Webinar: The Future of Diabetes Care in the Workplace (10/28/20)

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Featured guests:
+ Kara Speer, MPH (Director of Health Management, Willis Towers Watson)
+ Chris Rukus (Benefits Director at Honeywell, Formerly at Sealed Air)
+ Jeff Stanley, MD (Medical Director, Virta Health)
+ Thai & Robert (Virta Patients)
+ Britt Volk (Clinical Expert, Virta Health)

The diabetes epidemic continues to grow at a staggering rate, despite the billions of dollars invested in drug development. Ironically, the "silver bullet" won't be the next new pill. Rather, it's moving patients off their medications by addressing the root cause of type 2 diabetes. This concept is baked into the core of Virta's care model.

In 2019 Virta rolled out its diabetes reversal treatment to 7+ employers. On this webinar, we'll showcase this cohort's results for the first time.

On this webinar you will hear from consultant Kara Speer, alongside employers who participated in the pilot, clinical leadership from Virta, and actual patients who benefited from the treatment. Topics covered:

+ The diabetes vendor landscape
+ Frameworks for designing pilot cohorts
+ Clinical outcomes from the cohort
+ Voices from employers and patients
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I’ve had to do this all on my own, following dr ken Berry, Stek Eckberg and many others. I’ve been as high as 11.4. After 16 months I’m now to 5.9 and a non overweight BMI. My company sends out chocolate and crap periodically to us employees. And some “care packages “ of comfort foods during the so called pandemic. My own dr could do for me what I did myself. When I called my company to tell them it’s disheartening to get the crap in the mail when I’ve worked so hard. All it takes us to learn for yourself what diabetes really is. Extremely low carb and mainly carnivore is the answer. No so-called healthy fruit. The American diabetes association is killing every person they make their recommendations to.


The more I listen the more I know most drs are worthless as to treating type 2. The ONLY way is what you stick in your face. Zero bread, potatoes, rice and pasta if any kind. Period, poison to type 2. Only fruit is avocado and a small amount of tomatoes ot tomato products. No fruit whatsoever otherwise. I was off insulin in 2 weeks, glipizide in 6 weeks. I was very insulin resistant so I do take metformin yet but I’m near 5.6 now. Probably still take metformin but my diet is super stable. Off statin too, that’s also a huge fraud.


Why attach this to an employer? They could use the health risk factors and adherence to your program against the employees. This is a slippery slope.


The extremely low carb if you can do and stay on it IS the Answer
