Pink Floyd - Brain Damage Guitar Lesson (Acoustic)

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In this video lesson I am going to show you how to play a nice acoustic version of "Brain Damage" off of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon album.
This version was actually a request of a subscriber that sent me a video of Roger Waters playing the song on acoustic guitar. I have taken a bit of what Roger Waters did in that video but decided that strumming the chords sounded better during the chorus.
The verse contains a repetitive finger-picking pattern that shouldn't take you very long to get down. In fact, this picking pattern is exactly like it appears on the original album except we will be finger-picking it on acoustic guitar.
The chords used during the verse are pretty basic as well. You probably won't have much trouble since they are most likely chord shapes you have already played a million times before.
During the chorus I switch to a strummed picking style to better recreate the bigger sound of the original recording. The chords you will be playing during the chorus are also pretty basic. You will have to play a bar chord, a Bmin7 to be exact, but other than that it will be a piece of cake.
Hope you guys enjoy learning this haunting classic from the incredible Pink Floyd!