Xbox's Exclusive Problem: Destin Reacts to Ardrid

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Xbox's Exclusive Problem has been a conversation I keep seeing come up, time and time again. It seems like The Xbox exclusive games list was stronger when they started out than it is today and a lot of discussions have sprung up through the years about that topic. This video today is from Ardrid who dives a bit deeper into the topic.

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I think Microsoft just realized sooner than Sony that the industry was moving to 5–7-year development cycles for AAA games which means you need 20-28 studios making first party games to have a first party release every fiscal quarter. And that's assuming that every game in development actually releases. In reality, you probably need over 30 studios to be able to actually pull off a game every quarter in this new AAA environment. Sony is starting to run into this reality and really slowing down on releases right as Microsoft's major investment in studios in the late 2010s is finally starting to result in releases. I imagine the rest of this decade is going to have far more Xbox releases than PlayStation. Now, the quality of those games definitely needs to come up a bit, but the reality of development time is on Xbox's side moving forward.


Xbox 360 was the first console I actually owned and nothing will ever beat that generation for me. I still remember sitting in front of a big ass box TV playing Saints row and Tony hawks proving ground all day.


10:30 you’re wrong.
Xbox didn’t purchase Halo from Bungie. When they acquired Bungie they also got the upcoming Halo IP.
A lot of people think Xbox bought the Halo IP in 2010 and that’s false as Martin O'Donnell has explained many times on his podcast with Act Man and others. However they did buy the Gears of War IP from Epic Games in 2014 after Epic Games didn’t know what to do with it going forward.


Ghost of Tsushima 83 Metacritic: gets treated as a 93.
Starfield 83 Metacritic: gets treated like a 73.

Now that Starfield’s 86 Metacritic is a failure is it fair to label every upcoming PlayStation exclusive that scores less than an 86 as a failure?


I had Sega channel as a kid. It was the game pass if it’s day and was absolutely incredible. They were so far ahead of their time. Hardly anyone remembers this. 50 Sega games rotating every month. Even had a cheat code room that would just scroll codes for the games available.


It seems like the guy Destin was covering was a PS fanboy. Make no mistake about it, he Omitted Xbox games for a really good reason.


Splinter Cell was exclusive to Xbox for a while, then they ported it over to PlayStation 2 and GameCube. It wad trash on those systems because it couldn't hold the lighting and graphics the xbox performed


The "xbox excusive problem" argument is always tailored to a swing down at MSFT... They ALWAYS fail to mention multiple exclusives to fit their narrative.


15:40 "Leaving Microsoft in last place...." Bro shows a show where Xbox literally sold more than the GameCube 🤦‍♂ This video is intentionally made to mislead folk. Like, how can they be last, when they sold more?


It's a bit odd that he acts like Sony was a life-long industry veteran when MS came into the console market...

The PS1 was extremely successful, but that was Sony's first & only gen at that point, with a very limited lineup of internally developed, first-party games.

The XB 1st console outselling Nintendo's 4th console was impressive, no matter how you look at it.


Microsoft has this really bad habit of seeing the future 10 years in advance when no one wants it... and then giving up 5 years later when they've moved no units. It happened with the Zune (they had a music subscription before Spotify). It happened with the Windows Phone. And it happened with the Xbox One (consoles now launch as $500 without the connect and have a BIG entertainment push with streaming). Microsoft has always had and still has a marketing problem. Even then people don't really appreciate how much of an uphill battle Xbox has always had within Microsoft. For the longest they didn't even get full support from all the gaming studios and IP at Microsoft (windows gaming was treated as separate). It's only this generation we're seeing Microsoft PC games on Xbox (Flight Simulator, Age of Empires). Xbox was fighting Sony and Nintendo with significantly less experience and funding and studios. It's ridiculous to see people complaining about Microsoft buying studios when Xbox started with a fraction of the studios and IPs Sony and Nintendo had. Plus Phil had to fight to prove gaming and Xbox were WORTH the support from Microsoft when Microsoft wanted to cut the division entirely. Nowadays, I wish Xbox got more credit for it's variety. Especially now with the studios and publishers purchased. 2023 shows a great mix of AA and AAA games across so many genres and game strategies.


I don't know man. The reason I bought an original xbox back in the day was because of their exclusives like Morrowind and KOTOR. And the reason I bought a series x instead of ps5 is because I still like their exclusives better, personally. I love Halo, Bethesda, Obsidian, etc. The only games that are PS exclusive that I would like to play are the spiderman games and I'm not buying another console for one or two games. It's all a matter of what you like.


Love when he said the original Xbox came in 3rd yet sold 3 mil more than Nintendo


- Xboxs last 20 years have been a failure
- Xbox won the 360 generation

Make it make sense.


His argument is exactly what Sony did with the first Playstation 🤷🏾‍♂️


The thing that people don't remember about the end of the Mattrick era was that there were industry rumors of console gaming dying... Mattrick positioned Xbox to avoid that, but it was 100% wrong. Mattrick and Terry Meyerson (head of the Windows group which Xbox were under) started cutting down the investment in Xbox as a brand so things suffered.


59:21 Agree with Destin 100%, same for the discussion of the funding of exclusives. The guy in the video is a bit too dramatic in my opinion. And at 1:05:30 he's hilarious (not hating, he is really good but some takes are a bit forced in negativity)


This narrative is so false. Xbox always has had great exclusives. Now they’re just shifting to a new SAS accessibility model which is smart. I don’t care about 20+hrs repetitive soap operas that no one has the time to play anyway.


Props for how respectful you were to the guy who's video you reacted to - even while disagreeing with some of their points. It's nice to see and is becoming increasingly rare these days.


When he talked about Phil Spencer taking over and buying companies up he skipped over where he pushed for backwards compatibility and how that added so many games to xbox. Now on a series x I can play some of the great original xbox and 360 games still.
