Strange Worldwide National Park Disappearances
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► Globally there are over 4,000 national parks and in America alone over 270 million people visit the national park system each year. There’s no official data on this as far as I can tell, but given that 270 million is over 80% of the entire population of the states, a safe bet would be to assume that around the world, many billions visit the national parks every year. If you follow David Paulides you’ll know that he has put an emphasis on those that go missing in wilderness areas, but also has a major interest in those that go missing in National Parks. Specifically in regards to National Park disappearances David mostly focuses on the United States and Canada as globally there tends to be language barriers that need to be overcome. In this video, I’ve made an attempt to overcome those barriers and to have a closer look at National Parks around the world and to see if I could find any disappearances that match the Missing 411 profile points laid out by David.
Before we get into things I just want to clarify that the overwhelming majority of disappearances are solved in one form or another. In fact, the vast majority are actually found safe and well, and in a timely manner. However, the disappearances that you will learn about in this video do not fit that average, and instead are those that have never been found or the circumstances surrounding the incident are very strange.
Regular viewers know that even at the best of times I butcher names completely which might be even more apparent here because I’m dealing with places within countries that I’m not familiar with, so I apologize in advance and mean no offence if I make any mispronunciations in regards to any areas local to you.
Strange Worldwide National Park Disappearances
National Park Disappearances
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