A powerful external fx unit with Overbridge: Analog Rytm Mk2 : Free project incl.

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Daily Rytm creations each with a project available to download for free.

Elektron Analog Rytm MKII 8 Voice Analog Drum Machine & Sampler.

Today's sketch is using the Rytm Mk2 as an external fx unit. This is something I have done before, which is a great way to do remixes or add something more to a track, maybe using the filter or the modulation capabilities, but, I really haven't done enough of this as it really sounds pretty good. You have to use Overbridge as a plugin in your software of choice. I have included an Ableton template for you, as it can be a mind-f**k setting it up, especially if you are cutting back on coffee like me.

Basically you want to run your external source, into whatever sound card you are using, unless you are using a sound within Ableton, and then connect that source to the Overbridge plugin on a separate track, ensuring you select where that external source is routed in your plugin under the USB icon on the plugin. Don't be fooled into think the FX section includes the delay/reverb, it doesn't, it's just the distortion circuit and compressor. You can get access to the delay/reverb through a track, as I have done with Track1/BD. You will need to allow the sound through by putting down some Trigs in the track, make sure your filter is up etc and you should hear it come through. All the projects included should have sorted.

This one is using a simple SH-101 stab/kick pattern, your classic resonant filter being triggered, sample excerpt included in the link above. This is synced with and running into the Rytm via my SSL sound card. Having the sound source external, and using the Expression Learn Control In feature, in this case Control In 1 off Track 1/BD, you get some cool variations just simply playing about with the volume of the external source, which I like.

Personally I love it when it sounds good enough without having to do much in the moment to get it there. I used to think this was because I was lazy or something, which I am definitely not, but I think it's more to do with getting myself out the way as much as possible, and letting the machines do the work, and I can sit back and smile at what is happening, nudging it one way or another, working out where me and the machine might wanna travel together, while I hitch a lift.

Elektron Analog Rytm MKII
SSL 2 Audio Interface
Sony a5100 Camera



∎ THX ∎
Play into the algorithm, or don't, that's your choice.
Рекомендации по теме

This is great, as I have one synth without overdrive and reverb.
The sound is amazing together with the Rytm.
It would be great if it would be possible without overbridge in the future.
With these recent great updates in the Rytm, I know it is a bit much to ask.
Thank you for the explination.
