How to Count Cards in Blackjack

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The goal of card counting is to track the ratio of high cards to low cards in the deck. High cards (10s and Aces) are beneficial for players, while low cards are better for the dealer.

By knowing this ratio, a player can adjust their bets accordingly.

The Hi-Lo System:
In the Hi-Lo system, cards are assigned values as follows:

2 through 6 = +1
7 through 9 = 0
10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace = -1
Steps to Counting Cards with the Hi-Lo System:

Start with a Count of 0: At the beginning of a new deck or shoe, start your count at 0.

Assign Values to Each Card: As each card is dealt, assign it the appropriate value (+1, 0, or -1) and adjust your running count accordingly.

Maintain a Running Count: As cards continue to be dealt, keep adjusting your count. If a 5 is dealt, you add 1. If a King is dealt, you subtract 1. If an 8 is dealt, your count remains the same.

Adjust for the Number of Decks: To get the 'true count', you'll need to adjust your running count based on the number of decks remaining in the shoe.

To do this, divide your running count by the estimated number of decks remaining. This gives a more accurate picture of the card ratios.

For example, if your running count is +8 and you estimate 4 decks remaining, the true count is +2.

Change Your Bets: With a positive count (indicating more high cards than low cards are left), you increase your bets. With a negative count, decrease your bets.

Play Strategically: Card counting helps inform your betting, but you should also adjust your play strategy based on the count. For instance, with a high positive count, you might take insurance or change some hit/stand decisions.

A Few Important Points:

1. Card counting is legal, but casinos frown upon it. If caught, you may be asked to leave the casino.

2. While the Hi-Lo system is relatively simple, mastering it requires practice. Training in a distraction-free environment, perhaps with a deck of cards at home, can be beneficial.

3. Remember, card counting doesn't guarantee wins. It merely provides a statistical edge. There's still the risk of losing.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you. You basically taught me how to play with just that. So I appreciate it. I’ve been trying to learn for so long


I've been learning this for months. I have a professional occasionally testing my game. For anyone wanting to learn this, it is incredibly difficult initially when you first start as you have to get 100s of hours practice in to perfect it and your brain has to do so many things at once. I practicing keeping the count in a 6 deck shoe and i am getting about 2 out of every 6 games correct.


Man thank you.. you did in a matter of seconds what most videos try to do in 20 min sessions and answered all the right questions concisely 👌🏾 well done my friend you helped me with that last piece any with to do with the actual count once you get it


Hit foxwoods last week. It's been a year. I went with $500 left with $800 not bad


Its so much better than roulette and even with basic strategy its nice to actually win, i did have a running Loss of 7 even playing basic strategy but i prepared myself and just got up and left with a profit so i was happy. Cant wait to learn more.


Good explanation for some one who never knew how


The dealer also has good odds when the deck is plus. You are competing against the house. Plus other players on the table can mess things up. Best not to start playing Blackjack. Go hiking instead.


Any tips on how to literally memorize decks while counting? Is a memory place quick enough? What other options?


Counting cards is more than just adding and subtracting! Card counting is entirely based on basic strategy. If you don’t have basic strategy fully memorized, don’t count! There’s also things called playing deviations, where you deviate from basic strategy according to the count. If you don’t have perfect basic strategy, perfect counting, perfect true count conversions, perfect deviations, and perfect betting, you’re not a card counter. Good luck!


this is why casinos uses 4 decks of cards now?


you didnt explain why the “odds” are in my favor when count is high but orher than that this is a great video


Is this only with my hand or every hand at the table


So what's considered positive numbers? 🤔


Could I flip the value just for my mental?


But none of this matters if you aren't playing PERFECT basic strategy, THEN you need to learn DEVIATIONS.


Is there another way to count cards with one deck? Why people doesnt just count how many different cards is left on the deck? Like if you havent seen any 10's or A's and deck has only few carda left then you would think now I bet big.


u only +1 or -1 the dealers cards or your own ?


hey I tried this and the Casino kicked me out as well as trespassed me 😢


Why say any of this knowing that you’re leaving out 95% of what makes you a successful card counter? At least mention that you’re barely covering the basics. Making people more confident about not knowing anything


So basically if i understand it right, you can use it for hit or stay, like if i have 16 and dont know if i should hit or stay, when i count to positive numbers that means there is bigger chance for me to pull bigger card so i stay, and opposite?
