Autistic Influencer BULLIED off Social Media

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Not Stimming is MORE dangerous than you think...:

STOP Forcing Autistic Kids to Like Christmas | Autism TikToks:

📹 My Videos mentioned 📹:

Not Stimming is MORE dangerous than you think...:

📒 Sources 📒:

00:00 Why has Chloe had to leave?
03:54 18,000 horrible comments
06:21 Mocking Stitches & Duets
08:55 Pretending to be Autistic?
11:05: Chloe says Grow Up
13:28 The Autistic Community's Response
14:13 DON'T Stop Stimming!

📖 *Books I'd Recommend about Autism 📖 :

Aspergirls by Rudy Simone:

Different not Less by Chloe Hayden (read if you want to cry):

Unmasking Autism by Devon Price:

*These are affiliate links. The channel will receive a small commission if you buy anything on Amazon after clicking through with this link. There's no extra cost to you; any money will go towards putting out more content. I'd love to post twice a week and put more time into research for these videos. Thank you so much - I really appreciate every like and comment!

DISCLAIMER: I am a second-year psychology student and a late-diagnosed #actuallyautistic individual. I am not a qualified healthcare professional.
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TikTok can be so cruel. Although, I must say, I’ve noticed an increase in negativity in my own comments section on YouTube recently. But that just serves as a reminder for why we’re doing this!

If you missed my video on why stimming is so important (and how, historically, people have tried to edit it out of us), here it is:

I’m sure Chloe is more successful (and is HEAPES kinder!!) than any of these idiots will ever be, so it’s okay 💛


The stoic autism comment really hits home. Stoic masking in school is survival masking. Makes it hard as an adult to openly enjoy things.


That first tiktok of her stimming just looked like she was so happy, imagine being bullied for being FREAKING HAPPY.


If people ever wonder why marginalized communities fight and advocate for themselves so aggressively…this. This is why.


"I can't exist without being made fun of" I have never related to a statement so much in my life. I love Chloé and it breaks my heart that ppl are hurting her


THIS SAME THING JUST HAPPENED IN WRESTLING TOO! A woman was excited to see Edge appear in a promotion she liked and she teared up and cried a little because she was so happy. What did the internet do? Bully her to hell and back until Edge himself had to step in and tell people to leave her alone.

What is it with NTs literally being the fun police? Are they jealous? I think they’re jealous that something as simple as wrestling or whales can make someone happier than they could ever conceive of being.


The line "If someone's self-diagnosis isn't valid then your peer undiagnosis certainly isn't valid" is one of the most perfect shutdowns I've ever heard in my life


So...tiktok decided autism is "trendy, " but when they see someone...being autistic...It's an issue...okay


Autistic people are accused of not being able to control themselves because of their stimming and public breakdowns. And yet from what I've seen "normal" people can't control their behaviour neither and they don't have the excuse of being on the spectrum. When I see something which makes me cringe I don't feel the need to attack the person who causes this response. Why? Because I can control my reactions. I can recognize when someone might do something cringy without causing any harm. As such why would I attack them?

Let people be cringy. It's a part of our humanity


I feel like ableism particularly towards neurodivergent people is getting worse rather than better, which saddens me because we as a society should be moving past this now. This reminds me of being a kid in the 90s being bullied out of stimming by kids and teachers - shouldn’t we be doing better by now?
Hope Chloe is doing well ❤


I never knew this was called stimming. I remember my mother freaking out and raging at me for it with a "what will the neighbors think" energy. I don't even remember stopping, i just remember wanting to and feeling this but never physically doing it. I was diagnosed as an adult btw. No way would my mother have ever taken me to a therapist- the embarrassment would have been too much... for her.


It’s so weird because pretty privilege makes it more socially acceptable to be and “seem” autistic, but people also won’t believe that you’re autistic bc you’re “too pretty” to have a disorder I guess?? So either you’re pretty and faking or you’re “ugly” and autistic and both are considered cringe. Heartbreaking


TikTok is honestly the definition of bullies that peaked during high school. I really hate how being mean is normalized. I wish that one day I’ll be able to live in a world where my disability and differences would be accepted rather than ridiculed.


I will never understand the point of being unkind, downright cruel, or otherwise harmful for no purpose beyond hurting or making fun of someone.

How does anyone justify cutting others down or having a laugh at someone else's expense? I just don't get it.


Casual dehumanization (of everyone in general, not just disabled people) is becoming a giant problem because of social media. People forget that others are real sentient individuals instead of just “content” or symbols of some identity or social category


I think it’s not even ableism at this point. A lot of people enjoy being cruel and ignorant, using another’s weakness to feel good about themselves because deep down they’re pathetic.


I'm extremely sad about this. I just found her channel the other day and the video about autistic joy was something I desperately needed to see. I'm late diagnosed (at 35, 40 now) and I'm beginning to reckon with the fact that my nervous system is destroyed and I can't mask anymore. I see how badly I've decimated my body by suppressing beneficial stims my entire adult life and rendered myself incapable of feeling joy as a result.

I saw that video and I saw myself as a child when I hadn't deliberately murdered my ability to feel joy for the comfort of others and couldn't stop crying. I desperately want to be able to reach back to that again.


we autistic people really can't win on social media. We're made to be the joke. It seems like theres a new joke at the expense of autistic people very few weeks, and it sucks. And of course, when we try and say "hey, this is ableist and bad, maybe don't" they just respond like "lol someones mad womp womp go cry about it" and its awful. They won't listen to us no matter how loud we shout, they continue to speak over us. All we can do is watch as they point their fingers and laugh at us as they take jokes from us, and make us into their personal entertainment. Maybe its that autistic sense of justice in me but it makes me so angry i feel like i'll explode and theres nothing I can do cause the angrier I get the more they poiint and laugh. Sometimes I think they keep doing it because they find more entertainment in our anger and anguish. It's very disgusting and depressing, especially when you know those same people are the ones who claim to preach kindness, advocate for mental health and disability or whatever, but in reality its a facade to make themselves look good while they laugh at the expense of disabled people.


This is why I’ll never fully support the “double empathy problem” theory. When one group bullies and forces the other group to mask, who is lacking understanding of the other? Definitely not the group who has to copy the other one just in an attempt to literally survive with their life intact. We understand the allistic POV insofar as they bully and force us to.


There’s a singer who’s Autistic, and after he posted a TikTok where he showed himself being excited about something, people suddenly came out of the woodwork, telling him he should unalive himself. It was awful. Some of us got together and started reporting those responses, but he ended up having to take the video down.
