7 Tips to Support Your Postpartum Friends 💞 Tips When Visiting a Newborn | Postpartum Visit Tips

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My mom went to my house after I gave birth and cleaned the whole place and hand washed all the dishes, food shopped and had fresh fruit, drinks, and freezer meals she made and she even bought flowers and put them in a vase on our dining table. She stayed with us for a few days once we got home to help me sleep and get accustomed to the new baby and breastfeeding. It was absoloutley amazing, she was a Godsend and it was SO nice to come home to a fresh home and food in my fridge I could just pop into the microwave. If you wanna be the best blessing to someone you know, do what my mom did. She was amazing👍


Not expecting cuddles from the baby is key! Some new mothers dont feel comfortable letting everyone hold the baby right away.




Bringing prepared food and doing the dishes that are in the sink (especially bottles and pumping accessories) 🌟 that's top tier ❤


"Leave your snotty toddlers at home" is so real.


My parents came and stayed for 3weeks. I didn’t have to lift a finger and got to just focus on caring for the baby …It was amazing !! I’m convinced that most of the women with postpartum depression are simply overwhelmed and lacking support.


I like that you “if you’re lucky you will get snuggles with the baby” I feel like a lot of people come visit and expect to just hold the baby but actually what would help is helping me shower, or switching the laundry (my washer/dryer are in our basement and after csections I’m not allowed to do stairs), or doing an activity with my other kids. Please don’t come over expecting to sit and snuggle baby the whole time as I am trying to bond with him/her and grow that bond for nursing.


If you're a close relative or friend, offer to watch baby while mom showers or takes a nice bath. If there are 2 close friends/relatives, let 1 watch baby, while other does the housekeeping. Change the bed, ( mom and dad will love a fresh bed and pjs) dishes, sweep, vacuum, mow the lawn, actually prepare a meal in the home (with all the smells). Bake some cookies, pot roast etc. Let mom nap. Again, ya gotta be super close. Of course, a simple drop off of a great meal or take out is great as well.


That’s why we have a postpartum nurse for 8 to 10 days from getting home after birth in the Netherlands. She is there from 8am till 4 or 5 pm. Life saver! Does the washing. Helps the dad with the household chores. Helps with the little ones, and helps you and the baby with whatever you need. From lactation advise, to how to wash the baby and everything in between, she looks at your and the babies temp, your stitches, the amount of blood you lose, the weight lose and gain of the baby. Just about everything she is a lifesaver. And she also helps with the visitors 🥰


Another great tip on bringing food is to bring in disposable containers or Tupperware you don’t need back so they don’t have to worry about returning it to you. Also a fresh cooked meal and even one for the freezer that they could heat up another day!


Yess bring pampering gifts for mom and nourishing dishes for mom to relax and recover after the hardwork of birthing a child ❤❤❤❤


For me its the no fragrance rule. Babys can be extremely sensitive to those, even if its in the laundry detergent, thats why i always opt for no heavy smelling stuff and fabric softener


Thank you for this. My family followed none of this... Anytime people came they expected me to host them, feed them, make them coffee. They did NOT make it short and sweet and I was always extra exhausted after people came to visit. My mom did ask if I needed anything from the store once. I did need formula, and she bought some. But left the reciept on the counter for me to pay her back 🙃


When I came home from the hospital with my second born, my mom and sister stayed at the house with my toddler. Knowing how my mom is, I expected what was the mostly clean house when I left for the hospital to be as clean if not better than how I left it. I came home and my house was a disgusting mess and she looked at me and said, but I got your dishes done🙃😑thanks I also got my dishes done and house picked up while in labor before I left. Next time I guess I’ll have to make my expectations more clear …


As a mom, if you plan on staying in bed for at least the first week (or however long dad gets to stay home from work or you have someone with you who is actually helpful) it really helps with some of the issues people in the comments seem to be having with demanding friends and family members. In bed with the baby is where you absolutely should be for a long as you can swing it once you get home from the hospital. I imagine it would be pretty hard to visit a newly postpartum mom who’s resting in bed with her baby and expect her to get up and cook and host you. But if people see you jump directly back into normal life, they will probably think it all good for them to be there eating up all your time and energy. Don’t jump back in so quickly moms!!! Lay down, put on a respectable looking pair of PJs, and if your guests want to see you, let them see you resting and taking care of the baby. They probably won’t stick around in your bedroom for hours on end.


Adding another rule: unsolicited advice is not helping anyone, be supportive without judging and only give advice when asked (or if there’s actual harm to the baby)


Rule number 8 - Ask the mom before snapping and posting photos of you and the baby anywhere online.

I was so pissed when my aunt posted a photo of my son online. We aren’t on social media and we hadn’t even posted a photo of him yet - but my aunt had 🙄


My friends love my chicken enchiladas. They're kinda involved. I make "frozen meals" of ckn enchiladas. Single serve. They can pop them in the mic or oven. I bring fresh fruits in season. I bring a gallon of white vinegar. I start laundry as soon as i get there. I can throw it in the dryer b4 leaving & start another load (if it's OK) ALWAYS clean bottles, pump, baby dishes. If there's a toddler, you can take them to the park or walk. Makes older kids feel important also. Plus, they can get some energy out. I LOVED when we had a new baby...


One more rule! As soon as you get to their house, wash your hands. Even if you don't hold the baby that day, you want to avoid bringing outside germs into the house within reason


1. Make sure your vaccinations are up to date.
2. If you smoke change your clothes and have a shower before you go. The smoke on your clothes and hands van mess with the babies breathing.
