Travel in Indonesia, If you stay near Borobudur, spend a day relaxing!

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Once you visit the Borobudur ruins, you won't find anywhere else you want to go. I decided to spend a day relaxing. I met a couple from Osaka who lived in Bali by chance, and we had a lot of interesting stories to tell, so it was an exciting day. Meeting people by chance on a trip is also a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

There are few tourists staying near Borobudur, and most of them seem to come on tours from Yogyakarta. Therefore, I hardly saw any foreign tourists when walking around the city. I thought a day trip would be enough if I was just visiting Borobudur, but I also enjoyed the experience of spending time in a local Indonesian town. I went to two massage parlors, and the staff at "3ZEN" I went to this time were cheerful and fun, so I used it in the thumbnail as an introduction.

■ Indonesia Tourism Board

■ 3Zen Reflexology
Jl. Pramudyawardhani No.38, Dusun XIII, Borobudur, Kec. Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah 5655

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■Jaane Channel

■Jaane Travel Channel introducing Japanese hotels and restaurants for international travelers


00:00 Intro
01:24 Walking around the city
03:10 3ZEN (Massage)
06:20 Walking around the city
05:37 Our neighbor
07:55 Preview of next episode
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