Most Controversial Cars of All Time: 1971-73 Buick Boattail Riviera

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Learn more about the 1971-73 Buick Boattail, how it was designed, mechanicals, and what the original proposals for the design looked like.
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My grandfather had a 1973 in green with the 455. He loved the car and I was a fan too. He had it from new until rust really began to claim it, despite him keeping it garaged as much as possible. It still ran and drove perfect. I remember when I was in my 20s he asked if I'd be too upset if he didn't give it to me but instead sold it to someone that planned on doing a full restoration. While I would have loved to have the car, I didn't have the resources to restore it or anywhere really to keep it. I already had 2 cars that I struggled to keep going. So, reluctantly, but because I loved my granddad and felt that the car deserved better than to rot away in my apartment's parking lot, I let it go. It still makes me a little sad, but I know it was the right decision at the time.


I'm the proud owner of a 71 Rivi 455 ci which I acquired from my next door neighbor and the original owner after 12 years of trying and it had 46K original miles and had all the original paperwork and service records when I got it, it was a Fla. car originally so 0 rust !

I've did a complete restoration stripping everything down to bare metal and starting fresh with just the main body left on the frame and the interior completely stripped too with a color change to a 1983 GM Aztec Bronze color. The only thing left now is recovering the seats and a couple minor cooling and A/C things left to do. I've left it stock other than a set of stainless 3 dump side pipes which really sets it off even more and added the old school Monroe air adjustable air shocks all around so I can adjust ride height and ride quality for mountain road driving, stiffer GS springs and stiffer sway bars all around, , now there's a huge difference in performance for sure! It handles almost as well as my BB Z28 Camaro now and I can raise and lower the whole car by about 5" which really gives it a aggressive stance when lowered.

It's defiantly a head turner at the car shows and I've won a ton of 1st, 2nd & 3rd place trophies even though it's not even 100% done yet. I did do a bunch of performance upgrades to the suspension and motor upgrades bringing it up to 410HP which gets me high 12 second runs at the strip. So it's not only classy, but makes lots of people wonder just how I got this big old boat of a Rivi to go and handle like it does and with the Cherry bomb mufflers and cam it has a SWEET loping big block sound that is, ,,,Just Killer!!!
When asked I just tell people it just took lots of bucks and time, , which it has ! Lots & Lots ! LOL I've been restoring classics professionally for >55 years and it's getting real close to concourse levels at this point so we'll see just how well it does at this Summers shows.

I'm not sure if this is true or not, but by my research I've only been able to find around 1600 registered ones world wide of the 28 something K non GS ones produced, so if so, there also quite rare to boot if that is in fact true ? I gather there very popular in the Scandinavian countries with several huge Rivera clubs there and it appears there's more registered there than in the US?
For sure though mine is the only 71 registered in VT with only 2 other 73's I know of.

I have 3 people so far that have told me that if I ever decided to sell it, they wanted it and I have 2 standing offers of 28K and 30K for it at this point. But they'll have to fight my daughter first, she has first dibs and loves it too. Lucille is indeed a rare bird.


Back in my elementary grade school a teacher drove one of these new. I thought it was the wildest car I had ever seen at that time. RIP Mrs. Hunter.


I’ve never heard a negative opinion about the Buick boat tails. I always thought they were universally loved.


Once owned a 73 boat tail. One of GM's best designs ever!


Even in the '80s, seeing one on the street was a rare occasion. They did stand out, as they do today. Design was primarily about beauty back then, not about being "aggressive."


I love these. We had an elderly neighbor and her daughter would come from out of state to visit and always had beautiful cars. In 1971 she and her husband arrived in a brown 1971 Riviera and I was hooked! Thanks for this video, Adam, a treat like all your others.

I need to add a couple of things re this Riviera. The daughter and her husband ordered and bought what they wanted, it wasn't to a price: 1) Their Riviera was a slicktop so they obviously agreed with Bill Mitchell. 2) This was the only car they owned in my memory with blackwall tires. Why they went that look I have no idea. I just remember the car got your attention in a good way. I remember my mother, who cared nothing about cars, commenting that she really liked it. I hate when I get started on cars! LOL


That thing is soo exaggerated, that it actually looks good. It surely made a statement back in the 70s, as it does today.


I was in my early 20's and these Rivieras were popular amongst those of us who were finishing college, had our first jobs, needed a stylish but sensible replacement for our GTOs, Malibu Super Sports, Cutlass 442s, and were looking for mates. These were extremely reliable cars.


My uncle, the absolute coolest man I knew growing up, had a '73 with the 455. If I had to have a road trip car...that would be it.


One of the most beautiful cars I have ever seen !!


In my opinion, as I have had many of these boat-tails in the past. They are the best looking and the ride is and has been unmatched. I would love to have another one someday.


A totally impractical design, and a magnificent one. I was a high school Senior in 1971, and a big fan of the Toranado. But the boat tail Riv was just about its equal. The stories about Bill Mitchell's "objections" were great! He was the type of company man that companies would no longer tolerate, and that's a shame. He was absolutely right about the vinyl top. Put one of those god-awful things on a boat tail Riv, and the top is all you see.


Me and my dad are restoring a 72 and I love how it just floats on the road and you can just steer it with your finger


The 71-73 Riviera was and still is one of the best and most beautiful car designs. I remember when they came out. Loved it the first time I saw it, still do.


Thank you! The ‘71 was / is an absolute masterpiece. A midnight blue GS with a set of the Buick chrome & black ‘star’ rims is, arguably, one of GM’s crown jewels, along with the ‘65 Riviera. Little known fact, the boat tail Riviera was one of if not the first to offer rear seat shoulder belts and a basic version of traction control (MaxTrac). 🤓 Keep up the excellent work!


Nice piece! I still enjoy taking my 1972 Cop Riv for a drive, or to car shows. My father bought it new in 72 and used it as a Sheriff's Dept patrol unit for it's first 2 years of life. Now it's my family heirloom!


Oh Adam, this is one of my true ALL-TIME: Favorite cars! A big, LUXURY Corvette type car!


I never knew there was any controversy. I’ve always loved the looks!


This was such a unique car. Gm had some cool design's back in these years. The Eldo, the toronado, and the coupe deville, and many Pontiacs.
