Webinar: What Does the Workplace Look Like in a Post-Pandemic Future?

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COVID-19 has forced many organizations to hastily move part, if not all, of their workforce online, and to speed up their adoption of technology to help best support them.

But what happens post-coronavirus? How will this impact AEC workplaces, retail showrooms, and future off-site/virtual work arrangements? What will be technology’s role in helping organizations adapt and thrive?

In this webinar, Enscape and guest speakers Matt McMullen (Art of Construction), Scott Hicken (Art of Construction) and Emily Monarez (Steelcase) discussed:

- How adopting new technology is vital now and post-pandemic
- How to run technology and not let technology run you
- The trend of 'click and mortar' vs brick & mortar
- The workplace of the future and what it looks like

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