The Real Reason SpaceX Is DOMINATING Nasa In The Space Race

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Elon Musk, with his SpaceX, is dominating NASA in the space race! Stay tuned to find out what makes SpaceX more dominant than the space travel pioneers in the US! Subscribe to Futurity.

NASA has also completed our solar system’s reconnaissance, with an intense investigation of all the planets. Using orbital spacecraft like the Hubble Space Telescope, NASA has also dramatically changed our understanding of the universe around us, as well as our planet.

NASA’s early work on launch vehicles, communication satellites, and weather satellites has fundamentally changed daily life and created whole new industries. As a catalyst for international cooperation, NASA has also changed how and why humanity conducts space exploration. Now, NASA is preparing to take humankind farther than ever before. It helps foster a robust commercial space economy near-Earth and pioneers further human and robotic exploration as we venture into deep space.

But today, Elon Musk’s SpaceX is dominating NASA in the space race with all of these.

#spacex #nasa #elonmusk

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NASA is not a launch provider. SpaceX does not have Astronauts or develop probes and rovers for scientific discovery. The two are strong partners. NASA has been instrumental in the success of SpaceX, who needed their expertise and funding early on. Competitive pricing has always been in NASA's best interest, and both are elated with evolving relationship


There isn't a space race between NASA and SpaceX


NASA about Space X: If you can't beat them, join them.


Most people don’t understand how much 1 billion is. 1 million seconds is 12 days. 1 billion seconds is 32 years.


Saying SpaceX is dominating NASA is like saying farmers are dominating supermarkets.


I’ve said it for years, the future of space is commercially driven. Thank you NASA for showing the world how.


Some misinformation. NASA helps SpaceX so NASA is more like a customer or partner. Currently Rocket Lab is only a minor competition on small sats launches. Blue Origin is no competition, they haven't even achieved any orbital flight. SpaceX's competitions are traditional space heavy weights like ULA, Boeing, ESA, Roscosmos
and CNSA.


NASA is not SpaceX's direct competitor at least not anymore, I can see why there's quite a bit of dislikes in the video.. your analysis although has been covered in countless other videos, u should be referring to ULA.. soooo nice try tho


No such thing as anybody dominating. SpaceX exists because of NASA and SpaceX is vital for NASA's operations


They aren't competing. They are working together.


NASA: Fancy titles needed
SpaceX: If you have the will to work, you will work


I was born too late to see the fruition of the dreams of people like Musk. I am 68 and doubt that I will still be alive when we colonise Mars and make no mistake, colonise Mars we will.
My favourite genre of reading material has always been Science Fiction and for the past century or so the well known authors of that genre have written about our reaching out for the stars and here I be at the very beginning of this most exciting part of human history.
Another thirty years tacked onto the tail end of my life would have been nice.
I would have been alive to see humanity taking its first baby steps in that direction.
Musk is still young and who knows what he will come up with next, his brain is like a can of worms, continually moving, continually dreaming those dreams that all visionaries must have.
I have huge respect for him and only wish that there were half a dozen more with his focus, his dreams, his energy and his capabilities.
That of course is a huge ask.
Bezos, Arnault, Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet, Ellison, Page, Brin, Ambani, Walton etc etc.The whose who of the filthy rich.
Combined, their monies could do so much good to propel the human race onto a course that could not only save the planet from Global warming but could propel us onto a course that would make us an inter planetary civilisation. A direction that we must aim for if we want to take out an insurance policy for future generations.
I would welcome any comment and constructive argument.


The dedication of the employees to work longer hours because they loved the work they were doing reminded me of several jobs I had before I permanently retired.

First, when I was in college in 1967, I joined the Marine Corps to avoid being drafted by the Army to go to Vietnam. The Marines had a program where I could finish my junior and senior years if I could graduate from Officer Candidate School (OCS) the summer of 1967. I wasn't an athlete, but I was in very good shape. I could do over 20 pullup's, 80 setup's in one minute, 60 pushup's, and run 3 miles in about 22 minutes; so I felt I could easily pass the physical fitness requirements of OCS.

I was wrong. While I could easily pass the Marine Corps' physical fitness test, that wasn't the same as passing the OCS physical requirements. I seriously underestimated what OCS would be like. It was brutal. I can't compare it with Marine Boot Camp, but I do know that in my day, Boot Camp was focused on retaining as many recruits as possible, even recycling them if they failed some aspect.

OCS Drill Instructors had the focus and eliminating any officer candidate with whom they would not want to be led in combat. My OCS platoon began with 50 candidates and we graduated something like 28 (give or take). The physical and mental pressure was so severe that it didn't matter how good of physical shape you were in, it mattered if you could fight through the mental and physical pressure and still perform physically and mentally to be a good combat leader.

I did graduate from OCS in the summer of 1967 and when I graduated from college in the spring of 1968, I was commissioned as a 2nd Lt in the Marine Corps and immediately had orders to report to The Basic School (TBS) in Quantico, VA for 6 months of officer training. The peace time training at TBS was 9 months but because of the Vietnam War, it was reduced to 6 months crammed into 6 months, which meant very long hours.

I arrived in Vietnam on Dec 23, 1968 and assigned to 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marines, 1st Marin Division out in the middle of nowhere in a triangular cantonment with a dirt berm and crazy wire around it. For most of my time in Vietnam, I was an infantry platoon commander subject to firefights, mines, booby-traps, enemy mortars, friendly fire, and accidents that killed and wounded many of my Marines. My platoon was significantly understrength the entire time with no more than 34 Marines in my platoon at the most.

Turnover in the platoon was very high with killed, wounded, friendly fire, accidents, diseases, and those rotating home with replacements to fill those ranks. Turnover was so great that I barely knew the names of most of the Marines in my platoon. Some were killed or wounded within days of joining and a couple were dead or wounded on the day they joined my platoon. And while Marine discipline is legendary, in combat I only knew many of my Marines by their nicknames like "Smoky", "Shy", and my radio operator Lance Corporal Jones (an outstanding black Marine) but I called him "JJ" when I needed him to communicate something quickly on the radio.

So, I spent 2 more years in combat. The Marines, with very few exceptions, were great Marines.

In my 21 years in the Marines, I worked some horrific hours, but I did it because I loved leading great Marines.

When I retired, I was hired by a company as a division manager to support analytical support for US Special Operations Command (USSCOM) for 7 years and I spent an average of 50-60 hours a week and many weekends for 7 years. We lost the contract and then I spent 3 years with Booz Allen & Hamilton supporting the development of new technologies for special forces. I spent 14-16 hours a day and some weekends because I wanted to deliver quality products to special operations.

Long story, but I became an independent consultant for 15 years for various companies supporting Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA) developing new technologies mostly for special operations and other services. During that time I was both an instructor for the new technologies and a technical support for the technologies on exercises in the US and around the world.

I would put in 16 plus hours a day on the military exercises because I had to support 24 operations between the day and night shifts. But I never charged my clients more than 8 hour days. The other 8 hours of free support was because I loved my job and supporting the military.

I think this is exactly what some (most) of the Space X employees may have felt. The loved their job so much that the extra hours were what they wanted to contribute.

This won't make any since if you have been in a union or an 8 hour job. If you truly love the work you are doing, then you will put in the extra hours without compensation. At least that was my motivation and by word of mouth, for the 15 years I was an independent consultant, I never once had to advertise for new work.. Everyone of my clients knew that I would give them more than the expected. It was a win-win deal. The got more than they expected, and I got steady work at an hourly rate that consistently gave me 6 figure income every year just doing what I would have done for free.

If you love what your are doing, then give it you 100 percent, and I think that karma will give you future prosperity.


First of all I would like to be one of the many to thank Elon Musk for his leadership, determination and all of his efforts of helping humanity clean up our environment with sustainable energy programs. Also with his commitment of SpaceX to allow the exploration of space for future colonization outside of our planet. Our world is a fragile place that currently holds all of humanities eggs in one basket. By spreading our wings and being able to leave our nest we will ensure that human consciousness will live on outside of our planet. I was asked by A very wise man in the early 2000s if I had millions of dollars to help humanity, what would the most important innovations be in business for all of humanity? I knew that the petroleum industries were polluting our air water and food to the point that people were getting sick and dying of diseases from those major fossil fuel pollutants. As we talked further and further about electric vehicles and transportation, solar power and other sustainable energies. He said I think you're right and it should be done because he as well had been pondering that question. He wanted to be thorough though so he asked if anything else should be focused on for all of humanity? I said yes and case of a global disaster whether it be a climatic asteroid strike or another world war I suggested that space exploration also be considered to prevent the collapse of human consciousness as we know it. Thinking back all of those years almost seems like a deja vu to where we are today. Again I can't think of anyone else but Elon that would put all of their Fortune on the line for the rest of humanity. With his consistant focus and extremely innovative leadership, he is leading the world out of darkness and into the light of the rest of our universe. So much yet to learn and do but thanks to the lead of people like Elon we can step in the right direction. We all have more in us to offer the rest of the world. So let's do it! This is the time and we are the people that will change the world! For those of you who like these ideas or have some of your own to offer, please let me know. I appreciate all of you and your comments. Let's shoot for the Moon and end up amongst the Stars!


NASA: Gives Elon money for the Artemis Program and helps him get into space and achieve his dreams.
Elon Musk: "yah I'm gonna mock you on Twitter anyway."


NASA is SpaceX’s largest customer, and 2/3rds of NASA’s cargo is launched on SpaceX vehicles. And they have a lot of investment in SpaceX too, which means they aren’t competitors. Also, if it weren’t for NASA, SpaceX wouldn’t be here today.


5:15 yeah! You are sooo right!! When I was 5 years old I said to my mom and dad that “when I grow up mom! I will work for NASA!!”
Oh, but not anymore! Now I’m 8 years old! And now I want to work for But I still love nasa because they were the ones that brought the first man on the moon.


me when i saw the text editor at 4:09


Humans:kinda bored let's just see how far we could throw this large flying metal phallus and walk on that big ass flying rock


It's nice to think that because of spaceX Il see Mars on TV or YouTube one day
