YouTube Demonetized My Entire Channel Over 7 Seconds

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Hey, I've posted it elsewhere, but I really should have posted a pinned comment. I got remonetized, partially in thanks to this video.

The short version of the story is that I joined an MCN who talked with YouTube on my behalf. They realized how ridiculous this was and reinstated me. The long version is for another day. I'm planning to get back behind the camera and explain it all, I just wanted to focus on other videos first. If you don't end up seeing that video- thank you for all of the kind words and support that you gave me when things were this bad. It was a pretty rough time and those comments really kept me going.


fun fact: SSSniperWolf is still monetized and she's a freebooter. This site sucks.


I have 23 days left this happened to me on a channel that was doing very well and I even got to speak on the phone. They still refused to tell me what content it was


It's insane how "YouTube destroyed my channel" videos are a whole genre now.


Ironically youtube is now pushing this video through their algorithm since this is the first of your videos I've seen. Good luck Rowby


its really incredible to me that theres no competitors to youtube considering how easy it would be for a site to be SO much more creator friendly than youtube is


The fact that this guy gets demonetized for "reused content" but big reaction channels get away free is infuriating.


If anyone wants to help this man, continue to re-watch this video over and over to inflate the watch time hours so it gets pushed big in the algorithm.


This is fucking absurd. The entire system of overwhelmingly punishing creators for minor or even non-existent infractions and then forcing them to *guess* what they did wrong to even get a chance at reconsideration is so obviously insane that it's hard to believe there are any human beings in charge of YouTube at all.

I love your content, man. Especially as you've been branching out more. If it's all I can do to help, I'll be sharing this shit everywhere I can.


So sorry this happened to you. I hope everything can get fixed soon! Sharing this so it gets to more people.


Hey, sorry to hear your going through this. This happend to my channel a number of times through the years. The annoying part is they never clarify what has been flagged as ''reused content'' on the channel.

Appealing usually gets you nowhere. They always say it violates a certain policy, even when you show otherwise in the appeal video. I get the feeling Ai is running the process. It's incredibly frustrating trying reach YouTube support as in most cases, they just provide you with a link to their vague polices website.

I'll give some advice that worked for me in the past:

-Make what you believe to be one of your highest quality videos as the most recent upload. (they usually check the most recent video first when you reapply)
-Unlist potential videos that could be violating the policy (you have to basically guess at this point)
-Describe exactly what it is you do in the channel description (they want to see what you bring to the platform and your audience)
-Have a short section in video descriptions describing the process of making the video (shows them that your not just uploading cheap/others content)
-Revamp channel presentation (switch channel trailer, rearrange playlists so it's easier to navigate your channel homepage)

After that reapply for monetization and hope for the best.

Again I'm sorry you have to deal with this, hope this helps and good luck!


Yup youtube sure is great. They did this to you but have (from what I've seen) done nothing about the ACTUAL culprits.


I got blocked for reused AND repetitive content in this exact same area, which is sooo stupid so I know how you feel. BUT, after a month or two, I reappealed to join the YPP and it got accepted (despite them rejecting the appeal with concrete evidence of me not being either), so I reckon it is just an oversight by their algorithm and they can fix it for you too! hmu if you need help as I also did a couple other bits


This exact same thing happened to me. I posted an eight second clip from Saw Spiral and YouTube demonetized me for "reused content" and around the same time. Unreal.


this is happening so often Im really starting to think they just don't want to pay people who can't hurt them in any way


Love how YouTube calls you a “content recycling farm” and simultaneously endorses channels like SSSniperwolf who do nothing but recycle content and get genuinely rich off of it.


Youtube has been screwing over youtubers for so long and its stupid. My only assumption is that they might have only hit the video now after seven years because you've blown up a lot recently. They usually dont hit smaller channels until their reach becomes greater than before


Youtube desperately wants to stop paying content creators. Too bad there's no alternative platform with equal popularity to compete with it.


This hit me too! YouTube has been demonetizing SO many people for 'Reused Content' now.


YouTube just did the same thing to me last week on my main channel. Funny enough, they did it right before all I needed was $4 left of ad revenue to receive my FIRST payout. The timing is ridiculous. They basically got to run ads on my videos for free... All of your frustration, I'm feeling too brother.
