Strange Worldwide National Park Disappearances

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► Globally there are over 4,000 national parks and in America alone over 270 million people visit the national park system each year. There’s no official data on this as far as I can tell, but given that 270 million is over 80% of the entire population of the states, a safe bet would be to assume that around the world, many billions visit the national parks every year. If you follow David Paulides you’ll know that he has put an emphasis on those that go missing in wilderness areas, but also has a major interest in those that go missing in National Parks. Specifically in regards to National Park disappearances David mostly focuses on the United States and Canada as globally there tends to be language barriers that need to be overcome. In this video, I’ve made an attempt to overcome those barriers and to have a closer look at National Parks around the world and to see if I could find any disappearances that match the Missing 411 profile points laid out by David.

Before we get into things I just want to clarify that the overwhelming majority of disappearances are solved in one form or another. In fact, the vast majority are actually found safe and well, and in a timely manner. However, the disappearances that you will learn about in this video do not fit that average, and instead are those that have never been found or the circumstances surrounding the incident are very strange.

Regular viewers know that even at the best of times I butcher names completely which might be even more apparent here because I’m dealing with places within countries that I’m not familiar with, so I apologize in advance and mean no offence if I make any mispronunciations in regards to any areas local to you.

Strange Worldwide National Park Disappearances
National Park Disappearances

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Hello all, this one took a bit longer than usual to put together. As it turns out collating information while trying to translate it isn't the quickest task. The disappearances discussed only represent a small number of cases that I came across around the world, so we'll have to revisit this one again. Enjoy your weekend everyone and stay safe


That last story reminded me of something my grandfather taught me when he was teaching me hunting & tracking: To always turn around periodically. This is in order to 1: ensure you are not being stalked by something or someone & 2: (more relevant) to take landmarks from the opposite direction. You think you will be able to walk back out based on the landmarks you take going in, but I promise you that it won't always work. Everything in this world has more than one face, & if you don't turn around from time to time, you might not see what you've walked right by.


I have spent sometime over the years on canoe trips in wilderness in both the USA and Canada. It is easy to under estimate how dangerous wilderness areas can be. It doesn’t take more than a sprained ankle to throw you into a dangerous situation especially if you are hiking alone. It is very easy to get disoriented and lost etc. better to be extra cautious and come prepared and ultimately don’t go alone.


Hi there, I am from the Philippines. My brother had been missing in forest for nearly 3 years now. There were missing people in the woods for years as well where my brother had gone. You are correct, there is a language barrier this is not just in canada uk or usa. We just want him back. I saw the documentary and just like in documentary, my brother's shoes were found too. It was a family day out and he was within eyeshot when we lost him.


My mom and I got lost in a tiny wood. It must have been about a mile wide. So ridiculous but true. We were going round in circles trying to find our way out. It must have taken us over 3 hours of being lost to get out and it was getting dark. We still remember it to this day (about 15 years ago) with a bit of alarm and relief. So I really understand how one can easily get disorientated in nature, especially alone.


Last one is scary. Imagine how many people aren't found. Searches are usually cancelled earlier than that


You’re such a kind and considerate man. Love the video as always.


I absolutely adore these uploads; they are extremely informative 👍


I was watching some episodes from David Paullides' you tube channel and in one of them he talks about the fact that there are "really good" you tube channels covering probable missing 411 cases. He didn't go into specifics, but did say the good ones report facts with little to no commentary. So don't worry about tounge twisting pronunciations of names of places and people because it's the facts that bring the highest praise.


Listening to all the disappearances i can find i have often wondered about statements made by park rangers etc who say things like "there's no way they could have got through that terrain" and " no child could walk that far" etc, they should be more open minded and not restrict searches to where they think a persons limit is


This video shows some real dedication.. Bridging the gap between the work done in the united states and canada involving stange disappearances and applying that to the rest of the world is a lot of work.

Well done


I got lost or disoriented in the Michigan wilderness which ended up being in about 2 acres of thick Forrest when I was about 12 and it scared the crap out of me. So non paranormal conditions exist for sure.


Awesome narration and love how he does updates with stories and also doesn’t leave empty air in between stories like some do.Definitely the best in this genre


Always quality uploads from this channel, one of my favourites


24:00 People taking off their clothes can be explained. When people are freezing past a certain point, their bodies cannot distinguish between hot and cold, so they are freezing but think they are burning up, so they remove their clothes.


This is one of my most fav channels..I love, LOVE getting that notification of a new video!!! Yay..😁


You said you want an honest opinion so here’s some honesty ... fantastic video! I always enjoy listening to this channel. 😊


I would bet you one trillion dollars that when a person says, “We only looked away for a few seconds”, that they actually looked away for much, much longer.


I went hiking through a jungle in Fiji, the land is a carbon copy to Hawaii’s and in the middle of this hike I felt pure terror, I remember having to sit down on a log to try and calm myself, i kept feeling something was staring at me from all angles, I kept turning around to see if I could catch something looking but there was nothing, my hairs on my head and arms stood straight up, started to sweat and I felt sick from fear, I sat there for about 10 minutes and I was scared to move. Luckily I could see a road from where I was sitting, so I walked straight towards the road quickly I got out of there, I think I was about to be missing 411 case. The forests of the world are alive, maybe some good and some are evil. This place where I was hiking was where the movie anaconda was filmed, just thought I’d add that in there, it looks like a prehistoric jungle


What I keep hearing is how far out of the search areas people are found. We underestimate each other to a very tragic degree. In many areas, both good and bad.
