How I reset my style for a new season as a stylist#stylereset #wardrobereset #personalstylist

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Love %100 agree Im obsessed with your channel. I love your are geek like me!🤓 You have such a passion for helping other to be happy!


Learning my seasonal color analysis really helped me to go through my wardrobe and get rid of anything that did not fit in that color palette (with very few exceptions, I have a black Abaya that I will keep for when I visit the Kaaba In Sha Allah, God willing) but everything else I either donated or set aside to gift to people I thought would wear it better than I, if it was not in my color palette, and it was 100% polyester then it definitely got donated no questions asked. My nicer clothing that was outside of my color palette will likely be re-gifted. It was interesting because the clothing in my color palette actually best represented my style as a light spring because I have a sort of bright but soft and sort of whimsical romantic essence to how I like to dress myself.

When I was a teenager, I wanted to wear black, which is the worst color on me and way too contrasted for me; I often dressed in a more serious and sort of grunge manner, which is the total opposite of who I am at my best self. It’s so funny how style can change over the years and it usually just goes back to the essence of who I was before the world changed me and I started trying to sit in or stand out beyond measure.

Now, I feel like I stand out in a quietly confident way. I have a natural glow to me now that I am wearing my own color palette, but because it catered to my own essence, my clothing does not walk into the room before I do, but rather I walk in and the attention is on me as a person before it is on my outfit or style. I do have a stylish nature to me, but I also have a very modest aspect as well, which has everything to do with my religion and so I am not going out of my way to seek that attention and validation from other people; however, now that I am wearing my own color palette, I really do show up as my best self and glow all of the extra glam and jewelry. Especially for modest ladies, those who wear hijab, it can be very difficult to dress modestly without feeling frumpy or like you aren’t doing justice to your own appearance. There is a black hijab trend where everybody says it’s the staple of their wardrobe and I could never relate to that because I am super pale and low contrast so I felt like maybe I didn’t look right in the Hijab just didn’t know what colors looked best on me, which were literally framing my face and I also learned that plays a big role in it as well.

I have always really been into fashion and balancing it with modesty has been a journey for me as it is for many women, it took me a while to realize that just because I saw some thing look really cool online or on another person doesn’t mean that it’s gonna look very good on me and I learned that the hard way because I was spending so much money Before I knew what what looked good on me.

All this to say, knowing how to style an outfit is definitely different than knowing what will look good on you personally. I worked in fashion and I can definitely put together outfits that look amazing but what I didn’t know at the time was what was going to look good on The actual person and not just laid out on a table. I wish I could go back to when I was working in fashion and have known about color analysis because I definitely would have analyzed my clients personally before just saying that something is going to look good on them because it is stylish, everybody has their own essence of style and I think a lot of it does come down to color. Sometimes that can be hard to accept when you do not identify strongly with the color palette, but the color palette can be catered to almost any style. Think of Billie Eilish, she can wear pastels in a way that makes it look grunge, and it doesn’t mean that she hast to wear frills or Lacey ruffles just because she is wearing those pastel colors. Personally, I love pastels, and I am so happy that my color palette is a light spring, but at first, I thought I was a light summer and I identified stronger with that color palette just because of the way it looked but when I put it on, it washed me out.

Sorry for the ramble, I just find this also interesting and I want to share what helped me most so that maybe it helps other people as well


This might have me switching my style roots around haha. I'm really liking the earth one right now.


You helped me so much!
Can't wait for the second part


You look so cute. I never like pictures of myself. I love my personality and have come to love who I am, but when I see myself in photos, I feel so disconnected from that person.


This helpped and ive made a board with sections for it and adapted both western 4 seasons and eastern 2 seasons (dry and wet season)


I love all this but at the end of the day if you can’t find it in a shop you can dream all you want.


I don’t mean this in a mean way, but I think the blonde hair looked better on your colour palette


yore a spring look how yellow you are in the blue dress your colour season is fighting the blue dress not in harmony with it at all
