5 Things men WANT, but won't ask for

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Hey guys! Today we are talking about things that every man wants, but he won't necessarily ask for. Let me know if you agree or disagree!
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A man wants a woman to treat him as choice and not an option.


I give my husband a couple hours of decompression time after he rolls home straight from a hard day of work. I cook dinner and bring him a plate. I love him. And want him to be comfortable in the home he works so hard for. I’m proud of this man. 21 years and going strong 💞


1000% physical touch! My girl initiating normal, everyday physical touch is essential!


Most men are touch starved. And it's been even worse since covid hit. I honestly don't remember the last time I had a hug or a handshake.


One big thing men DON'T want is to be taken for granted.


Hug your man more. Best relationship advice ever.


Real men are very simple actually. All we want from our partner plain and simple is to be genuinely loved and desired by her. Nothing else needed. True love.


You know what, When we ask for something LISTEN! When a guy asks for something we are really putting ourselves out there. And instead of just agreeing and putting it off, put in some effort.


Loyalty, respect. If a woman wants to be his priority then it goes both ways


The two most powerful words a woman can use are a heartfelt "Thank You". Plus, a 'random' hug goes a very, very long way. So true.


This is ABSOLUTELY true about women showing effort. I've had one. ONE. Relationship where she actually showed me a lot of effort and that she was willing to show ME effort in the relationship and this ONE person was like WHOA. I felt like I could literally move mountains for her. I really wish more women would understand this.


My 'love language' is physical touch first and foremost, and I absolutely don't want to feel like the one who's always initiating, thus appearing as needy.


Affection that you have to ask for isn't affection, it's a service.


I disagree with the “posting” thing. I think that is age related. I don’t post anything about anything and I am adamant about NOT posting about me.


I am so glad that you mentioned that men DO like to cuddle! I have heard many a woman complain about men never wanting to just cuddle when I know that's not true. I love to cuddle and have heard other men say that they do as well.


I agree with all of it especially the one about physical touch. I like when a woman gives me a hug and if she's the huggable type. I'd give her hugs as often as I can; not because I have to but because I love her


the 6th thing the man wants, but has been trained not to ask for is downtime. all the women who brag your man plays his game with one headphone off in case you need him - that's not a brag about how good he is, that's a brag about how high maintenance you are. poor guy can't even be off duty long enough to have some game time. he's playing with the EXPECTATION that his time will be interrupted.

here's two things for women to think about. my wife can't give me the silent treatment. all I have to do is put my earbud in and start a youtube video, and she will have something to say to me. but I know how to get alone time. all I have to do is start doing yardwork, and I know I will be undisturbed.


Effort: If he has to tell her to put in effort, then he feels (at least partially) that she doesn’t want to put in effort HERSELF but because HE wants it. Telling her diminishes the value partially.


Thank you for being the "man" whisperer. Your words are healing to my soul.


1. Effort. Yes, but pick things he asks for. Don't exhaust yourself or put all your effort in things that don't matter to him. If he hates makeup, you don't need to spend an hour on makeup. If he wants words of affirmation, then dropping a frequent "Thank you", "I love you", "I appreciate you" can go a long way.
2. Praise him publicly. And don't belittle him publicly. Probably the second one is more important, as you mentioned. The first one is fine; but it will feel hollow if you're not showing him love privately first.
3. Touch. Yes, we like that. Amen.
4. Post on him. This shows you are excited about being with him and see this as something you are committed to, invested in. I think a lot of men will value this just as a barometer to know if you are happy with the relationship. But as others pointed out, there are other ways to show you are happy in the relationship, so it's wise to check with the man before going down this path. Hey, is it okay if I post about our date? I had a really good time.
5. Notice the little things. Men aren't mind readers and good men don't expect you to be, either. If you think you've spotted a little thing and you want to act on it, it's perfectly fine to ask first. Hey, I wanted to get you something nice and I was trying to pick between A and B. Am I in the ballpark?
