5 Mind Blowing Mysteries Of The World

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What mystery do you find most interesting? The 5000 year old ancient pyramids of Giza, The 2000 year old Antikythera Mechanism believed to be a tool used to calculate the movements of stars and planets, The 3000-2000BC Stonehenge of England, The mystery man Mr Benjamin Kyle or the Out of body experience?

Here another mystery that fascinates million of us around the world -

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We always underestimate early humans, that's why everything looks like a mystery. They might not have had our modern technology, but they still possessed the world most powerful tool, the brain.


"But maybe we under estimate our early humans". One of the smartest things I've heard you say yet.


I had an out of body experience once, at the dentist's. I am pretty sure it was just the nitrous. But I felt really hot, and I was watching the dentist and his assistant work on me from the ceiling. I said "I'm on the ceiling" The dentist stopped working and said "What?" I saw myself point at myself on the ceiling and I said "I am on the ceiling, watching you" The assistant adjusted some nobs and I was sucked back into my body. The dentist looked at me and said "Are you back in your body?" I said "Yes." and he went back to work. Craziest experience of my life.


What I find more mind boggling is the inside of the pyramids


Am I the only one who thinks that sometimes we severely underestimate 'early' humans? I mean, wouldn't geniuses exist even before? And I don't think only one person at a time among the whole of the human race could think of a specific concept. (Don't you have those moments when you find a new invention online and remember that you thought about making one of those even before you saw that article?)


All I know is that my ancestors really enjoyed moving big, heavy things around.


It's been two years. Where's that great pyramids video?


for the Pyramids i truly think the Human race was smarter then we are today, something took place thousands of years ago that changed us. 


Videos like these make me feel like the chick who blew up from the alien's knowledge at the end of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: "I VANT TO


I've never had an out of body experience, but I sometimes have dreams of the future. They are very silly dreams, not about 'big' things. I'm pretty skeptical about paranormal things, but I cannot explain those dreams. I once had a dream where I was working with a classmate on a school project and she had a question about it and asked another student in the library where we were working. At the time of the dream I thought it was weird, but forgot about it, until I went to a new school and this exact scene happened. I can still not explain how I had a dream about a place where I've never been and people I've never met and it becomes real. Did anyone else ever experienced the same??


Don't forget to do a video about the mysteries of the pyramids


The Pyramids weren't built by Aliens. We just underestimated the capability of our ancestors. To be honest, I find early human beings much more knowledgeable than today's human. They knew a lot of things (weird things) we do not know. 


subscribed :) i really like your videos especially the 5 fascinating stories about the Bermuda Triangle :)


I've suffered from sleep paralysis since age 13 I'm 31 now. Although sleep paralysis is terrifying when you learn not to fight it, out of body experiences become normal. The Head Over Heels feeling of tumbling when trying to move is a little frustrating at first but learning which objects you can and cannot pass through proved to be fun. On a more interesting note it's what you can find during the Out of Body Experience that will leave you praying for more and more of these horrific experiences. During one out of Body Experience I encountered a purple Vortex which completely consumed me on the other side was a world that I could create and Destroy with a wave of a hand. After entering this vortex more and more I begin to meet individuals who taught me about the place on the other side of the Veil. I have absolutely no fear of death I've seen what's on the other side.


Although this isn't my story but my boyfriends, I can relate it because he's told me about it many times. He had suffered a heart attack when he was in his younger 20's from something that he shouldn't have been doing. Well... it was drug related. His then girlfriend was there and was witness to everything that happened. She said that he started shaking very hard, similar to an epileptic seizure and this lasted for at least an hour. Ultimately, he died because his heart stopped beating and she couldn't find a pulse. After a few hours, he somehow woke up and said that he had felt like he had been hit by a truck. It took a few days afterwards to finally start feeling normal, but when he did, he was able to tell her what had happened. He said that he knew that he was shaking and it hurt tremendously, but it was getting unbearable and eventually everything started getting dark. He then found himself floating in the corner of his room, staring down at his body with his girlfriend resting on his shoulder crying. What seemed like a few minutes passed by and then a bright light lit up behind him. He turned around and saw a figure of a man standing in the light. He knew then that it was Jesus because he felt the most wonderful warmness come over him. He said that Jesus spoke to him in his head but he can't remember now what he said. He then pointed down to his body and told him that it was not his time yet. My boyfriend then found himself floating back down and sort of seeping back into his body and then waking up feeling horrible. When he finally went to see his doctor, they told him that he had suffered a heart attack and that he was truly lucky to be alive. 


I've read somewhere that if we lived in the 4th dimension then we would be able to have a 360 degrees vision and even be able to see ourselves interacting with the world. The out of body experiences where people see themselves lying down while unconscious remind me of that. It's like our body is 3d but our soul is 4d.


When my uncle was young (early 20's). He was in a car accident when he flipped his car over an embankment at night after losing control. He was stranded un able to move from his injuries after being ejected out of his car. His car was out of sight from the road and no one had seen the moment in which his car lost control, so he laid stranded for 3 days unable to move. He said during that time he had multiple out of body experiences where he would be standing over his body looking around and at himself and around the wreckage. Finally on the 3rd day someone spotted his car and he was rescued. He could never understand why he experienced what he did, but he was lucky to have survived out there for so long.


Hey Top5's, is that you at 5:41? :D <3


In the past I would walk around in complete dark with a blind fold.  After months of practice I would like see myself walking around like from a birds eye view.


For the great pyramids of Giza, to level it out the ground they would use mud walls, and then poured water in it. Since water levels itself out, whatever rock is above the water they would cut out. And then the water would evaporate, and cut off the rocks again, and so forth. Also, the get the rocks so perfect, they would find a weak spot in the rock, and hit it open with wood. It would crack right in half. To get it back to the pyramid miles away, they would float it down the Nile River back. Lastly like ancient Mesopotamians, the Egyptians would use a "shadoof" (the Egyptian way of spelling it) but without a wheel. It was kind of like the first ever crane. They would have a weight on one side (and a couple of men) and the rock on the other. They would all get onto one side and the rock would lift, and they could place it wherever. Hope that helped:)
