How to inspect and fix sticking choke plungers on carburetors! Mikuni V Star 1100 example

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In this video, I model how to inspect and fix sticking fuel enrichment plungers found on many Mikuni carburetors.
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Shane Conley

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THANK YOU! I've been chasing this issue on my 2003 Road Star for the last 5 months.


I really appreciate that you cover the bases and work from the ground up when problem-solving. Your videos are helping me a great deal. I'm currently modifying a 1984 GR650 Tempter. Not many of those around. I have the carbs apart and have rejetted for an opened out air box and free-flow cans. But I see the need for further replacement parts. The Needle jets are numbered the same, but one is much larger opening than the other. Those jets are not available anymore, so I am now considering using the VM34 Mikuni's with the UFO mod -- or the Mikuni TM flatslide. A conundrum. Not sure which way to go to get the most out of this bike. Wish you were closer by.


Top job shane 👍 exact same issue with my vmax.


I've found even fine grinding paste too coarse for this type of job and have used metal polish instead
All the same it's a good video


Literally stumbled across this video saved me a shit load of cash thanks man awesome stuff


I hope you don’t mind me asking but I have a 2014 ttr 125 with a Mikuni ucal carb but it has a badly stuck “choke”, I’ve been soaking it for days with carb cleaner and wd40 but she won’t come out, I even pulled the bowl off to see if I could get access to it on the inside but there isn’t a passage to bang it out, would you have any advice because it’s starting to bug me I just want to get the old choke out and get the new one in so I can go riding soon.


Great video. I have a Honda CBR motorcycle that has a choke problem. Actually the choke arm on the side of the Carbs (that the choke cable connects to) appears locked / stuck solid. I cannot move it or slide it by hand. I assume it should be able to slide back and forward when the choke is operated? What might have happened plus how is this resolved please??


Hey would a stuck fuel enrichment plunger (on a Honda VT500C) cause the bike to start fine but then lose a cylinder after warming up a bit? After that the cylinder fires again. I've replaced coils, ignition module, cleaned the carbs out, fresh spark plugs and wires. I'm losing my mind here. I could dig into the rectifier/stator more but it doesn't seem to be an ignition issue


Ive been having issues with my buddies bike. He was riding around with the choke all the way open. Smelling rich as hell. Said that he just had the carbs cleaned and synced. But if he turned the choke off it would kill the bike. Looking at it closer these plungers it looked like 1 was all the way open and the other was about halfway. Idk if its actually sticking but i couldn't find a way to adjust the linkage that opens the choke plungers. Any tips appreciated. Ty


I have to hold my choke plunger open for a minute or two. I’m new to riding and bikes and have zero experience on what is normal choke behavior. If I pull the choke out, the bike starts and I can hear the RPMs drop a second or two after, and I have to pull back on the plunger and hold it that way, otherwise the bike just dies. There is an adjustment nut to tweak it, but I have no idea what the appropriate setting should be. I think it’s obvious I need more tension to keep it open, but for how long before the choke starts to close? 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 10 second? Thoughts?


Any idea on what to do if the choke plunger is stuck in the full out position? I can't push it back in nor pull it out.


Same problem 07 royal star tour deluxe


2000 grizzly 600 choke cable is broken and now out of the carb will this cause a no start? getting gas and spark no start? thanks


I got 2 carbs on my bike had 2 lil balls come out can't find them do u know we're they go and what size they are Yamaha 1980 400 special


I have a 750 shadow I’ve done every thing but that. You say there is a rubber seal on the end of that plunger?


I wish I was that clever. I've got a GSX750F that is running rich because of the damn slider.


can anyone tell me where and how this choke hooks up please


Just in time!! I'm out of popcorn!! ;-)


That's not really a choke, it's a fuel enricher. There is a difference.
