The Core Symptom of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)

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Often people think FLASHBACKS or NIGHTMARES are the core symptoms of PTSD, but you can have PTSD and NEVER have a FLASHBACK or NIGHTMARE. In this video Dr. McCleary (licensed clinical psychologist and Navy Veteran) talks about the CORE SYMPTOM of PTSD and what to watch out for.

So what is the CORE symptom of PTSD?

Avoidance symptoms are criteria of PTSD. Individuals with PTSD may avoid thoughts, emotions and memories of a trauma and/or avoid certain people places or situations.

Continued avoidance can also lead to PTSD symptoms lingering. Some mental health expert will argue the avoidance is the main reason individuals develop PTSD.

▶️What is PTSD?

Dr. Harry McCleary is a licensed clinical psychologist and Navy Veteran. His channel is aimed at educating Veterans and their loved ones about mental health.

#therapy #psychotherapy #ptsd #veteranshelpingveterans #veteranmentalhealth

▶️For further explanation of what a disorder is and how we use them, check out this video.
(What is a mental health diagnosis and why do providers use them?)

▶️What is Anhedonia?


▶️What is PTSD?

▶️What some people do NOT receive a PTSD diagnosis

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🛑****PLEASE READ**** If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call a local emergency telephone number or go immediately to the nearest emergency room.

VETERANS CRISIS LINE: 1-800-273-8255 or 988 and then press 1 or text 838255
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I learned how you will avoid people too. You become antisocial with them or you don't want them around.


Having PTSD is like being a prisoner in your own mind and being at war with yourself fighting everyday battles with your mind on how it thinks. Avoidance is fawning which is at the end of Fight, flight, freeze and fawn


This is interesting because my most recent trauma is from something I can't really avoid. My home was hit by a tornado, and it was a very scary, traumatic experience. I am actually planning on moving my family to a different state that experiences less disasters, which is probably just a very elaborate form of avoidance.


I don't know how to ask for help. And I'm used to people not giving help.


Nailed it again, Doc; the internal avoidance is totally exhausting! The external, totally debilitating; and the negative consequences can be overwhelming! I "know" all of this and I "still" avoid - unbelievable - then the self-loathing because I'm not standing up for myself, not battling the dragon 😭 it really can be a vicious, downward cycle until someone like you can be found 👂👥🤝 hold fast


Dr. Harry, thank you so much for your clarification on P.T.S.D
is was so easy to understand and is related to how millions of us truly feel but can't express.


Thanks for sharing. It’s been 43 years since I was discharged from the Navy. I nearly died from a perforated stomach and infection. Suddenly I started to show symptoms of PTSD. I tried to share with my wife what’s going on I couldn’t.


Thank you so much. I've been in the Army deployment after deployment running away from my self.


nailed it. i see all tgese symptoin my husband, who is a combat vet


It's driving Me crazy.. I can't explain to people how I fill. U.S. Army. Combat Vets.


The Avoidance cluster!!!! Absolutely do I have that. Yes I am a war veteran, Afghanistan 🇦🇫 in 2011, but my ptsd dates back to grade school, bad family upbringing and a bad marriage. When I got divorced in 06 I moved in with with my brother and I went Hikikimora for 4 months. Yes, the summer of 07 I lost my job and for 4 months I only left the bedroom when I needed to. Now im driving truck otr and I have trouble leaving my truck


Very enlightening.
Liked and Subscribed.


back up against the wall...omg....yes.
Even as a teen, going with my friends for lunch or just a desert...i Had to have my back against the wall..had to.
Did you know...children of chronic abusers have the Same brain scans as combat veterans with PTSD... It's true...and this is why as adults we often call ourselves the walking wounded..because..we are.
Add the nightmares & flashbacks & triggerings & if we survive to adulthood, we have a Lifetime of work just to keep going. Many do not make it, we are usually very suicidal..when we do make it we usually become hermits, chock full of Avoidance in every aspect..


PTSD is primarily the horrible memories of war tormenting the subconscious mind. As a vet and a musician I have developed a new audio science that stimulates the subconscious mind into a relaxed state. This gives great relief from PTSD and over time can eliminate it completely! I know it sounds crazy but it worked for me and it will work for you as well. Try it. You have nothing to lose but those memories of pain and hardship that won`t leave you alone. I call it HYPNOTICA.


This has to be really rough on military people.


Wow... I can avoid with the best of them! It does effect everything, I never thought I would be like this, I was an outgoing person and now I have to force myself to pick up the rag I dropped, answer the phone, or door!

It's exhausting, mentally, physically and emotionally!


Bullseye!!! I avoid to not only protect myself but also others. Quite the quandary to say the least. Too many triggers known and unknown.


I wish someone would compare the differences (if any) between typical men of this era that are just done with society, and actual PTSD avoidance.


Internal avoidance! Thank you so much you’ve given me words to describe this weird block that I can’t get past when I do certain things /projects! what is that? And how do I get around this? I am so smart! Is your boy good after I was diagnosed with CPTSD? I could no longer be creative! Especially not in a way that used to be! So, I lost interest! I’m so good at what I do, and I love it! But, it’s like I can’t trust myself to finish a process!😢 it’s so sad! It’s such a huge part of my personality


I have to disagree about the internal avoidance. I dont avoid my emotions related to my horrible trauma. I wish I could stop thinking about everything related to the horrible violent tragedy... all the emotional crap just is so draining....also being a man were expected to suffer in silence... so I mostly do all my crying in the bathroom.
