Choosing the Best Cruise for Your Family With Andrea Updyke and Amiyrah Martin

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In this video, you will learn:

1. The art of choosing the perfect cruise line for your vacation. We have Andrea Updyke, a seasoned traveler with a wealth of experience with Royal Caribbean, sharing her insights. She's been on six cruises over the past 18 years, each time with a different perspective - as a single traveler, as part of a couple, and with her kids. Andrea reveals how the itinerary, not the ship, determines their choice. What's her secret to enjoying every cruise? Watch to find out.

2. The magic of Disney Cruise Lines, as told by Amiyrah Martin, an award-winning blogger and host of the Plan Disney podcast. She first set sail with Disney at 19, and has since introduced her family to the enchanting world of Disney cruises. How does cruising with family enhance your understanding of what a cruise line offers? Amiyrah has the answers.

3. A thrilling debate between our esteemed guests, Andrea and Amiyrah, on the merits of Royal Caribbean and Disney Cruise Lines. Who comes out on top in this epic cruise line showdown? You'll have to tune in to find out!

This episode of the Wealth of Geeks podcast not only offers a deep dive into the world of cruising but also serves as an invaluable resource for those planning to embark on their own cruise adventure. Join us as we set sail on a journey of discovery, exploring the best cruise lines through the eyes of two experienced travel experts. Happy cruising!


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