I Hate My Life - His whole family's broken | Butterworks

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All dead ends have a turning point if only you choose to see it...

It has been so long since a short film and we are so happy to be able to still produce one amidst the challenges these days due to COVID-19, we really hope you can relate to this story which is also adapted from true events of a volunteer. Lending a hand to those in need sometimes brings us new perspectives and inspirations to our life, an experience so precious. Big love to Youth Corps for working with us for this short film :) They are currently running Mission X so feel free to find out more below!

Mission X is a 3-day online community service leadership programme that brings together student leaders from the different universities. The ‘X’ stands for Multiplier, and the mission is to raise up youth Multipliers to rally and lead their peers in their charge to create a positive impact on the community. As part of Mission X, students will participate in the following:

(i) Workshops on planning impactful community service projects and effective volunteer management;
(ii) World Café sessions to directly learn from social service practitioners;
(iii) Networking opportunities with fellow student leaders to learn and share best practices

♥ Like our films? We do wedding films too! ♥

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Lending a hand to those in need sometimes brings us new perspectives and inspirations to our life, an experience so precious. BIg love to Youth Corps for working with us for this short film :) They are currently running Mission X so feel free to find out more on the description box!


y'all are seriously so underrated, y'all deserve more attention 🤧🤧


Should change your name to Onionworks, always feel like someone's cutting onions around here...


the amount of recognition given to you guys is literally incomparable to the amount of effort you guys put in :(


Hello Butterworks,
I seldom comment on youtube videos. However, I have to say this, your videos are unlike any other local youtubers, which is trying to bring across a meaningful message with every short films. This film taught me to be grateful of my family and knowing that there will always be someone having a tougher time than me. Just wanna let you guys know that your hard work is appreciated and that the acting is superb! Exceeding most Mediacorp actors and actress! U guys are hella underrated ! Keep it up!!


Great story! I love how even with a bad temper, the narrator with a kind heart was able to accept the wisdom of the old and wise blind uncle to return home to his family. His parents must be so happy; I would be too if I were his parents! I'm so proud of the narrator for accepting to return home! 💓 Bravo! 😊 Good job! 👍


Your videos never fail to hit the soft spot in my heart 😭 always leaving with a good message and in tears!


Basically everyone hates thier life doesn't matter if ur rich or poor, rich people hate thier life cuz they ussualy had arguements with family or lost thier family members while poor, they hate thier life cuz they don't have money, they can't get the things they really wanted, not needed, but in the end, we still have to accept the fate that is been given, life isn't about rich or poor, it's about love, if U want money, U can just sell ur kidney, but what about ur own life?can U exchange 7million dollar for one life?nope, so love ur family, neither ur friends would help U stand up but ur family, ur friends won't feed U, only ur family, have love to ur family, don't think ur useless or ur life isn't fair, everyone had a family, everyone is fair, just see if U accept the things available for U or not


A video that's 10:10 long on 10th Oct. Well played.


such an underrated channel, thank you for your hard work Butterworks♥️ balling my eyes out right now omg
lots of love and support from australia!! keep doing what you guys are doing:) every video is just *chefs kiss*


I just finished watching this. Great job!


Butter works has good production and directing quality, but this story lacks continuity. It starts with a troubled family life, expulsion, and then ends with him helping a stranger and finding meaning again. We didn’t see him resolve the initial conflict and forgive his family. We just heard it via exposition. True change is forgiving conflict even it is the most difficult action to do.


This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for telling this story!! 😭♥️


It was so nice to see this. I volunteered at a school for a year and loved it 🥰 This short showed perfectly, how much something like this can help others but also yourself 🙂


This is beautiful!!! You guys actually expressed emotion through this and I could feel it.


damn. i feel like i just experienced something ive never experienced before. extremely well-executed, made my heart itchy :")


Was waiting for a video to export and saw this... I had to watch it. Good job!


ooh new vid from Butterworks. press like first ...


When the notifications by your favorite YouTube channel says 2 minutes ago😍😍


I wish yall can make this type of video's again all ur video is amazing:)
