INCREASING SPEED IN THE GOLF SWING | Paddy's Golf Tip #13 | Padraig Harrington.

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One of my favorite topics to discuss is speed in the golf swing. Increasing speed in the swing requires a player to focus on specific areas including: length of backswing, the wrists and arms, body mechanics and footwork.


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Padraig is such a top guy. How many other pros would take the time to share such great info with amateurs like us for free!


only having 56k subscribers is criminal, the information he provides is immensely beneficial. I’ve been taking lessons for about 1.5 years and then information he gives is worth 10x what those lessons cost. The jump drills have been a game changer, better contact, tight ball flight and easier on the back. Thank you for taking time to do this, hard to not root for Paddy going forward!


This is some of the best advice on YouTube. Listen to a guy who knows what he is talking about. He has done it. My personal experience matches exactly what he is saying, most of the speed comes from the arms and wrists. So many people try to get speed from the body and turn it is such bad advice. Thanks Paddy. Your passion shows through in your videos. Hope to see a lot more from you.


Padraig, I've leant more from your lessons here on you tube than any of the youtube pros for the last 12 years. These are awesome tips and a lot of them are either opposite or very different from the other "stuff". Ill be getting a swing speed monitor asap, and trying different swings for sure. Thanks Padraig and good luck with the Ryder cup.


Padraig...thank you...being a historic are also a person who shares their experienced knowledge in these videos...HUGE and very helpful


So nice of Padraig to share these lessons and help us average golfers. 👏🏻 👏🏻


Paddycakes you are going to be on all the golf instructors hit list...this is the info they always hold back from us...friggin awesome!!!


Paddys a great instructor. I've been playing golf for 30 years. Never had a lesson. Low handicap. But his hip rotation tip video was great. Made me re-examine my swing.


Must admit I tried moving my hips faster for years after a lesson but lost control of my ball and really never gained any yardage! Now I only think of throwing my “arms” down like Padraig said and it’s straight and long and feels effortless! I practice your tip on the range of throwing a ball and jumping looks odd but when they see you hitting the driver suddenly they all try it! These tips you are putting out there are awesome, never more relevant then this one about gaining speed! Thanks for the insight and years of experience and hard work!


I’m a 70 y/o beginner and since January have watched hundreds of YouTube instruction videos. Yours (Mr. Harrington) are the most informative, understandable, succinct and overall helpful I have seen. Thank you for putting things together for me! Outstanding.


These lessons are by far the best! He explains so well!


I’ll be 64 in December. I played golf in my 20’s and 30’s, not very well. Basically, if I broke 100 I treated myself to a beverage of my choice. My youngest son started playing golf back in March and asked me to join him. My first time out at the range I beat the hell out of my body. I’ve given myself a year to find my swing. I’ve went through, probably ever rabbit hole on YouTube, and there are a lot of good instructors out there. I bought a course. None of them really gave me the, ah ha moments, I’ve been looking for, until now. Prior to stumbling upon Mr. Harrington, I was hitting my driver ~200 yards. After your no nonsense, layman terms videos I’m hitting my driver ~286. I’m blessed, as far as golf is concerned to have stumbled across your instructions. Thank you so much for doing these. Your video on green reading is pure gold. Thank you.


Padraig, quick hands thrown down early in the downswing before we expode up is a fantastic sequence. You can also see it in Rorys swing.Having watched your video yesterday i took the drill to the driving range and the improved distance and penetration in ball flight was dramatic.Why isnt this taught to amateurs as a fundamental by your average teaching pro? I owe you bigtime Mr Harrington.Thankyou so much Paddy. Robbie Sprague.


The BEST advice I’ve seen from any golf instruction video. Padraig levels his advice to benefit the average golfer, keeps it simple and focuses on the elements the weekend golfer can change. Bravo sir.


Best coach by a long way! Puts it in a way that just makes so much sense. Thank you Paddy


Thanks for these tips Padraig, I attribute much of my recent progress to your videos. Much appreciated!


I love how out of breath he is at the end, the desire and effort he’s putting in to help us mere amateurs is amazing to see. Truly giving back to the game!


Wow probably the best video I've seen on swing speed and I've watched so many videos. Very few talk about arms and wrists. And thank you for debunking some very common myths. I've always been a big fan Padraig, and now I see you're a great teacher as well.


You're the best Paddy. A no-nonsense kind of guy. Very generous, thanks for sharing your tips!


That’s got to be one of the best driver tuitions on the internet if not THE best . And I’ve watched quite a few believe me . Well done Padraig . .
