We need to talk about the Update...

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In today's video I'll be talking about the recent Clash Royale update and the feedback from creators and the community, I hope you guys enjoy the video subscribe for more content!

You can support me in Clash Royale and other Supercell games by using creator code "boss"

Tribe Gaming:

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One of the craziest things that I don’t see anyone talking about is making baby goblins a new tower troop you have to upgrade. Why do they expect us to waste cards and gold on a temporary mode? Not only that, but if you actually want to get as many goblin trophies as you can for whatever reason, then you have to spend 50000 elite wild cards on said tower troop. On a card you’ll NEVER see again.


I’m surprised how Clash Royale for over a year has consistently remained in poor state but still somehow kept itself above water. That’s impressive for a mobile video game


The clash royale devs watching b rad video:
“ So we add level 16, and remove evo shards in season shop “


So happy brad spoke his true feeling w/o the fear of being “canceled” by supercell


I've been playing Clash Royale for a while now, and it's sad to say, but the game feels pretty dead. It's all about pay-to-win (P2W) these days. If you don't shell out cash, you can't keep up with the top players who buy their way to victory. It used to be fun and competitive, but now it's just frustrating. The balance is off, and free-to-play players don't stand a chance. It's disappointing to see a game with so much potential go down this path. What do you all think?


5:16 FOMO is fear of missing out, putting an artificial timer makes people thing they're gonna miss it 😊


I havent played Clash in over a year. Seems its just been downhill. I jumped ship. Still enjoy watching you play Boss. W video as usual


At this point, it’s unfixable. I wish they cared a little bit more about


It looks to me like this is an upper management issue, not developer issue. Devs do not take these kind of decisions - the upper management does and the developers are obligated to execute.

The game is functioning smoothly, the servers are fast and glitches and malfunction is rare, the monetization tactics are not their decisions

Please stop bad naming the devs and turn your anger towards the people who are actually responsible


I feel like a lot of this stems from supercell balancing the game in such a way that rather than creating a diverse meta where a lot of win conditions have their place, they place one or many cards (new or not) on a pedestal to incentivize money spending on maxing the card, its counters, etc.

In the end that just creates boring metas where you just see the same decks over and over again. It’s really not a healthy way to balance a game.

Even outside of metas it just makes the game feel super predatory to most players. I can’t imagine someone reaching max level on their first deck just for supercell to add a new max level and make their deck obsolete with some new troop or card meta.


Its super funny how they let Little Prince be broken for months straight and right before multiple totally accidentally broken cards were released (and a new champion is announced) they coincidentally gave LP his first actually harsh nerf practically since release


Unironically, I want to see this game be shut down permanently. If the devs don’t care about it enough to treat it with love and care, then this game doesn’t deserve to keep being actively played by people


Other creators, let's talk about the game and why it's going downhill.

OJ, Supercell bring level 16 (while licking their boots)


It's crazy that there was always a good path they could've taken, like keeping the old pass, making evos and tower troops way easier to get, level 15 more accessible to everyone. They could've added troop skins or something, anything cosmetics related and people would be way happier, and I bet they would be making way more money than currently aswell.


Something that no one ever talked about but that got ruined probably permanently in this update is lower arena balance. They basically gave away level 12 goblin cards to players in arena where the average level is like 6 or 7, and where barbarel, log and giant snowball are not available. Furthermore, the prince card, which was already a mid-ladder menace by all metric was buffed to be essentially elite barbarians 2.0, the card is basically impossible to react considering the options available in low ladder. I recently lost my account and I've rarely been this mad about the balance state of the game, I swear goblin gang has like a 95% usage rate even below it's unlocking arena.


Brawl Stars, the most F2P pvp game from Supercell makes the most amount of money. It's almost like a game that is fun and balanced, can generate money without milking it's players...


please all content creators talk about this
clash royale needs some helps


Maybe the loss in revenue recently is not just because the game is dying, but because they keep pushing stupidly expensive offers that no one buys other than the dozen whales. There's a reason people stopped buying season passes when the price was increased and rewards lowered. I think all the damage with evos and tower troops has already been done and I don't see the game getting a comeback like how Brawl Stars had one.


Yo maybe the reason they released hella goblins is because the devs are goblins ⁉️


The gob machine you can get for free now without doing gob queen ladder
