What is the point?

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Putting an opinion on YouTube - what could possibly go wrong!

This is a bit more bloggy than I usually like to do. I'll be back next time with some proper mathematics.

"What is the point of mathematics?"
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This is gradually becoming my favorite YouTube channel. It forgoes almost every factor but the one that really makes me like the site.


I am a chemical engineer, by training. So my areas of "expertise" (though one must make a LOT of concessions with the definition of "expertise" here) are chemistry, physics and maths. But I have always been deeply passionate about chemistry.

Recently, I saw a video on Periodic Videos (some of you may have seen that YouTube channel, if you haven't and are into chemistry, please do) that talked about planar methane. And that was a concept that I had no idea about.

We were always taught that the carbon atom could singly bond with other atoms in a tetrahedral shape. And here I saw something UTTERLY unexpected happening. A modified methane molecule that was PLANAR!!!! And my reaction was That is some BEAUTIFUL chemistry!!!!"

What is the point of science if we can't be artsy every once in a while? Sure we love doing practical things (especially us engineers, not intending to take credit away from pure scientists). But every now and then it's fun to go into our labs and synthesise a molecule that just says, "Yeah, you were WRONG about this concept ALL ALONG!!!!"

Not that it can do anything useful IMMEDIATELY (maybe in the future). But we now know that carbon DOES form stable (relatively stable) planar single bonds with 4 other atoms. And that's the sort of thing that wakes some people up in the morning.


“Mathematics is the intersection of many subjects.” — Prof. James Grime.


One of the reasons why I went for a math major is that math gives me a lot of insights into life.


It's so delightful to hear this from someone!
I enjoy mathematics for the same reason, trying to discover new things in different ways.
Like, I single-handedly discovered formulas and theories that already existed, making it unpractical I guess, but it's possible, the mathematics is still worthwhile and valid.
Indeed, discovering and creating DOES feel good, regardless of practical use.


So glad that there are people like you out there. It's so hard to find someone who is a passionate mathematician quite like yourself. Keep enlightening us good sirr. Thank you for your videos.


This message is so true that I even put something like this into the introduction of my bachelor phesis in mathematics.


I think the problem you face here is this.  The person in question does not do math for enjoyment.  He does not enjoy it.  For someone who enjoys math, there need be no further point.  But someone who does not enjoy something *wants* a practical reason for doing it -- or not to do it at all.

An adequate reason for *me* to do something need not be an adequate reason for someone else.  Different people have different desires.


Thank you for this. I’m a medical student and my mates keep asking me why i study math at the same time when it doesn’t have any direct practical application in the field. I just tell them that i enjoy doing it and it makes me happy.


Found this only now and couldn't love it (or your other videos) more. To quote Voltaire: "Cherish those who seek the truth, but beware those who find it." Although "finding" mathematical truth isn't the danger Voltaire meant, your comment speaks to a larger human truth seeking experience, to which mathematicians are integral. Thank you for sharing your search for the truth!! I'm terrible at math, but the beauty of the questions asked and creativity of proofs is amazing. It really feels like the world expands every time I grasp even 1% of a method to approaching truth I wouldn't otherwise see but for these kinds of videos.


I love how passionate you are about Maths and explaining the beauty of maths to people.
Many of my classmates don't like or even hate maths because they don't know what they could use it for. I just love the feeling when I can solve a problem and I love the challenge to try solving a very difficult problem. I love watching your videos and trying to understand them.


I wish that YouTube had been around when I was in school, and that my teachers could have used videos such as yours as tools. I hope they are doing so today. The passion and appreciation expressed here is heartfelt and infectious. I highly appreciate your videos - they are both educational and entertaining. Thank you.


I fully agree with Dr. James opinion. Moreover, I think this is true for any type of human-generated knowledge. There is always underlying beauty in everything around us. However, this beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. If you are blind to a given type of "beauty" such as mathematics, music, poetry, mechanics, agriculture, ....then you can only try to see its practical nature. For some of the art forms, it is easier to see its creative and aesthetic essence than for others. The problem with mathematics is that its "artistic" value can only be made evident after a large effort in understanding it as an application tool. A tool used to solve empyrical problems. The question "what is the point?" appears in other realms of knowledge. "What is the point" of studying literature? "What is the point" of knowing the history behind WWII? .. because it's fun.


Thank you. It is so beautifully explained.


James Grime really transmits his love and passion for what he is doing, I love his videos <3


Could we please get more of these videos? I keep rewatching this just because it's such a great motivational speech.. It's more, actually.. The enthusiasm you say it with ...


Just missed the: "If you have been, thanks for watching."


It is lovely to see your obvious passion. My late spiritual teacher often said that "What ever you truly love is your liberation."


Thank you, very eloquently put. I am taking courses right now, so will need more math exposure. What you've said in encouragement to me.


Some things may have no immediate use, but have practical applications later.

Number theory (one of my favourite topics) was long considered to have no practical purpose, but found a practical application in cryptography starting in the late 20th century.

I totally agree with what you're saying though: if we only did things that had an apparent practical application, the world would be a much duller and less enlightened place.
