What if Sun became Black in Color? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

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What if Sun became Black in Color?
Firstly, if Sun became Black in Color, there will be complete darkness everywhere, our electricity bills may skyrocket.
Secondly, Moon reflects the light of the Sun, if Sun became Black in Color, even the Moon may start appearing Black.
Thirdly, if Sun became Black in Color, planets may stop revolving around the Sun, they may move to a different solar system.
Fourthly, if Sun became Black in Color, everyone will get extremely confused, even aliens might show up to investigate.
Fifthly, if Sun became Black in Color, some planets may not notice the Sun, they may start colliding with it.
Lastly, Halley's comet orbits the Sun roughly every 75 years, if Sun became Black in Color, it might get hugely disappointed.
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