Why We Baptize in Jesus' Name | Dr. David K. Bernard & Dr. David Norris

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General Superintendent David K. Bernard and Dr. David S. Norris, Professor of Biblical Theology at Urshan Graduate School of Theology discuss biblical teachings about baptism in Jesus’ name, practical insights about baptism, and some recent scholarship on the topic. This broadcast was recorded in the UPCI media studio on June 6, 2019.

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I was baptized Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in 2002. I met my wife in 2019 and God used her to share Acts 2:38!with me. I didn’t fight God. I quickly obeyed Acts 2:38 and on December 8, 2019 I was rebaptized in the Name of JESUS CHRIST


I was baptized in 1981, and received the Holy Spirit. I became an evangelist of UPCM in 1987. I have been continuing my ministry in Myanmar. I wish all the christian to understand the importance of Baptism in Jesus name.


Baptized in Jesus name when I was 14 am 57 now. No other name !!


I was born again in May 7th 2020, baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, I came out from a Catholic background and boy I cannot testify enough of the power that has been working on me and my brethren in the faith! Jesus is God! Hallelujah!


I was baptized 12-9-1962. The pastor came from Indiana with the message and a bunch of us were baptized in Jesus name. A bunch left and were lost. Today 2-29-20. The first Spanish group baptized in the name in all of NewYork. There was a upc church on 92 street very small. We got baptized in the name there. Only people baptized in the name were our Black brothers. We started a revolution. Now there are many churches in New York. We started in the Bronx. I lived in Florida for forty years. Still happy and we never looked back. Today I am 80 yrs old. Thank you Lord.


I am 72 years old, and I was baptized in Jesus' name at the age of 13 my parents were total against. it. But I saw the need and did it anyway. Jesus is the name.


The Greek word for "name" in Matthew 28:19 is the Greek word "onoma" which is asking for the name of one specific individual. Father, son, and holy Ghost, are all common nouns and do not fulfill the requirement of "onoma" in any fashion or form. Also, "calling upon" the name of the Lord, "epikaleo" or "epikaleomai" were in reference to calling on the name of the Lord Jesus in water baptism! You can't run grab the Roman road of salvation without having an Acts chapter 2:38 experience!!

Jesus name is the only way to administer water baptism!
God bless,


Father son and holy ghost are titles that's not his name JESUS CHRIST is his name. I'm Pentecostal all my life, will never depart from what I know. Amen and Amen


I was rebaptized in the name of Jesus Christ on April 27th, 2018 and I received the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance on December 30, 2018, during the morning service because I was baptized 1st in titles.😊🙌 Bless the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 😊💃🏽


Amen Praise God! I'm glad because I was baptized in the only save NAME of Jesus!..


I was baptized in Jesus name in 1983 "thank you Jesus"


I had a pastor write me a letter once replying to my question of Why dont you baptize in the name of Jesus in your church... He replied... The reason we dont baptize in jesus name only is because we would leave out the Father and the Holy Ghost... i was amazed at his answer. He says Jesus only.. I say Jesus EVERYTHING...


I was baptized on Christmas eve, in Jesus Christ name when I was 19 years old.
When I came up out of the water, a great bright light came through the ceiling and hit me with pure glory. It was an experience I'll never get over or forget. It was when His name was said over me. I remember the preacher said my name then said, On the confession of your faith and for the remission of your sins I now baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I went under the water after he said the Name, then when I came up out of the water, a great big bright light hit me. It came through the ceiling.
It was glorious!


Praise the Lord
I was rebaptist in Jesus name and very blessed to meet great man of God and Teacher Sir David Bennard 17 years ago at New Delhi.India
Appreciated your prayer whoever come across my text. We are reaching the gospel among non believers...many challenges we are facing spiritually and politically. Thank you


Excellent! Thank you men for sharing the TRUTH of God's Word! Let us NEVER grow tired of doing God's work! May our Awesome God richly bless you and yours!


We are always listening the massage from Dr David K.Barnard.from SIKKIM(INDIA).


My dad told me if I wasn’t baptized in Jesus' name, I just got wet. So, I got baptized in Jesus name and my life was changed. What a glorious event.


Baptized in Jesus name in 2019. Praise the Lord!


Thanks God for using Rev. Bernard. I'm still reading his book about Oneness of God. Thank you Lord for using this man of God.


Acts 4:12 there is no other name I was baptized in Jesus name at 17 years old in 2016 and have never looked back, I'm gonna ride this ship to the shore, thank Jesus for the apostles doctrine and fellowship
