Can A Gay Man And A Straight Man Be Friends?

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He's gay...his friend is straight...can they *gasp* BE FRIENDS? Well, turns out it's a little more nuanced!
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Sure but it's woman that will think your gay and men too . I had a girl I was dating thinking I was gay because I had a gay friend that I know since 1993 and it was 2003 he came out as gay I am not going to stop being his friend because he is gay.


I'm gay and my best friend is straight! We hang out all the time and tell each other everything, EVERYTHING, lol. I wouldn't trade him for the world. He recently told me that I gotta baptize his child if he ever has one. So to answer the title question to this video, Yes it is possible.


I have a friend from highschool who identifies as bisexual. While I personally identify as straight and he knows this we are still very good friends.


One of my best friends since we played in mud puddles when we were 3 years old I came out to him before anyone else knew another buddy of ours ghosted me when I told him, he belittled and teased my best bud about remaining close to me as always he asked him once " Dude do you know what he is " he responded yes I do he is my brother, my best friend anything else does not matter. I am grateful to have this straight man as not only my friend he is my brother . He is my ride or die friend who always has my back and I will always have his


Absolutely. I’m gay and my best friend was straight, he passed away, but we were the best of friends for almost 10 years. He went to gay bars with me and I went to clubs with him. It’s was a friendship. That’s what friends do.


It doesn’t matter what the skin color is, this happens among any groups of people. I am Hispanic and it’s the same problem that I have with most of my guy friends and I feel insecure around them because I don’t know how to act around them and how they’re gonna act around me. Like come on I just need friends idc about all that stereotypical crap


Yes, they can. It's a friend period. Who cares of they're gay or not. 🙄😒


Absolutely. I have an "inner circle" straight friend for 30 years. The friendship's success depends on the gay guy not being attracted to the straight guy.


Theater Department graduate here, yes they can be friends, takes a person that is secure in themselves to not worry about what someone's gender/sexual preference is. If more were this secure in themselves this world would be a bit more kind loving and accepting.


I'm a gay white man, and I've never met a straight white man that wants a friendship. I don't think it's possible for gays and straights to be friends. They'll be polite and nice to each other, but that's it.


One of my husband's friends is gay. He is a lovely man. They get on really well. They love to nerd-out about electronic stuff ( especially home automation *yawn*). They are both white - rural England - and I have absolutely no issue whatsoever! Sorry, what is the problem again?


I think so, I had one gay friend, pretty cool dude, lmao we had some funny ass conversations, man I kinda wanna talk to him now I ain’t talked to him in forever, kinda got me missing my gay friend no homo


I'm a woman and both my best friends are guys, one is gay one is not. (I do have woman friends too)


As a gay man, I always thought that my avoidant from straight guys as friends is only from my unjustified fear of rejection and discrimination that roaming in my head.

Now after I watched this video I'm realizing that this fear is based on facts, no matter if it is 30 or 40 precent, it's still a high chances of being rejected.

And even if someone will have friendship with someone even though he's gay, what kind of friendship will it be? Will it be as mutual and deep as it could be if their friend wasn't gay? I doubt that. That's interesting because I had thoughts about challenging my fears and work on my communication skills with men, and especially with straights, but now I have doubts...


You all got an awesome show! Great work ya got here and excellent subject matter!


04:15 Oh, God, that dreaded "man up" barb is the best way to alienate a gay man and shut down any possibility of genuine connection. The problem's definitely not exclusive to the black community in my unfortunate experience. Great discussion! 👌 #2341


"He's my brother, let us live in peace"


my only question that wasn't posed in this situation is maybe there is a miscommunication with "hanging out" maybe he thinks this is the beginning of trying to ask the straight friend out on a date? maybe he needs to frame it as a joke and be like "bro you're so not my type, I just wanna go to the club, I'll be your wing man" you know what I mean? maybe straight friend thinks they were getting to close and is now being seen as a possible dating option for the gay friend so they are trying to distance themselves


This was a terrific discussion. MANY of us gay guys have close straight friends, so that aspect is entirely possible. The issue raised by the questioner involves a straight guy's hesitation to hang out publicly with a gay friend, there may be reasons, as mentioned in this discussion. Patience and respect go a long way, and there's no need to back out of a beneficial friendship that isn't exactly the way you want it.


The dude on the right is an undercover brother!
