Mario’s Dad was too hard on him? #mariomovie #supermario #gametheory #nintendo #viral

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I think that Mario's dad talking to him like that was the best thing he could've done in the end.


Mario’s dad might have been a bit harsh with what he said to him, but it was out of concern for him and Luigi. They quit a steady job and spent their savings on that commercial. Add to that, their van didn’t run and they were still virtually unknown, meaning they were in a hole and it would only get worse before and if it’d get better.


I’m glad Mario’s dad is voice acted by the one and only Mario voice actor before the film he voiced him in every game


I all can say his dad was like most real dad's out there.. Old fashioned style type of dad..just showing his son a bit of tough love to see him do rite ..I think in the end we would all be lucky to have This Dad over some out there that don't even deserve to be a Dad or Father ..


“Thanks dad, thanks for your support” is actually a very good line


His dad was really mean but I don’t think he intended to be mean, he was just giving advice in a very harsh way


"A father never says he loves you, he shows it"


I think he’s a good dad. He just wants his sons to show greatness.


I always feel like Mario’s Dad would say that, while he’s happy that he’s following their dreams, it felt like he did it too soon. That Mario and Luigi should’ve stayed with Spike a bit long, even if he was too much for the brother. He wants to be supportive. It’s just that he’s afraid that he’ll end up like Icarus; they flew too close to the sun and came crashing down.


My father is like Mario's dad. Every dream I ever had, every goal I aimed to accomplish. He would belittle me while saying I needed to grow up and just get a practical job and just stick with that. It's not that Mario's father hates his son, it's just that his father comes from a generation where people had to abandon their hopes and dreams to pursuit a stable life to support their family.


My dad is the exact same way… tough on ya but wants only the best for you.


Mario’s dad wasn’t entirely bad. He should have worded his words more carefully because they are mean, but I think it’s more out of concern that his kids would fail. He’s not a great dad but he could’ve been worse


I think hes a good dad, he just wanted the best for mario and luigi but probably didn't know how to express it


About bringing Luigi down with him, it's actually one of the things I wish Mario had on his mind more throughout the movie. His motivation is to save his brother because that's simply what he needs to do. That's his brother after all. But never in the movie did he mention how bad he might've felt that Luigi wouldn't have been lost in Bowser's world in the first place if he didn't pressure him into going with him to fix the flood in Brooklyn.

Luigi affirms that he's not bringing him down in the beginning and Mario states that nothing can harm them as long as they're together. Some doubt and struggle during their time apart would've been more than appropriate since Luigi was literally imprisoned because of him AND they're not together.


I have a theory that Mario's dad knew about the mushroom Kingdom but had a very bad experience with it and doesn't want him to experience the same thing by becoming plumber because that's how his dad found the mushroom Kingdom. Just a theory tho needs workshoping


Mario's dad was just trying to be "realistic" as most parents say when someone has a dream, but mario pulled it off afterwards, he didnt want to make him feel sad or anything


The reason why Mario’s dad was like that stems from a theory I have. Dr. Mario is Mario and Luigi’s third brother. This stems from the presence of Mario and Luigi’s Niece in that very scene. Not to mention, Mario’s Dad has high expectations and thinks Mario is a failure because his other son is successful and in comparison Mario is a failure. The most likely reason we didn’t see Dr. Mario is because he’s a doctor and he’s busy with work. People think Mario and Dr. Mario are the same because they both are named Mario. But they forget that Mario and Luigi’s last name is Mario. BUT THATS JUST A THEORY. A FILM THEORY!


That’s honestly so sad now that I think about it 😢


Wow I can’t believe Mario had a family 💀


I think its pretty cool they had Charles Martinet voice Mario's father. But I still think the movie would've been successful if Charles voiced Mario for the movie as well.
