BIBLICAL HERMENEUTICS?! How to Read the Bible Faithfully.

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Biblical hermeneutics and how to read the bible faithfully is the topic today- biblical hermeneutics is the interpretation of the bible. We look at the most used and abused verse in all of the bible. I bible study this passage and we talk about why people misuse it and how to have a faithful and biblical hermetical approach. This video is part of my series on how to read the bible where we look at all the different approaches and things that feed into our approach of the bible. Today's video looks at good hermeneutics and a hermeneutics bible study. We sit in Phillippians 4 and talk about the #1 thing that people miss when reading it. In this hermeneutics bible study we will bible study with me Phillippians 4 so make sure you have your bible and get ready to dive deep!
If you like videos like this one, or are interested in the rest of my series on how to read the bible, check out the series here:

And if you'd like to learn more about biblical hermeneutics, I encourage you to watch this video:
I hope you are encouraged as we talk about exegesis and hermeneutics and all about what is hermeneutics. I desire to just get you started on where/how to develop good hermeneutics- this is not a end of the means. A good hermeneutic uses the hermeneutical approach of the triangle, but other than that, there isn't necessarily a step by step that I can give you!
I pray this hermeneutics bible study has motivated you to dig deeper, and if that's something that you want to do, then check out my how to read the bible playlist up above!
Instagram: @mrsfaithwomack
#howtofaithalife #Jesusformommies #hermeneutics

Father, use this hermeneutics crash course and our look at Philippians 4 to glorify You! We are Yours! Amen
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What's the first verse that comes to your mind when you think of verses being misused? Or what's your pet peeve when people are clearly taking a verse out of context? Have you heard of hermeneutics before? Comment that all here!


“God is within her, she will not fall”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭46:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬
That one is just one of my pet peeves! In context her is not a woman, but Heaven or the New Jerusalem.


Love the rabbit trails you go off into. For me, personally, I geek out about those things and I love when others do too! Helpful for sure. :)


Faith, I am learning so much from you! Every “random” verse needs to be read IN CONTEXT —what is the author’s intent, what was the audience, what was the culture at the time, what is going on in the text before and after the verse & sensitively reading each word. I’m learning to dive deep. Thanks for all you do.


I’m enjoying these videos of verses taken out of context and how we don’t always apply them correctly (myself included). Another one that I came across recently was Psalms 46:5 “God is within her, She will not fail.” I see it on shirts, mugs, stickers etc all the time, but it doesn’t mean what we think it means. 🙈 If you need another video idea, maybe you’d consider this one. 😁❤️ Love your channel! Thanks for all you do!


Jeremiah 29:11. Most misunderstood and misused text I hear nowadays.


Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and insight and knowledge about the Bible. I have recently discovered your videos. My husband was a devout student of the Bible who loved the Word. He passed away 3 yrs ago and I have Bibles of his filled with notes and the pages are falling out. He has been an incredible inspiration to so many people even after his death. And then there is me, always too "busy" working to go to any depth in my spiritual walk. Now I have so many questions I wish I had asked him. Anyway, the one verse that bothers me is John 3:16. I have had friends tell me that all you have to do to go to Heaven is "Believe". They feel because they believe Jesus is the Son of God and that He died and was resurrected for our sins they can just go on their merry way living their lives the way they want, because they "Believe." You have inspired me to do an in depth study of John, I want answers for people that are in my life.


I just love you go down rabbit holes. You have a great way of making it all work together and it doesn’t get confusing. You are true blessing as a teacher!


oh that was good, "I can face any hardship through Christ who strengthens me". I can see that statement as one of your stickers.


PS. of my previous comment - I forgot that what made me comment was that The Philippians text totally got me thru crazy aggressive treatment for stage breast cancer 11 years ago. I KNEW that I could do what I had to face, only because I could lean into Jesus, who is unafflicted by cancer, or anything else, and press on thru treatment and ultimately to healing, in HIS NAME, in HIS strength and FOR HIS glory!
BUT, the one Bible verse I cannot abide because, as a student of God's Word you will notice immediately, it aint in there!!! "God helps those who help themselves." Seriously? I don't know what Bible the first guy got that "quote" from, but ever since then people have believed it's actually in there. So sad.


Another great video! 💖 You are so right about Philip. 4:13! I know I was guilty about misusing that verse.

A verse I think can get misused is Matt. 18:20. For where two or more gather I [Jesus] will be with them. I think people would automatically think, "oh I can't pray now [or fill in the blank] because I am alone and no one is here so God will be with me." But God is with us everywhere. We can pray alone or in the middle of 500 people. Especially during this time in a pandemic and for a few months we couldn't go anywhere, including church, I don't think its right to say "well if you are by yourself God isn't with you." But if we look at the full context He was talking about something different. I could be wrong and please correct me if I am.


I had not heard of hermeneutics before. My faith has gone through ups and downs. Currently I am in a good place faith wise but I will admit I struggle with reading my bible. I am here for this as well


Faith, I love learning from your videos! You are such a blessing to me and countless others, for sure! Not only is the content amazing, but the editing is wonderful as well. There is just one thing with this video, though. If you still are able to edit it, the first almost minute and a half has video/audio sync issues. It is not a really big deal, but I wanted to let you know in case it is to you. ;) Have an awesome day and keep it up! :D


Love this video and don’t mind the “rabbit trails!”😊


Thank you! Going to follow to be able to study better


I love when you go off on rabbit trails. You give us insight into the history ang context of that time. We can always learn something 💞💞💞


Great video. This verse is now even more applicable to me, esp right now with something that's happening in my life.
There are so many verses that have been taken out of context but I don't want to go on a rant lol.
Loving this series, please keep it up 🙂


John 8:32b the truth will set you free.
I hear that all the time. Quoted in movies, on the side of one of the buildings at the University of Texas, etc.


Something that helped me understand Hermeneutics was Herman Who by Todd Fridel.


One I see miss used alot is "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you" Matt 6:33. I have heard people quote this to apply to gaining material things or even spiritual things without reading the verses before to see what "these things" are and how the people at the time living in poverty and starving need to hear this.
