Why 5x5 Training Is Superior for Muscle Building

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In this QUAH Sal, Adam, & Justin answer the question “Are 5x5 workouts effective?"

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I did 5x5 almost 5 months now. And I got better result than years of me doing the traditional sets.


5x5 is a very effective way of building strength and muscle.


I started off with 3X5, after six weeks 4X5, and after 12 weeks 5X5. I was a couch potato starting off squatting 85 pounds, after a year I'm at 355, and deadlifting 410. I also throw in heavy ass farmers carries, yoke walks, sled exercise and yoke walks.


"After doing 5x5 for 6 months, then switch to 10-15 reps watch what happens" This is key! Yes 5x5 is a great way to build a strong foundation but from experience after a certain point it's important to switch up rep ranges (progression/periodization) and add in different exercises to compensate for any weak points which inevitably emerge.


I am 63 years old, been HIV for 32years, I don't have access to real decent iron. I have 2 dumbells and instead of heavy for 5 reps, I'LL GO UNTIL I AT FAILURE (25-35 ) REPS EXTREMELY PERFECT FORM, and did the 5 sets like I described. And I got great gains 💪 thanks guys


I loved 5 x 5 training few years ago. Lost loads of fat and built lean muscle. I also smashed my forces fitness tests. Another plus is that you don’t need to go everyday! Since then I have maintained a decent solid base of muscle. The issues with neck and shoulder pain was horrendous though so take it easy.


Yup 5x5 has been massive for me. I burned myself out a few years back by doing 5x5 every workout so I stopped. But picking it back up and just being intentional about a deload here and there has helped a ton.


Everything works. Some things work better than others. Nothing works forever. These guys have a great show.


I used to do 5x5, did it for a long time. But I'm older now, and I get persistent DOMS when I do that amount of volume, and I was plateauing. After watching Dr. Mike, I realized that my problem is that I was sore every time I worked out. Now I do 3x5 for squat and bench and 2x5 for DL and OHP, and I've broken through my plateaus. I can train every other day without starting my workout sore...no more plateaus.

I've stuck with this for about three years now, and my progress has been slow but constant. I raise the weight every workout (2.5 lbs for presses and 5 lbs for lower body movements), and deload once I stall on three of those movements. Mix that in with pull-ups and rows and I have a program that really works for me.


I used to be a 4x10 guy 5 days a week. I’m older now I’m A concrete finisher and had to switch to 5x5 3 days a week and I’m really pleased with the results.


I have been doing 5X5 since 1971
Best mass and strength program.
God Bless Joe Wieder and Dr Fred Hatfield.
I still use the 5X5 at 67.
I have also helped hard gainers use it to put on size.
I highly recomend 2 books for everyone who has strength and size and powr goals.
First is Joe Weiders Ultimate Bodybuilding.
Especially if you are just starting out.
Second is Power A Scientic Approach by
Fredrick C Hatfield, PHD
I have written programs for a lot of people with great results.
Study the old and the new and blend what works for you.
Ask for help if you are struggling with a goal.
Encourage others and learn from each other.
And remember when comes to building a strong healthy body it, like a lot of things is not a one size fits all.
Good luck, be safe and build up yourself and those around you.
And yes I still do 5X5 at 67
With maybe a tad less weight .


It's also a great way for retraining from detraining because it causes less soreness i use the 5 rep range from 3 to 15 sets heavy weight, moderate and light weight.


Just got back to lifting and started with 5x5. It is amazing how quickly your body adapts to it. Being a bit older now I do however pay attention to properly warming up and letting my body fully recover.


This is the best video I've seen on this in forever. It hits both the positives and negatives.


When I was younger my friends and I did 5x5 but we'd gradually add little weight on the bar. It would only be 5 lbs higher on set 4 and another 5 lbs on set 5. they were there to help us keep the weight moving.


Doing 5x5 now and it has definitely made me stronger and helped with muscle building


I’m 62 and I’ve been working out since I was 15 years old, lotta mileage on the old body. Just finished up an eight week cycle of 5 x 5 first time I’ve done it in years I actually noticed gains significant ones at that. And noticed some changing of my size I’m suddenly a little bigger if that’s believable. They do work, but as he said the joint pain and everything else that comes with it especially at age 62 can be tough to deal with. Eight weeks is as long as I’m going per cycle on it but I’ll definitely revisit it in another few months. Great video guys have a good one.


15yr of recurring lower back issue which made me bedridden for days every few months. Went to so many physios and chiros to no avail. I was so desperate that I started 5x5 after reading some stranger on discussion board wrote that he "fixed" his lower back issue with the program. Now almost 10 years later, only had a relapse once and even that it was only a bit of soreness, but I wasnt bedridden at all. If you have a very bad lower back issue and have tried everything, with proper supervision, maybe 5x5 is your only hope.


i loved 5x5 for building strength, I'm numerically stronger now at 50 than I was at 26. The bad part is performing once you've reached your max at almost every exercise. its hard, and a missed meal or less sleep and my max rep falls fast


I usually do full body 3-4 times a week. Squats, deadlifts, barbell oh press, chest press 5x5.
