5 Mind Blowing Mysteries Of The Human Brain

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The brain is an incredible organ, and according to recent research it's even more complex that first thought. A single human brain is believed to have more molecular-scale switches than all of the internet connections, routers and computers in the world.

So here we have 5 mind blowing mysteries surround the brain that are sure to leave you thinking. From the mysteries of dreaming to the unanswerable question of what is reality?


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Guys think about it... the brain actually named *itself* the brain!


If you can lucid dream share your stories! They are always so interesting!


"All we can do is wonder and enjoy life" this is my new motto👏🏽👌🏼


Have any of you ever tried the thing where you stare at yourself in a mirror in a dimly lit room (try not blink and focus on the middle of your face), you start to see weird things. Like your face melting or turning into something else. It's crazy how your brain reacts like that. I wonder why. I know there was research done on this topic.


Someone get me a pound of DMT so i can talk to machines


Absolutely love that last line. "I guess all we can do is wonder & enjoy life", simply but beautifully put. All the mysteries of life can be over whelming, what is the meaning of all this, but as long as you enjoy the journey then it's all totally worth it regardless of the meaning. Keep up the videos brother best on YouTube. Peace & love be with you.


Makes you so high that you visit aliens, That's some strong ass dope


What if dreams are real and real life is a dream 🤔


I would rank this as one of your best videos to date, certainly one of my favourites anyway :)


Mysteries of the human brain, as told by the human brain.


I took DMT and from my experience my whole body's out line was gone. I felt like an energy hovering out my body like a fluid that has not structure. I was seating on the couch. I couldn't feel the couch or body. Just this energy trying to flow out. Almost like my life was trying to move on. So I concluded that this what people must feel form dying. A relief, maybe.


I hate when I'm having a bad dream that I know is a dream and wanna wake up but can't 😭


Guys, Think of a picture, Any picture! Its like you can see it and you can't


When I was a child, I thought that nothing existed including me, that everything was just what i designed, but I could not control anything. The world wasn't real, and neither was I, the only existing thing is my feeling. I felt my life was a dream. It was just longer and realer than other dreams, so that I could not realize that I was dreaming. When I grew up a bit, I saw everything was too real to be a dream and I didn't keep that thinking anymore. When coming to university, I knew that it's called solipsism and my teacher said it was wrong. I have no idea what the life is. Maybe it's really a dream, maybe my teacher is wrong and me from the past is right. When I wake up, everything disappears or both I and the world disappear. Someday, nothing's left. Who knows. As said, whatever it is, just enjoy it!


Human: studies brain


THAT. MEANS THE BRAIN IS Studyng its self


Also you are dead and being given birth and everything in between simultaneously. The universe doesn't have memory. The brain says what came first so in a sense time is made by the brain. Also you are not the person you are right now you are the timeline of that person. You are what ever you do in life


Phantom pains can be fucking evil!!

I was 11 when I was hit by a car, and lost a quarter of my lower right body. In medical terms, it's called a trauma induced full right hind quarter amputation.

My pelvis was snapped on a 45 degree angle, so everything was cleanly and swiftly torn off. Right half of my pelvis, right arse cheek, right hip, and of course, right leg. I also lost my coccyx and a little bit of my sacrum, so sitting is a literal pain in the arse LOL

I've had more bloody trouble from the leg I don't have than the leg I do! It's not the phantom pains that drive me up the wall, but the itches.

Phantom itches are the hell! I can pinpoint them to the exact location, such as right on top of the ankle bone, half an inch down and to the left of my kneecap, and the amount of bastard itches I've had right there on my missing arse cheek is nobody's business!

Those are the worst, let me tell you!

I've long been intrigued in phantom limbs, and nigh on every amputee I've spoken too reports that the missing limb gets smaller and smaller, they have also reported that the phantom limb is always in a particular position, so to speak.

My theory for phantom limbs is quite simple.

The brain recalls the position, size etc of the limb before it was removed, and that is imprinted into the memory, so when the amputee's body changes as they grow older, the phantom limb feels smaller in comparison.

With me, my missing leg is always in the same place. The knee is slightly bent outwards, and the foot is turned inwards. This makes me think that the last position my leg was in before amputation was just that.

I can flex it, wiggle the toes, and I've just recently discovered I can in fact wiggle the entire leg itself, which I just put down to the growth of my mental powers LOL

It really is very, very weird!

If anyone has any questions, or wants proof of my injury, feel free to ask and thou shall receive :D

Edited to add: Those born without limbs who have the phantom limb, I believe that is the brain automatically 'filling in the gaps', for sake of description. The brain knows what the body is supposed to be composed of, and if there's something missing, then I think the brain simply fills in the missing information.


I lucid dream in about every dream I remember. Especially in scary dreams or really weird dreams. towards the end i'm basically like "I've had enough of this, i know i'm dreaming so i'll just leave now" and i wake myself up. Sometimes i notice it in the beginning of my dream and it's GREAT!


I've heard that you forget %95 of your dream quickly from multiple sources, but I feel as though sometimes I retain at least %40 of my dreams throughout the day. Anyone else?


Some of my most reoccurring dreams:
-Being able to fly but not being able to control the path or speed, typically just bouncing off buildings and shit.
-Trying to run but the harder I try to run the more I am held back by some invisible force. I somehow just become parallel to the ground as I try to run.
-Similar to the running, I want to punch somebody in the face but as hard as I try to punch, my arm/fist moves so slowly and can barely graze the target, causing 0 damage.

Anybody else get these?
