My Ex Is Playing Games with Me!
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If your ex is playing mind games with you, it can be frustrating. After all, what sick pleasure do they get from jerking you around like this?
Well, the truth is actually a lot more easy to understand when you come to the realization that your ex is not intentionally doing this to you.
Of course, there are a small number of people who will sadistically get pleasure from toying with your emotions.
But that is a very small percent of people out there, and chances are high that you would have gotten at least some suspicion that your ex was this type of person during your time together.
Most of the time, your ex is really just confused.
They don't like the hot and cold behavior that they are sending you any more that you do. They are equally as frustrated with their shifting emotions.
And when you realize this, you can start to approach your ex from a place of greater compassion and understanding.