How Europe Sabotaged Itself

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The future of Europe hangs in the balance. The continent, once a thriving economic powerhouse, faces a multitude of challenges including a declining Europe economy. The EU crisis raises serious questions about the stability of the union itself. Declining economic influence, internal fragmentation, and rising populism in Europe all contribute to a sense of EU collapse.

Comparisons with the US highlight the issues. While Europe grapples with European recession and European debt, the US enjoys low unemployment and economic growth. Experts point to differences in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The US's massive stimulus spending, compared to the EU's more cautious approach, might explain the contrasting economic situations.

The video delves deeper, exploring the EU energy crisis and its impact on Germany recession. It also examines the limitations of the Schengen agreement and the challenges of a unified European welfare state. The question of EU foreign policy and EU defense arises, along with Europe's lagging innovation. Can the EU overcome these issues and achieve deeper European unity? Or will the continent face a EU breakup, with a return to the fractured state system of the pre-war era? The future of Europe hinges on its ability to address these critical issues.

In today's video we look at The Ugly Truth About Europe's Economic Downfall

Europe is no longer the powerhouse it once was. With dwindling economies, rising crime rates, an aging population and an ongoing war the problems of the old continent just keep on growing.

In fact, 2023 saw the collapse of Europe’s economy to near zero. Even the economic giants—Germany, France and the U.K.—are battling recession fears, and all while Europe's flagship companies like Volkswagen, Unilever and Vodafone are announcing thousands of layoffs.

But it gets worse as growing social division and political polarization are fuelling widespread discontent across the continent.

Subscribe for history, current affairs, and geopolitics. Inspired by PoliticsJOE, The Invisible Hand, and VisualEconomik EN.

Inspired by The Problem with Europe's Economy | Economy of Europe | Econ

Inspired by Will The EU Fail? | Economics Explained

Inspired by Will There Ever Be A United Europe?

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Cannot stand EU hypocrisy. They sanctioned Russia but import oil from India knowing that in fact oil coming from Russia based on Rus-Ind tread deal. Additionally, EU needs to pay for it triple price.


The EU should exist solely as a trade bloc not as a federal entity. Drop the Euro currency & Europe should be fine.


The USA budget is running a deficit of 7% of the GDP, which is hardly a healthy sign for the economy.


Can anyone cancel the Green Deal and work on defense ? This is the engine of economy for millennia as US show .


You don’t have a clue about what’s actually happening in the USA. I just got back from my monthly shopping and actually know what I paid. What’s this channel actually for when everyone in the USA knows you’re talking nonsense.


Look, it's great to emphasize the European's crisis in every single of your researches, yet Europe is still by far one of the best place to live in. And no there are no increased border controls within Shengen. We have way much less social inequalities compared to the USA, less retarded states that want to abolish basic women's rights, less massive drug addiction issues, ... For sure we are facing huge challenges, and geopolitical situation is not making me very optimistic, with amongs others, the rise of new nuclear race. Yet let me kindly remind that we are all in the same boat with the globalized economy (where money is literally created from nothing in the financial sphere), facing the same climate destabilization issues, sharing the same chinese viruses. It would be the time to have a global approach to what threaten our very existence, but it seems we are too busy with not willing to learn anything from our even recent tragic history


It is a serious mistake to think that the wealth of the continent is due to colonization. 90% of goods have always been between East and West. Indeed, the formation of a colonial bourgeois class acted as a brake on the indiscriminate exploitation that in fact occurred following decolonization.


Spanish economy on the up, just in Benidorm 1, 600 waiters needed , in Alicante 1, 5000 teachers needed m in my Valencian community 50, 000 construction workers needed in every new block of flats the law demands 20 % at lower rent, Romania now in the E.U a thriving economy & a beautiful country to visit, we hope out H.S.T soon will connect with Moscow , all student buses are free & if long distance school dinners free !All university places are free .in holiday time students take Japanese visitors to see our Roman past, my village of Gaianes had a record olive harvest our virgin oil the best, sweet and low acid , a fr
friend has an olive tree by carbon dating 3, 000 years, old. Brought here by Romans from .Syria , claywork containers of Roman wine always being found & same with honey 3, 000 years old sealed with the complicated formula bees wax we depend on a half gram creature to pollinate fruit & veg, the mostv highly evolved creatures on earth 🌎


EU should pay more attention to chose their enemies...


Its due to unimaginable support to US. And rivarly to Russia.. UA fooled EU.


Look at the demographic situation and understand why not only Europe, but also East Asia, will collapse within a couple of decades at the most. You can look at several other countries in different parts of the world as well, such as Canada, Brazil, Thailand, India and Australia.

I don’t know what exactly will happen in detail, but it will be really interesting to watch and I think there are very few political decisions we can blame for this. I actually think it was unavoidable. The spectacular economic development we had since 1950 was a one off. All to do with demographics. From now on life will become much harder for people everywhere...

Good luck! 😂


If the EU ditches the dollar, this makes them relatively not that bad!


The UK left the EU in 2016, did nobody tell the producer of this video.


Because of America's wars and war. Today Europe is suffering due Russian energy and Houthis blockades. This are not the foe of Europe.


Actually Nationalism is exactly what we need we can have a unified army if you want in Nato but we cannot have a USA in Europe those two places are different we need to go back to having Christian Kings under Jesus Christ not human rights.


The neoliberal bias of this video will make me block the channel if it reappears on my feed. Europe's response to Covid was the only thinkable response. The US response was backed by the usual fiat-printing of dollars, which we have no access to (except for the indebtedness thus foisted on the world via US treasuries). The EU response would remain uncontroversial if the EU economies could regain their position in world markets. But that has been destoyed by Russian and now even Chinese sanctions, which are decimating our industries. These sanctions are in turn a consequence of the EU membership of Nato. That is in Europe uncontroversial, so it's clear that economic decline is our wish. To reverse this, vote RN on Sunday.


Hopefully the EU will cease to exist in the very near future,
