feminist icons and non-fiction recs // international women's day 2023

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hey friends, I wanted to make a video in honor of this year's International Women's Day!

~ Intersectionality is a key aspect of my feminism, and therefore any comments expressing TERF ideology will not be tolerated! ~

Activist, Books, Interviews, and Articles Mentioned:

[Angela Davis]
~ Women, Race, and Class by Angela Davis

- Sweatshop Warriors: Immigrant Women Workers Take on the Global Factory by Miriam Ching Yoon Louie

- The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women by Jessica M. Valente

[Kimberlé Crenshaw]

- Transgender History by Susan Stryker

- Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More by Janet Mock

[bell hooks]
~ Ain't I a Woman?: Black Women and Feminism by bell hooks
~ Feminism is for Everyone: Passionate Politics by bell hooks

- Without A Net: The Female Experience of Growing Up Working Class edited by Michelle Tea

- The Price of Motherhood: Why the Most Important Job in the World Is Still the Least Valued by Ann Crittenden

[Audre Lorde]
~ Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde

- Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body by Susan Bordo



Where to Find Me:
Instagram: @paperbackstacks


This video does not contain any sponsored content.


#reading #books #booktube #bookrecommendations #feminism #internationalwomensday #internationalwomensday2023 #feministbooks #feminist #nonfiction
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Ooh I love this video and so many of these thinkers 😊 The Purity Myth has been on my TBR for awhile and I should make a point to pick that up soon and I am also super interested in Sweatshop Warriors now that it is on my radar


This video is outstanding, Lillian. I'm going to show my age, but the last women's studies class I took was way back in the late 90's! I'm glad to see that your list contains books from the 90's. In that class, we spent time reading This Sex Which Is Not One by Luce Irigaray which I didn't see on your list. Unfortunately, I can't remember much from This Sex Which is Not One because it's been a while, so I can't say if it stands up to scrutiny today or not. Thank you for your explanation of intersectionality - I hadn't heard of this before (again, showing my age!) but I'm glad that the tension between feminists, lesbians, and the transgender community is being addressed. I know that historically there has been tension between feminists, the gay community, and the transgender community. I saw that you used the word TERF in your written description and, not knowing what that meant, I looked that up, so I appreciate knowing what a TERF is now. As a school librarian, I want trans students to feel safe in my library, so I struggle with what to do about the Harry Potter series. It's certainly a profound disappointment to me that J. K. Rowling is transphobic. I struggle with the idea of whether an artist's work can be appreciated on its own merit separate from the artist. I wonder also if you've ever watched Disclosure on Netflix, which is about the history of how transgender people have been represented in media. I think, if memory serves, that Susan Stryker provides some commentary in this documentary. And I had no problem hearing you in this video so I think it serves you well to go without music while you're speaking. Your voice is what we want to hear! And finally, it is snowing in my part of Virginia this morning, so hooray for the first snow I've seen this winter! Woo-hoo!


This was excellent! Thank you, Lilian for all the thoughtful recommendations and articles! 💛


Such a cool list of resources! Unbearable weight sounds really interesting!


I am very interested in many of the topics you have highlighted. Maybe I am an elder fan as I have a hard time hearing you 😥 Keep up the good work with focusing on these authors!


Thank you for the recommendations Lillian, especially with such a focus on intersectionality. Unfortunately internalised and lateral sexism is still all too present in the world. As a disabled person, I'm particularly interested in the last article you mentioned. By the way, I just wanted to check what your pronouns are? 
~ Jensha
