Is the OP-Z Build Quality Really THAT Bad? (2020)

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Is the OP-Z Build Quality Really THAT Bad? (2020)

Today we're looking at the Teenage Engineering OP-Z to see how it's holding up after a year and a half of solid use. The issues we'll covering are the bending, double triggering, and the encoders popping out. Let me know if you've got any questions, and enjoy the video!


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My story: purchased one second hand in the past. Had issues with the battery and the doubletrigs. Gave it away. 1 year later purchased another one, new, had a battery problem from the start, and it was bent right from the box. Returned it to get the battery fixed, they actually sent a new one again which had the popping encoders (3 out of 4 where popped already on the new unit), was also bent, plus this one had a very bad bending button, you had to press really hard to get it to pitchbend. So, I returned it and asked for a refund ; will maybe purchase one in 1- 2 years again when they maybe take better care with quality control. On top of this I also recently purchased an OP1 which had one dead line of the screen. Teenage Engineering, your products are really smart design and programming wise, but those issues above are not easily forgettable.


My first OP-Z had dirt trapped under the encoders, a really loose back case and had issues with double presses. I have to give TE their dues they replaced it quickly and the new one has been much better. They did an AMA on Reddit recently where they acknowledged the issues and said they have improved their quality control. They also mentioned the bending is normal and said that avoiding humidity can help avoid it bend further. I’ll defo be keeping a close eye on the new unit though and I’m glad they gave me a full warranty on the replacement.


thanks for talking about these issues. I've seen some adding rubber pads on the center so it won't bend so easily due to use


Mine has the bends and the occasional double trigger! I've also had frustrations with the rubber feet/screws. They can get easily stuck and the rubber is so soft that I've damaged a couple of feet that wouldn't budge. If any of your feet feel stuck, I highly recommend not to commit to unscrewing unless installing a module. The plastic phone holder inside is not worth unscrewing for.


i put a folded piece of paper under the middle of the opz when im going to be jamming on it for a while. im heavy handed when i play and have seen some bending. oddly, the instruction manual for the PO33 works great. haha


Yes, it really is that bad. Warped unit, popping encoders, double-trigs, perishable cheap rubber feet, loose back plate, utterly dull colour scheme and it all comes wrapped in a cardboard box that would disgrace a £5 throwaway fountain pen...but the worst part is that TE are not sorting out these problems which they must have been aware of before release date. That is not what a good company is about. It is not a premium product, and at that price it really shouldn`t have the feel of something half that price. It`s the definition of bittersweet. It`s genius but in a box that you tv remote laughs at. Everyone should sent them a pic of their warped unit, and shame them into some sort of response. I mean, take a bit of pride in your products, be honest, listen to customers and rectify the faults. Pretension + Ego. Remember, no-one is gonna wanna buy a used, bent up op-z.


I also used the folded paper under the middle of the opz to try and stop the bend, but the best solution is to get a couple of pairs of the stick on rubber feet. I found it difficult to find thin enough ones though, but it does work.
Also, one of the nobs on mine popped out too, but the trick with plumbers tape worked fine and, so far, I haven't had any more issues. Obviously we shouldn't need to do that, but there are a couple of simple fixes. Also, with TE's customer service being virtually nonexistent, it's easier to do those fixes than try and deal with TE.


For that price the least they could have done is to have a sturdy aluminium shell. This is a big no no for me.


The OPZ is amazing for creating music fast but mine doesn't sit flat on the table and double presses keys all the time.


I think that sticking six adhesive rubber feets on the back of the device right off the box would solve the banana issue... And yes, magnets demagnetize from time to time... So re-magnetizing it would easily solve this issue too...


I checked mine - its slightly bent too. The bit I hate is the loose back cover though. Also - whilst checking, I somehow discovered that if you press the Project / Mixer / Tempo or battery level buttons 3 times ( instead of holding them down ) - they stay on. I cant remember seeing this in the manual or guides. I may have dreamt this. :-)


I feel like a credit in the middle would help a lot. Aside from the fact something that costs as much as this thing should not have these issues but.


I think every op-z has that bend, mind does. I haven't had any problems yet (knock on wood)
but I've heard people having trouble with issues. I did not know the encoders were magnetic, I love have the feel it's like hi tech wheel


I just got one. The back is loose, the battery may be defective? I’ll watch the battery go down a percent or 2 every minute I play with it. I don’t get the hype of this thing, but I literally got it 2 days ago. The op-1 field however was phenomenal. Had to return it because I just couldn’t justify the price already owning a Maschine and mpc live 2.


for the bend, juste put à little tape at the cente, it will stop de force that make bend


mine is also bend and I haven't noticed any issues with that. My encoders popped out (3 out of four so far) and I put them snugg in with a little snippet of thin tape so the friction keeps them from popping out again which took like 4min in total :)
YES its expensive, YES I understand people complaining about the cost to quality ratio but hey you gonna miss out on this little musical magical instrument if you cannot live with this or at least try finding one that you are happy with quality wise (because I also read people not having any "issues" at all) so TL/DR: awesome device


How long before yours was completely unusable ? With the double triggers ?


and just as a wild guess, i`d say the warping issue has to with the humidity of Malaysia and the materials that are being used...but i really have no idea.


Thank you for making this video
I plan to buy the OP-Z at my local Guitar Center (to support my local music store).
My OP-1 is missing a few keys, and my PO-32 Tonic bent until it no longer works.
I know Teenage Engineering makes products not up to the standards of my playing, but their sounds and playability are what keep me coming back.
I hope someone 3D prints a better hardware casing for the flagship Teenage Engineering products.
I would pay a reasonable price for such peace of mind.

What are your thoughts at the moment on the OP-Z?
What do you use yours for?
I just want to use the one I plan to buy as a fancy Pocket Operator.
Before my PO-32 Tonic broke, I used it for a few years as my primary beat maker, and I loved it
My OP-1's sequencing sucks, and I love it mainly to record multitrack ideas and to use the sampler for very weird old school style beats.

What sort of music in general do you make?

Have you ever played in bands?
Have you ever played a live show?
Have you ever toured your music around your area or beyond?
What is your goal with music?


Hi! In what condition is your OP-Z now please? Is it bent more? Does it have any new problems? Thank you.
