How to NOT be BASIC

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We're all a LITTLE basic sometimes but here are some tips you can arm yourself with as you navigate through the galaxy.

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Music: "Sweet Ukulele"

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Adande said the moment you want to upgrade your life you will become Not Basic, and that reminds me so much of myself I use to be so shy, and now i'd like to think i've become much less basic because of youtube. Thanks for the inspiration Swoozie :)


During Elementary school I was very outgoing and basically just really annoying. I was bullied a lot because I wasn't afraid to express myself, even if I was doing it in a bad way. The bullying changed me, so early on in my life, I developed social anxiety, and it stills affects me to this day. I went to a different middle school than those jerks and throughout those 3 years I was very quiet and reserved. Instead of smiling and talking, I would always have the same facial expression and only talked to people I knew, my group of friends. I'm in high school now and am just starting to overcome that social anxiety, I still have it, but now I'm able to kind of rationalize it and convince myself to not let it bother me as much. I hope by the end of high school I can improve some more. I'm not an outcast because I have a group of friends that I don't feel insecure around, but I want to be able to not feel insecure everywhere. If you're bullying someone, just stop, you don't know their minds and how its affecting them. If you're being bullied, just don't react to it. Anytime you see them, try to get away or ignore them, if you feel like it's severe, get help.

Cool cool, you got this far, congrats. You get my eternal gratitude.


First off- very uplifting stuff sWooZie.
Second I'm sure I'm not the only one...I think I'm a cool person but I'm also super shy and awkward around new people. Like once you get to know me I'm fun but at first I'm boring and creepy. Anyone else get that? xD


Swoozie, I seriously appreciate the advice you give. Even though this is some stuff that I've heard before, but honestly it's so nice to have a refresher. Thank you! Seriously! I really truly appreciate your videos so much, man. And I know heaps of people would agree with me when I say, YOU DA BOMB!


Swoozie has got to be my favourite youtuber at the moment.


I want to really thank you for this video. For the last 5 years I've been homeschooling and now I'm going to public school for my junior year and I am really nervous and scared to be judged and this video cheered me up. Thanks sWooZie, I won't be basic.


HowToBasic has changed the definition of 'Basic' for me. All I thought about during this whole video was eggs and the mental damage it did to me. Sorry, Swooz.


Swoozie, you can't be basic and you have all these people that love you and your personality.


Man, I relate to Urkel with the fine shoes sometimes, sucks being like this. I feel like an owl awake in the daytime, or a super hero hiding my identity from my friends, just to fit in...


I'm not the cool twin, or the lame twin. I'm just the weird one.


I'm too scared to be myself lol.  I get close to coming out of my shell, and then I get scared and subconsciously revert back to being a cookie cutter, lifeless puppet.  


Dude ...these videos always make me feel better about myself.. Thank you Swoozie <3


I have two personalities. My nerdy side, smash bros is coming soon and I'm SO excited, and I always wanna talk about it. And my funny side, I'm known as the funny guy around school.

Lately I've been wanting to be my nerdy side cause I'm just really excited but no one at my school likes video games or anything so to everyone else I'm kinda boring because I'm not talking about stuff they're interested in or anything. So I usually have to be my funny side to talk with people which is fun, but isn't always what I want to do :/


No Eggs were harmed in the making of this video...


I wish-WISH- I had more friends like you sWooZie! You keep it real and only you without compromise. Keep doing what you're doing no matter what!


Back in high school i was the only kid who would sometimes bring his nintendo ds and play it during lunch (our lunch time was like 1hr) and then eventually more people came and brought their ds and we had this little group where would would play mario kart 7 and start revving havoc..everyone called us loser's but i didnt care because i was also somewhat cool cause i got some of those cool kids who would never even think about bringing some handheld gaming device to school until one day *pop* they bring in their psp or ds..and some of us with the ds are having a pokemon battle and shit xD

another story when i had to redo grade 12 again (to finish up some courses) i would get bored after school and didnt want to go i asked one of my friend to bring their yugioh cards so we can play after school..and got damn people are bringing their cards all over the place to a point where some teachers where actually interested in playing yugioh and wanted to know the rules and shit..cause i had this one teacher who would play WoW while the students are taking a test XD..i made my high school experience soo much better..but some people started to get mad at me for getting people to play yugioh..when honestly i didnt do anything..they saw us having a blast so they joined..i never forced anyone to come play...oh well best high school experience ever..and made 4 mega best friends


You're completely right on all of this sWooZie! I feel like if you don't want to be basic, just make what you have really cool. You can make video games really cool if you record them and post them to YouTube for example. The fact of the matter is you can literally make anything cool nowadays. 


I read the title thinking this would be "How To Not Be 'How To Basic'" lol


Thank you so much, Swoozie! I love these kinds of videos :)))


Thanks for the reminder Swoozie. You are definitely not basic. Your channel is dynamic and one indicator is because you were willing to make a video with a special message of authenticity. That means being yourself kids :-) Keep it up man!
