YouTube Demonetization Explained

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Have you ever seen the dreaded yellow money symbol symbol next to one of your videos? This means your video was not suitable for advertisers and therefore you can’t monetize it with adsense ads. In this video I’ll explain exactly what YouTube Demonetization is, how it affects your videos and how you can resolve it so the yellow symbol turns to green.

YouTube's Terms Of Service

YouTube Community Guidelines

Adsense Program Policies

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I didn't even know that's what the yellow money sign symbol meant because nobody explains it to the viewer.. so I actually thought it meant they were asking for money somehow


I'm not monetized nor am I interested in taking that on too. I'm making my videos as a "give away" of my skills, not to make advertisers happy. YT has changed a lot in the last couple of years and it feels more advertiser money driven. Thanks again Herman


They always demonetize good YouTubers like Next of Ken, but ignore horrible YouTubers like those stupid Cartoons for Kids channels.


What you don't mention is what can you do when youtube demonitizes your whole channel :(


was clueless till now...its 2020. always wondered how people could "keep up" with all it takes to "fly" on You Tube..alot of savvy, heart..and as you say respect for all reviewers..along with, of course..engaging content. THANKs for the great tutorial..will keep in mind if I ever post any of my vids. ALOHA from Hawaii.


Thx cuz I have this yt account and and my old friend became a bully and he says he’s gonna demonitize me so thx


I had a couple of my videos demonetized I sent an appeal and I believe within 24 hours they were back to monetize


Thank you so much! I just recently got accepted for monetization but most of the videos that get me money got demonized so thanks for the help!


They say they are smart. They say they are good at business. But these idiots refuse to give the masses what they want on the internet. What you call hate, others call love. You have no right to control others point of view or access to information. The great A.I. in the sky will come for you.


My channel isn’t there yet but this is good information to know about in advance. Thanks for sharing 😊


The truth is that demonetization is censorship. So much for freedom of speech.


Thank you for reading the Terms of Service, very interesting


I have not had this happen yet, but is good to know for the future. Thanks Herman.


How about when the green button turned to gray or black 😔


I still have my channel and is well over 10 million views from my videos. However one day I received an email from YouTube with a with a heavy heart we have decided to demonetize your channel. They took away my subscribers within a few days and of course must have taken me out of suggested videos cause everything went to minimal views. Matter of fact when I start coming back to having enough hours watched to get remonetized they dump me back to no hours and I cannot find any reg flagged videos that I would delete to try to remedy the issues they have against me 😖


Always great videos! What happens after a channel is demonetized and get monetization back after 30 days? After you will not appear like before in suggested videos or search.. all views are almost gone, is this a ban for 15-90 days, or its like being a new channel again? Thx


Me: Wait it's all demonetization?

Youtube: Always has been.


What are the consequences of hiding all the YouTube channel content for a successful YouTube channel? Will hiding all the YouTube content affect the YouTube premium membership? Will YouTube permanently delete a YouTube channel that has been hidden for a very long time?


I have one question (and correct me if I’m wrong), so if you get demonetized, you won’t have any ads, right? If so, when I’ll make my channel, I’ll actually not really care about money that much (I mean yeah, money is good but... I won’t really care about it, the only thing I’ll care about is, to make real good content)


If I as a user, report a certain video because I think
it is racist or make fun of a certain group of is that video being demonetize?
and if so, is there a way that I can find out about that video or channel bring demonetized?
