Driving School Franchise VS Own Car

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To many normal people like you and me are feeling like joining a franchise and getting locked into a 2 year contract with an expensive car is the ONLY option. For many people this works and it gives them the security that they need to run a business. It is not However the only way and today I am here to share with you another option to add to belt.
0:00 Intro
0:54 Typical training route as a driving instructor
1:40 How To Get your Own ADI Car
2:10 Car Rules and How Old?
3:01 Rough Fuel Comparison
3:15 HP Or PCP? Other options are loan or buy it out right
3:40 Why I picked the Peugeot 208
4:00 Duel Controls How?
4:40 But Josh what if I fail my Part 3???
5:05 COST My Car Vs Typical Franchise Car (These are Real factual costs of a franchise of one of the big 3 National Driving Schools.

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I’ve been in the game over 35yrs most people will need to gain experience and have experienced ADI’s to guide them. My advise would be to get good training and gain some experience with either a driving school or good reliable trainer. My advice would be to learn the job don’t jump in until your sure the you like and can do the job and does the job like you. Above all pass all 3 tests and be prepared for regular checks. Plus can you get the work and the sort of pupils you want. The grass is always greener other side. Good luck to anyone thinking of profession in this tough industry!


Good timed video lol, as I’m just about to go on my own and get car, didn’t go franchise as to much money, getting Peugeot 208 save money,


Very informative Josh. A good honest comparison.


What a video, all the answers I was looking for are here. Great presentation, watched it whole without a single second skip. Thank you. Got yourself a new subscriber. I believe you will get a lot


Thank you Josh 👍 I appreciate your channel and advice so much. I'm about to embark on my ADI training and I've been pondering this very question. You have confirmed to me that using my own car IS the way to go


Great video, very informative thank you


As someone who is training under AA driving school i was told by one of the instructor tutors that during lockdown. They actually stopped the car payments. Meaning you had access to the car without having to pay.


Can you fit dual controls if you plan to give the car back and upgrade after the two years ? Much appreciated x


The problem with most PCP deals is unless you do low mileage they seem to be more expensive or as expensive than higher purchase. I'm amazed you could get a PCP for less than £200 a month doing 20-30k miles a year.


Hi Josh, great video as usual, can you tell me which app you used for your theory test, I remember you mentioned it on one of your videos @ £4.99 but can’t remember which one it was. Cheers Rob


Very good video josh as hoping to soon go onto pdi soon and have the “how can I afford a learner training car’ dilemma. Have looked at lease deals and found to expensive. Also don’t think I could afford another car on hire purchase.
Never really thought about a pcp deal as All I thought about was the 6 month pdi licence term but your video has shown another option which I will look into in more detail.
So if you were unlucky enough to fail part 3 the 3 times you could sell car to pay off the remainder of contract?
Thanks again


Can’t believe you can get dual controls fitted for like 300 quid, thought that would cost loads


Unfortunately I got sucked into paying £225 A WEEK to RED for my Full Franchise car.


If you decide to go your own way with a car and not a franchise, is it difficult to build up customers if you don’t have access to the franchise customer base?


Wish I'd seen this video sooner. Qualified 8 months ago now stuck with a very expensive franchise

Is there a way to get out of contract ?


As a PDI be very careful not to tie yourself into any long car lease as there is no guarantee that you will pass your final exam. Also be very careful of a PCP contract and make sure you fully disclose how many miles you are doing.
I would either use your own car I buy something you can afford as for dual controls a decent set of HE MAN controls is around £500 fitted.
The deal you showed at £112 is actually one of the best out there to include 48k milage allowance insurance maintenance and tyres also taking into account depreciation you would be hard pushed to find a better deal.
Also the £112 is fully tax deductible. I have also looked at this deal but as I teach automatic that cost increases to £135 pw equivalent to £585 pm.
However I won't have anything else to pay and the weekly cost is around 3.5 hours at my current lesson price.
So to summarise I would go cheap as a PDI see if you pass and more importantly see if you like the job.
I'm a month in doing around 30 hours a week already seeing my pupils and my bank balance growing and absolutely loving it.
Some of my success is down to Josh this channel and one of his videos
Should I become a driving instructor.
Remember to like and subscribe and support the channel as always thanks to Josh from continuing to make content.


I'm guessing you made the mistake of going franchise as 2 years ago your cost was £12948 according to your video


Going by your maths, your less than 3 year old car is costing you £100pm you’ll be lucky to get a decent 8 year old car for that these days.


Hi Josh, really good info, I’ve passed my part 2 test but signed for a franchise but within a week I cancelled it because it was £1200 a month but I had pupils which were about 15 odd miles away. So long story short when you said you bought a car from Peugeot dealers and signed on the dotted line do you tell them it’s for business and how much mileage your going to do each year and it’s used for driving instructing?

