The 6 most important CSS concepts for beginners

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When we first get started with CSS, we hear a lot of new terms and jargon, a lot of which is glossed over pretty quickly. In this video, I look at the most important things to know when getting started, but I also look at why they matter, and how to work with them or take advantage of them to write better CSS.

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⌚ Timestamps
00:00 - Introduction
01:37 - Inheritance
07:48 - The Cascade
12:09 - Dealing with the box model
15:04 - Specificity
18:46 - Naming stuff is hard
20:58 - Creating layouts
25:22 - Content vs Layout



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Рекомендации по теме

Not exactly related, but it's been months since I wanted to write this :
As a (now employed) self-taught developer I used to really struggle with CSS and I was pretty sure I would have to find a job as a back-end dev since I couldn't do anything without bootstrap. But then, I stumbled across a company looking for a "true" full-stack dev. That's when I decided that it was time to do something about my css weakness. I started watching tons of vids on the subject and quickly found your channel and got the job.

Less than a year later, I'm now working as a full-stack developer and a teacher, I now wish I could get rid of bootstrap (which my company still uses) and I'm obsessed with writing clean code (grid blew my mind and forever changed the way I write HTML).

I still have tons of things to learn, but the best thing your channel did to me was actually make me LIKE css. And when I like something, I can't get enough of it ^^.


as a self taught web dev everything ive learnt has been on-line and this is one of the best and clearest yet not dummed down videos out there which is a huge rarity ..if your like me and have spent hours watching videos where they are explaning stuff and they somehow manage to skip the bits that are subtle a not obvious and after ten vidoes your like - yeah, they may be good programmers but not very good teachers - and then compared to all that, this is great


Already know all of this but watched anyway because it's Kevin!


The tip about separating layout and design selectors is gold. I've fought this so much when trying to re-use patterns and trying to override so many properties. Huge thanks for this video.


Everything in this video touched on exactly where I'm at in my coding journey. Felt like you were doing a class specifically for me. Thanks, Kev!


You freestyling that dark-background color number @ 20:10 is goals 👏👏


You are the best. I went to a Bootcamp and I struggle a lot with CSS. Thanks to you I understand what is going on. Thank you so much Kevin!


I was doing a grid layout and having some bizzare issues with content going outside of the grid - then I added your box-sizing hack and whalla - mystery gone! Wow what a GREAT TIP!


this vid pretty much covers every subject that you need to know when starting out with CSS, great stuff.


Content vs Layout. That's something I never really put much thought of until now. Thanks! WIll keep that in mind for now on.


Not gonna say more, this video simply amazing for CSS learners.


I'm currently taking Colt Steele's web boot camp and I'm glad everything you reviewed I have an idea on due to his course, so this was a good watch for multiple reasons.


Hi Kevin, thank you for your videos CSS has become more easier to deal with since i started watching your videos


CSS is always, always, the part that takes me most of the time whenever there is web development.


When you refer to "the Cascade" in this video, I get the impression you're just talking about the order of style declarations in a style sheet. But, in my reading of the spec, it uses that term to apply to ALL the factors that affect when a style is chosen over competing styles. Out of 5 different factors to consider, the position of the declaration is the least important (#5).


Kevin, as always, pumps our brains. 🤗


dude, where have you been my whole life? this video is amazing and has made my life a little bit easier.


So well said when you say "most of the things we read about in the beginning but then forget" and then run into trouble later 🤣🤣 So true!


I'm pumped to learn from this tutorial of yours, which is always an absolutely gold mine for CSS knowledge ✌️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Wow, thank you. Your videos are so clearly articulated and I really enjoy the video layout and production. As someone new to html and css your videos are so far more helpful then anything else I have worked with so far. In this video you explanations of inheritance, cascading, and specificity where my biggest take aways. I have been working on a simple web form and was given example css styling to go with it and I found myself going back and forth where modifying one thing would not make a change and then I found myself trying to hack it by force before finally just commenting out all the css and reintroducing one element at a time. Had I known about inheritance, cascading and specificity all of that could have been avoided. The great thing is I now have my go to source for all my html and css knowledge. Thank You!
