Switching From A Diesel to A Petrol Car - What's The Difference? | NEW CAR

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Taz is taking driving lessons but is now switching from a diesel to a petrol car.
We find out how changing cars affects a learner driver and what's the difference. Watch how Taz adapts to driving a new car.

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I passed first time in a diesel then I bought a petrol car and I couldn’t stop stalling and felt so bad and wanted to give up and wondered what I was doing wrong!! You’ll get there Taz 😊


“Switching from a diesel to a petrol car. What’s stayed the same?”

“Pin’s Nike cap” 😂😂😂


I learned in a Diesel 208, and then started driving a Petrol 208. The difference between the different clutches is massive. The Diesel is very forgiving and admittedly easier to drive, but the clutch in the Petrol is far weaker and stalls easily. It needs a lot more finesse and fine footwork but it provides more responsiveness and you get used to it with practice.


I learned in a diesel car and found I hardly stalled. Got my first car a month ago which is a petrol and stalled so many times. Now I've trained my brain to adjust to the clutch and its now going well.


Passed my test Last week in a diesel. Went and test drove a petrol Today and the poor salesman was acting as a instructor :') It is a big difference that takes some getting used too!


I learned in a diesel one and when I passed, I got my first car which was a petrol. The difference between the clutches is much bigger than you’d think. Although I passed, I kept stalling in my petrol car on the first time and it was all about getting used to it. I was confident with it all pretty much the second time i went with it and now I find it easy all the time


the bit at roughly 4:30 where you said about some instructors teaching their students to just use the clutch to move off is completely true for me!! I'm starting lessons with a new instructor soon and am worried that I'll struggle with moving off in a petrol car despite having over 40 hours of lessons in a diesel! Thank you for showing what would happen if you didn't use the accelerator!!


I learned in my instructor’s diesel car, hardly stalled. My mum has a petrol car and put me on learners insurance to have a go on it as well. Took me ages to get used to the clutch, it was so sensitive I kept stalling. I’ve passed now, but sometimes at hills it’s still a bit hard to get moving- have to use the handbrake every time


I knew there was a difference! I first learned to drive with my dads petrol car and stalled quite a lot, then started taking drivings lessons in a diesel and looked like i had been driving for years, it was so easy lol.


this was super helpful, i was taught to move off with only clutch with instructor. I then got a petrol car and then i had to completely relearn how to move off. All instructors should teach how to move off with gas


Passed my driving test first time today, your YouTube channel has helped a tonne. Keep up the amazing work!


I have passed my test 2 years ago but I'm addicted to your videos, never getting tired of watching them and also keep learning. Hi from Italy ❤❤


This is such a beautiful video to watch, I'm in Zambia and I find it really helpful. Thank you very much..


for me this is the best way to learn constanly switching between petrol and diesel so you get good use to clutch control


There is a definite difference! I passed my test in a 1.6-litre diesel and brought my first car which is a 1.0-litre petrol car. I know there is a difference in size but in my instructors car I hardly stalled and just used the clutch to pull off, with my car now I have to use the clutch and a bit of throttle and stalled so many times on my test drive with it. 😂

There is a difference but you’ll get use to it after a little while and it makes you a better driver I think, having to set both clutch and gas at the same time.


When I switched to a petrol, got a new instructor, the car was petrol and just felt weird. I only stalled once but had to concentrate more. I noticed I wasn't as 'fast' as I am in a diesel, with the clutch and gears etc.


my dad made me drive his petrol car to begin with and literally was so hard to begin with but i’m glad coz literally made my clutch control sm better


I drove my Mam's 2017 diesel Ford Focus for 6 months, passed my test and then drove it for another 6 months. The clutch was so easy to control and I only stalled once in a year of driving it. I bought my car, a 2012 petrol Mazda 2 (Mazda 2s are notorious for having difficult clutch's as there bitting point is very particular, which I've definitely learned!) and I definitely believe petrol clutches are more difficult to control in general, newer petrols not so much but my 2012 Mazda 2 is definitely fussy. Stalled a good few times in the first week, but got used to it pretty quick and don't stall it now, it just takes time to learn every cars clutch.


I have been passed 6 weeks, and so happy to be vailidated reading these comments.
I also learnt to drive in a 1.6 diesel car, when i passed i got a 1.2 petrol 09 plate.
In the difference is massive, the first few weeks i stalled many times. Also had and still im practicing reversing / parking in my car. As when i learnt in a diesel i mainly used the clutch alone. My petrol car will not do this with clutch alone. Nor will it move at all with clutch alone.
