Type 003 Fujian vs Queen Elizabeth - Aircraft Carrier Comparison

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We compare the new Chinese supercarrier, the Fujian, with the UK Royal Navy's latest pair of fleet carriers, the Queen Elizabeth class. We examine the ships' structural features, aircraft launch and recovery systems, aviation facilities, and airwing.

00:00 – Development + Basic Characteristics
07:32 – Island Design + Radars
12:58 – Launch and Recovery + Airwing
20:43 – Naval Aviation Facilities
25:12 – Defensive Armaments


Keywords: modern warships, defence, PLA Navy, PLAN, Liaoning, Shandong, Chinese military, Chinese Navy, CATOBAR, EMALS, Catapult Assisted Take-Off, CV, CV-18, J-15, J-15T, J-15D, J-35, F-35B, F-35C, Type 1130 CIWS, Prince of Wales, R08, R09, Merlin Crowsnest, Aircraft Carrier Alliance, BAE, British fleet, Invincible class, STOVL, short take-off and vertical landing

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A fairer comparison would be between entire carrier groups rather than the individual carriers themselves. In this case, the Queen Elizabeth would become more of a joke with its pair of unreliable type 45 destroyers and type 23 museum ships. The lack a decent fleet air defence would leave the Queen Elizabeth threatened by even subsonic YJ-83s let alone hypersonic YJ-21s. Thus, unless the Queen Elizabeth is accompanied by "allied" escorts, it's own domestic fleet alone probably won't even survive the Liaoning battle group in a direct encounter


I don't think you should make this comparison at all. Fujian is at a class of its own, though it is still not as good as those US super carriers, but it beats any carrier from other countries easily. I think it's better to compare Queen Elizabeth with Shandong.


In China, people only compare the 003 to the Ford class, they don't even remember the QE ship


You keep emphasizing the F-35B having to do vertical landing, but the British have pioneered a rolling landing approach for it that expands options and flexibility. Also, while vertical takeoff is rare and comes with even more fuel and range costs than the ski jump, they could have several F-35Bs take off straight up, simultaneously or nearly so, thus exceeding any catapult carrier's launch rate if that was the priority at the moment


The EMALS actually has more range of weight it can launch. Which means not only can it launch heavier aircraft like cargo or early warning, it can also launch lightweight drones.


The RN has 2 carriers, but only 19 surface escorts (6 x DDG and 13 x FFG) and a limited number of AOR and other auxiliaries needed to support those 2 carriers. In order to build, man and operate these 2 vessels, the RN has had to skimp on the rest of the fleet, in terms of numbers the Royal Navy and RFA are on a downward projectory, with the number of vessels, personnel, aircraft etc getting smaller over the last few decades.

The PLA Navy has 3 x carriers and 3 x medium sized LSH helicopter carriers (which are actually much bigger than the previous RN Invincible/Illustrious and Ark Royal carriers that were replaced by the Queen Elizabeth II class).

But the PLA has 150+ x modern DDG/FFG/FSG, not to mention the 40 x new Type 055/052DL/054A destroyers and frigates that are currently under construction or on order). The same is true for the submarine force, the naval aviation force, the amphibious fleet, coastal force and support/training/logistics branches of the PLA Navy.

The RN is unlikely to see a new CV carrier for at least 30-40 years and is struggling to man and operate the 2 that are currently in service.

The PLA Navy is expected to build 3-4 new carriers in the next 10 or 15 years, as well as a similar number of large LSH type medium carriers, and the carrier fleet of China is expected to grow rapidly in number and also capabilities.

So basically, the RN will struggle to man, maintain and train and deploy its 2 carriers, with it's 19 x major surface escorts, and even the number of aircraft available for the Queen Elizabeth class is limited in number.

By contrast, the PLA Navy already has 3 full sized CV carriers and 3 medium sized LSH helicopter/VSTOL carriers, and 150 modern surface escorts with another 40 new DDG and FFG due in the next 5-10 years.

China hasn't had to sacrifice the number of other types of ships and equipment, in order to afford it's 6+ CV/LSH carrier fleet, very different to the situation that the RN is currently in.


I believe the British were a careful to not have an underperforming air wing. As far as I can tell there’s no limitation in lining up aircraft to takeoff, as they were doing with less stable Harriers on smaller carriers as see in this video (4 Harriers line up to take off from the Ark Royal.MOV).
From sources I have read QE2 can maintain sortie rates as high or higher than the Nimitz class, and up to 3/4 the sortie rate of the Ford class, though I don’t know how it would compare to Fujian, as surge rates on CATOBAR carriers are more sustainable over an extended period of time, so I won’t make any uneducated guesses.


Queen Elizabeth is the top tier flagship carrier of all the countries who think that an F35B will solve all their deficiencies in constructing true aircraft carriers.


There’s just no comparison, IMO, the PRC not only have a better carrier with the Type 003, they have vastly superior battle group compositions when you break it down, the 055, 054 and 052 classes are just so far ahead of what the UK has. In terms of raw naval power, there’s the US and the PRC, then everyone else, very far behind.

I don’t foresee that changing over the coming decades, India and Russia just aren’t going to get there, they’ll have pockets of excellence with particular platforms and weapons, though it won’t be to the same scale, Japan and South Korea have exceptionally capable regional navies, though again, they’ll never project in the same way. I expect the both nations to come out swinging with their next offerings, the DDGX and the Type 055a are likely going to be the top two ship classes in the world over the coming years.


I’ll keep it short and sweet mate - great vid as usual - but I hate the design by the UK- it isn’t a super carrier that the fujian class has the potential to turn into -

this aircraft carrier IS the pinnacle of UK ship building capability and I think that’s all I need to say when it comes to the actual class itself compared to 003 and what is after the 003

Furthermore the complete complementary air wing is much more expensive for the QE as the F-35 is and will be much more expensive then the J-31/35 + the J-15 which makes the fujian much more cost effective

Lastly the fujian class would have a better sortie rate based on the layout of the design and it is only the beginning of China carrier program whereas the UK will not develop and build another carrier for at least a decade


The advantage of a single island vs two is that you leave more space for the flight deck.
This may seem insignificant, but if you take a look at the actual usable space on a flight deck for storing and moving aircraft (aka removing the take off and landing portion), you will find that the space seems much more limited and any increase seems a lot more significant.


The 003 should be compared to the Ford class, when operating KJ-600 and J-35s, it’s combat abilities might even overtake Nimitz class carriers. Even without nuclear reactors, the Fujian uses three electromagnetic launchers


15:50 yeah not at the moment but will likely add EMALS for drones once the EMALS works reliably

You need to consider that the British Royal Navy is hesitant to use unproven technology until it is reliable


Thanks for this @ENI. Agree with your assessment that the Fujian is a better aircraft carrier. However, and I know you mention this in the video, it is a little unfair to compare these 2 as the Fujian is a CATOBAR carrier and the QE-class are STOVL carriers.

QE-class has a very good deck area considering its overall dimensions, which allows for more aircraft than might otherwise be available for a carrier of its size. I have said in my own briefing that the QE-class is the ultimate example of a STOVL carrier. With all the Pros and Cons that go with that.

While separate from its carrier role, a key design requirement for the QE-class is to be able to operate in an amphibious assault role through its rotary-wing assets, including the large CH-47 Chinooks.

As far as I know, there is not yet an official program to develop an AEW&C version of the Osprey. This is unfortunate as this would have a great deal of potential.
What is the next video on?


The F35 do not have to land vertically on Queen Elizabeth as they can do rolling landding that enable them to take larger loads back to the ship. The do not need to use or dump weapons to return to land.


Its not even close - British are very heavily outclassed in technology and in size.


Never mind a comparison with the Fujian, the QE can't even compete with the Indian meme carrier. Damn thing has one runway, no arresting gear, no deflectors. It's a joke.


So many unknowns regarding the Fujian. And after so many years, still in port. Only after the sea trails and more adjustments etc, before it be combat ready. And that will take a some time!


65, 000 tonnes was the original estimate before the ships were built, but once they were completed, this was updated to 70, 600 imperial tonnes. The Chinese and US carriers use long (American) ton for their figures which weighs less than the imperial. So, in actual fact the QE Class, going by American standards is around 80, 000 tonnes with the PoW being the larger sister; some estimating this to be by around 5, 000 tonnes. So the QE Class of ships are really around 80, 000 and 85, 000 tonnes.


A recent continuous patrol by the Qeen Elizabeth lasted for about 7 months. How do you compare the Liaoning, Shangdong, and Fujian on patrol endurance?
