S3. But what do we do with it? Let's just throw it back into the ocean. Almost verbatim same arc for the Ark. The Ark fragment randomly thrusts itself out of the earth, only to demand to be thrown back into a volcano fissure.

So, by the end of S3, I think the writers had no idea what the hell they were doing or where the story was going, and they were just flying by the seat of their pants. So, I think the S3 finale was just a bunch of meaningless, random bullshit happening in order to deliver a bigger surprise than the S2 finale or S3 midpoint (with the lifeboat). Why did Cal age up? There's literally absolutely zero story reason for why. Why did the plane reappear and disappear? Again, literally absolutely zero story reason for why. Why did the Ark fragment or tailfin appear? Literally absolutely zero story reason for why. It was just a bunch of disconnected, random bullshit to get a "surprise!!!" effect.


sadly they didn t have enough time to end this brilliant story in a satisfying way


i love the show but im confused at the ending, does it mean that the plane never disappeared from the start and it was like all in there head like a dream or something, please explain if poss


I was invested on this show, but then that ending came up... no actual answers were given just answers like "just because..." At that point I was rooting for the end of the world...

Another show ruined by its ending, the other shows is Demon Slayer and GoT even tho I started watching on season 8.
