INVISALIGN REVIEW: I'm Done! The exact cost, was it worth it, before/during/after photos, my advice

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1:38 - before & after photos
2:51 - have my teeth shifted since finishing?
3:43 - all about the retainer, how often I have to wear it, etc.
5:27 - quote to live by that inspired me to get invisalign
6:07 - exact cost that I paid
7:19 - invisalign vs competitors (like smile direct club, etc.)
7:43 - going out to dinner, drinks - how I managed that
8:50 - coffee!!!
9:40 - do people notice?
10:15 - would I do it all over again?
10:57 - my self confidence
11:21 - insurance
11:52 - getting refinements / contouring the teeth
12:29 - attachments
12:50 - how to keep retainers clean
13:08 - can you get replacement retainers
13:30 - how long did it take?
14:01 - do you need a referral from your dentist?
14:41 - YES you can drink WINE! :)
15:22 - lisp / speech
16:31 - does it hurt?
16:56 - am I happy with my results?
18:01 - eating at food stands/theme parks
19:03 - what i’d tell someone that’s on the fence
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#invisalign #invisalignresults #invisalignreview