Increasing Your Golf Club Head Speed 🏌️‍♂️💨 | Pros vs. Ams

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We're back with our Pros vs. Ams series!

Want to know how you can increase your club head speed?

Then this video is PERFECT for you!


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If you want more solid, iron shots, check out our FREE training 👇


Absolutely fabulous! I struggled with the exact same concepts as your amateur and came to the same conclusion that the first move in my mind had to be pulling my hands down or as you explained accelerating my hands down. With many golfers, I tend to constantly question my swing dynamics because I don't understand the "why". This video really helped me understand the physics behind my feeling and result. I can't wait to play tomorrow with a renewed confidence in this move as I am also a single handicapper and really want to get to the next level. For those of you looking for drills, they have another video that explains the drill that Rory uses with separating his hands on a driver shaft and pulling down.


I have watched most of your videos. I believe this one to be the most clear and easy to understand. The graphics are clean and the explanations are repeated and enforced. Well done, and thank you.


By changing his concept for his downswing intent, it's interesting how much better his backswing looks. Most people try to change their backswings, but I believe your body puts you in the "correct" backswing based on your mind's downswing intent. Great vid guys!


The key thing you mentioned in this video is to not force holding the angle. That is so important. When I don't think about that, and get my hands moving faster more quickly, the club naturally lags more and I can feel more of the whip through the ball. Great video. Without that point you made, I would not have grasped the key concept.


Thank you much! This has been my issue. What drills can I do to get the hands to max speed sooner? Do you have other videos I can watch which include these drills? Thanks again.


One of their best videos. Their illustrations and explanations were so clear. Thank you


Really amazing instruction & comparisons. I was amazed at how clear the lesson was on why holding the lag angle doesn't work, how slower hand speed with a correct strategy generates greater speed in the downswing. Most of all it feels like I can use this tomorrow before my round!!! ( Paul - 5 handicap, formerly 1...59.. conscious of speed loss in last 2 years)


Hey guys. Love the video. Love the content you put out. Appreciate the time and passion. Thank you!
Im liking the concept/idea/intent of getting the grip moving “sooner, faster, and moving in the right direction.”
If you don’t mind. Could you clarify the part about moving the grip in the right direction?
Thanks again and happy new year.


Best Video out there about this! Thanks for making and sharing this..


What a visual proof of what’s happening in the downswing. That angle filled in with the color reminds me of using the coat hanger drill to help with the release into impact, it looks so easy, as well as Phil Mickelsons analysis of release. Thanks!


This kind of clear scientific analysis is exactly what I have needed to make some much needed improvements. I went out and immediately tested your recommendations and saw improvement. And my swing just feels better using this advice. Thanks so much. Looking forward to watching more from your channel!


Great video, as usual. Any drill suggestions?


Love the video guys. I'm addicted to data driven golf swing analysis like this. I know I lose my angles way too soon in the downswing and have a strong hit impulse that is been the hardest thing to overcome. I'm certain my hand speed is fine, it just tragically comes at the wrong time (at transition) robbing me of distance while costing more effort.
Would you say that most pros reach maximum hand speed at or near the trail hip/belt area like at 4:36? I just fear that the takeaway of hands moving faster, sooner doesn't fit for me.


This type of analysis is what I love about your channel. Thanks


I LOVE your stuff. Scientifically proven. I have 78 mph 7 iron speed but way too much wrist cock, we're working on less wrist cock and throwing the clubhead from the top- essentially what you're saying. I need to do it much faster and earlier. I'm a Malaska convert and this proves it. Thanks guys. Best coaching content on YouTube.


Would be great to see a down the line of all of your gear avatars showing us how the hands move sooner, quicker, and then the proper position/direction!


Thanks Mike, can't wait to give this a try.


Guys, this might be your best video yet. Mind blown. Not only by the fact that pro hands max out earlier, but also HIGHER. For years I've been trying to accelerate my hands through the ball with a concept that the hands reach max speed PAST the ball (but before impact due to shaft lean). This was an amazing reality check. Actually tried this on my carpet (my wife hates AMG now) and by focusing on earlier acceleration, I got a much more powerful feeling and a faster "whoosh" of the club at the bottom of the swing. Can't wait to try this at the range! Thank you!!


Great research and video explaining the benefits of the club head speed study. Kudos!
