Homemade Olive Oil 🫒 Is it possible? Is it worth it?

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I had once visited an associate in the south of France who had a large house in the middle of large lavender and olive plantations. He was not a farmer but a wealthy businessman with a passion for cooking. He used olive oil extracted from his own olives. In his gazebo he had a manual cast iron oil press clamped to a table. He pressed oil from very ripe olives that were oozing with oil. It was a small contraption and of course, not one for handling large quantities, but was effective.


I made a little oil last year using this press and unless you have a serious amount of olives its just for fun as you only get a little but top quality . Another thing is anyone whos looking to buy olive trees for oil a good variety is the greek variety Koronieki they are very high in oil and quality .


This is why I love your channel 🥰. You provide 'spectacular' content and information regardless of the success of the end result.
Where the end result is not successful you help others learn and hopefully prevent them from the same pitfalls. It also gives credibility to your end results that are 'spectacular'.
Great video, thank you!


Best channel for homemade essential cooking ingredients👌Which i love.


I attended a olive oil making course years ago and they had a washer, augur, malaxer and a centrifuge. All made in Italy and out of stainless steel. Each part is expensive as it was larger batches than yours. Not sure if there are those made that are small. Glad you attempted this.


Thank you for doing this video. I have wondered if that machine would work for olive oil, now I know. You saved me from an expensive disappointment. 
Do you or any viewers know of any equipment that will work to make olive oil at home?


How did the oil that you did get, taste?
Spectacular....or maybe not?


Good work. Thanks for the time put into this project.


I'm so glad you made the video as I'm about to harvest my olives (up in Belgium). I normally just make olives for aperitifs, but had thought on a few occasions to try and make oil. However, after watching you, I think I'll stick with the aperitifs again this year.


Good video and thanks for being honest…we need more honest people out there 🤗🤗🤗
I will not complain about the price for extra virgin oil anymore


Grazie mille per il tuo impegno nel rispondere alla mia domanda, adoro il tuo canale da Giordania 🙏🇯🇴🇮🇹


The food scientists are back!!! Very interesting!!! Ciao!!


Ottimo video e setup! Forse la macina avrebbe bisogno di un fabbro o di un adattatore a tubo per cambiarne la forma e alimentare più olive allo stesso tempo. Spero di poterti dare qualche altra idea. Credo che ora ti manchi solo una centrifuga per separare più efficacemente la pasta di olive dall’olio, quindi se ne estrai meno di quanto ti aspetteresti potrebbe dipendere da quello.

Il processo potrebbe essere aiutato portando la temperatura della pasta verso i 27 gradi, e l’olio estratto, sia per decantazione che per centrifuga, sarebbe ancora considerato “cold pressed”. Senza nocciolo, forse si estrae più olio a freddo; potresti aggiungere i noccioli macinati magari alla terza estrazione.

Per estrarre altro olio dopo la prima estrazione dalla stessa pasta, potresti ripetere la procedura a 40-50 gradi, anche se questa seconda estrazione potrebbe non essere considerata ancora “cold pressed”.

Dopo una seconda estrazione, potresti provare con una terza. Più alta sarà la temperatura, più olio potresti separare dalla pasta di olive. Tuttavia, temperature superiori ai 70 gradi potrebbero iniziare a cambiare la composizione dell’olio, riducendone la qualità. L’olio di terza estrazione potrebbe avere un sapore più leggero, magari più adatto per friggere.


I also tried a hand crank grinder to press olives. Got about a teaspoon of oil out of 1 cup of olives, maybe mine were more oily. It might have damaged my grinder because now paint is flaking off and i cant use it for anything else. Gave up in the end. My friend worked at an olive oil factory and they have a huge machine that crushes then spins the olive pulp very fast - a centrifuge, and tons of bright green oil comes out. So technically you need one machine to crush into a pulp, and another to spin the pulp fast to get the olive oil out. I would also love to have a miniature at home version of this. Still looking. 👀 😅


You really have lot of patients keep it up👍😊


If only I had an olive tree growing in my backyard...


thanks good that you explain it, ,,,BUT can you press COCOUNT to make oil with this machine


What a question. How did people get olive oil long ago?


OMG.... that is a lot of work for a little bit of oil. I think I'll stick to purchasing olive oil. Great video!


I will just continue to buy extra virgin olive oil. I'm not going to ask how to make baby oil. 😂
