Acts 2 Is Not About Water Baptism, But Forgiveness | Holy Spirit & Last Days - Caleb Robertson

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In preaching school student asked, "Why did God select water baptism to be involved in the salvation process?" The teacher answered, "We do it because God said so!"

That is not only an ignorant answer, but it is a legalistic answer. Does God not want us to understand Him, and the reasoning behind His commands? Is Acts 2 just an empty command to get in the water or is it teaching us something more?

00:00 - Examples In the STORY
24:30 - Speaking in Tongues
49:00 - Gift of the Holy Ghost & The Promise
1:38:00 - The Last Days in the Past
1:58:00 - Did Jesus Go to Hell?
2:12:00 - Gospel & Doctrine
2:30:00 - Who Shaped Your Thinking?
2:42:40 - Acts 2 is God's MERCY, FORGIVENESS
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1:22:31!👍👍👍 Exactly! Nobody wants to talk about the fact that father dwells in us and Christ is in us, they just want to make a big deal about the Holy Spirit dwelling in us in a non miraculous way, which is never taught in scripture!


I imagine this is how people felt listening to Foy Wallace preach for two or three hours.
Three hours flew by! Thank you for your work.


Excellent teaching.. i have been taught more fully.


Caleb, at 2:36:48 ish, you bring up Romans 14. There will be disagreements, but we’re not to argue. Can you clarify this. All too often it seems we will take a stand on a doctrine and argue to a split in the church.


Excellent class Caleb. Just a quick question, I don't use the KJV, I use the nkjv. Is there's something wrong with the nkjv?


The apostle John lived beyond the destruction in AD 70. so would the apostle lose all of the miraculous abilities just because of AD 70 occurred?
