Speed Demon | BT-2 (part 1)
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In 1928, the Soviet Union dispatched a military commission with the aim of finding an adequate and advanced foreign tank design. While visiting the USA, they came across the automotive designer J. W. Christie, who presented them with his own tank design. The Soviets were impressed, leading to the acquisition of two vehicles, followed up by a license for production of that design in the Soviet Union. The vehicle which was built in the Soviet Union was known as the BT-2 and, while not perfect, it would be built in relatively large numbers and serve as the basis for future more successful developments.
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Books and Publications
S. J. Zaloga (2016) BT Fast Tank, Osprey Publishing.The Soviet-
Finnish War, 1939-1940 Getting the Doctrine Right, Monograph by Major Gregory J. Bozek (1993)
L. Ness (2002) World War Two Tanks, Harper Collins Publisher
D. V. Glantz (2005) Soviet Military Operation Art, Franck Cass.
M. Свирин (2008) Самоходки Сталина. История советской САУ 1919-1945, Эксмо
MAJ Nicholas J. Kane US Army, Tukhachevskii to Gerasimov:
The Evolution of the Russian Way of Warfare into the Information Age
J. F. Milsom, (1981) Russian BT series, Profile Publication.
S. J. Zaloga and J. Grandsmen (1984) The Soviet Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War Two.
Surviving BT series tanks, May 2020.
D. Nešić, (2008), Naoružanje Drugog Svetskog Rata-SSSR, Beograd
T. Bean and W. Fowler (2002) Russian Tanks of World War Two, Ian Allan Pub
Pavlov, M.V., Pavlov, I.V., Zheltov, I.G. Tom 1. Soviet Light Tanks. 2007, Tseikhgauz [Russian: Павлов М.В., Павлов И.В., Желтов И.Г. (2007) Советские легкие танки 1920-1941, Цейхгауз.]
G. Forty (2005/2007) The Illustrated Guide To Tanks Of The World, Annes Publishing.
Soljankin, A.G., Pavlov, M.V., Pavlov, I.V., Zheltov, I.G. Tom 1. Otechestvennye bronirovannye mashiny. 1905–1941 gg. [Domestic Armoured Vehicles, vol. 1, 1905–1941.] M.: OOO Izdatel’skij centr ‘Eksprint’, 200
Pavlov, M.V., Pavlov, I.V., Zheltov, I.T. BT Tanks , M. Eksprint, 2001 – 184 p. War Museum series.
Ken ON. Mobilization Planning and Political Decisions (late 1920 – mid-1930s). Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Evropeiskogo universiteta v Sankt-Peterburge Publ.; 2002. 472 p. (In Russian)
Habeck, Mary R. Storm of Steel: The Development of Armor Doctrine in Germany and the Soviet Union, 1919–1939. Cornell University Press, 2003.
Hofmann G.F. A Yankee Inventor and the Military Establishment: The Christie Tank Controversy // Military Affairs. 1975, February. Vol. 39. № 1. P.
Mikhail Svirin, Tanks of the Stalin’s Era. Encyclopedia ‘The Golden Age of the Soviet Tank Building’, Moscow. Yauza, Eksmo, 2012, Page 108 [Russian: Танки Сталинской эпохи. Суперэнциклопедия. «Золотая эра советского танкостроения»]
A. Shirokorad. ‘Encyclopedia of the Domestic Artillery’, Minsk, Harvest, 2000
Сборник – KhKBM, 2007
Magazine Bronekollektsiya No 1, 1996. Light tanks BT-2 and BT-5. [Russian: Бронеколлекция №1 1996. Легкие танки БТ-2 и БТ-5]
Igor Shmelev. The History of a Tank (1919-1996) An Illustrated Encyclopedia. [Russian: История танка. 1916-1996. Энциклопедия техники. Шмелев Игорь Павлович]
3. A report on all tanks received from industrial plants for the period from 1931 to March 1, 1940
More sources are listed in the article.
An article by By MarkoPantelic and Alex Tarasov
Narrated by PBLK Wood
Edited by Big Turn
Sound edited by PBLK Wood
If you liked this video, please consider donating on Patreon or Paypal!
Books and Publications
S. J. Zaloga (2016) BT Fast Tank, Osprey Publishing.The Soviet-
Finnish War, 1939-1940 Getting the Doctrine Right, Monograph by Major Gregory J. Bozek (1993)
L. Ness (2002) World War Two Tanks, Harper Collins Publisher
D. V. Glantz (2005) Soviet Military Operation Art, Franck Cass.
M. Свирин (2008) Самоходки Сталина. История советской САУ 1919-1945, Эксмо
MAJ Nicholas J. Kane US Army, Tukhachevskii to Gerasimov:
The Evolution of the Russian Way of Warfare into the Information Age
J. F. Milsom, (1981) Russian BT series, Profile Publication.
S. J. Zaloga and J. Grandsmen (1984) The Soviet Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War Two.
Surviving BT series tanks, May 2020.
D. Nešić, (2008), Naoružanje Drugog Svetskog Rata-SSSR, Beograd
T. Bean and W. Fowler (2002) Russian Tanks of World War Two, Ian Allan Pub
Pavlov, M.V., Pavlov, I.V., Zheltov, I.G. Tom 1. Soviet Light Tanks. 2007, Tseikhgauz [Russian: Павлов М.В., Павлов И.В., Желтов И.Г. (2007) Советские легкие танки 1920-1941, Цейхгауз.]
G. Forty (2005/2007) The Illustrated Guide To Tanks Of The World, Annes Publishing.
Soljankin, A.G., Pavlov, M.V., Pavlov, I.V., Zheltov, I.G. Tom 1. Otechestvennye bronirovannye mashiny. 1905–1941 gg. [Domestic Armoured Vehicles, vol. 1, 1905–1941.] M.: OOO Izdatel’skij centr ‘Eksprint’, 200
Pavlov, M.V., Pavlov, I.V., Zheltov, I.T. BT Tanks , M. Eksprint, 2001 – 184 p. War Museum series.
Ken ON. Mobilization Planning and Political Decisions (late 1920 – mid-1930s). Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Evropeiskogo universiteta v Sankt-Peterburge Publ.; 2002. 472 p. (In Russian)
Habeck, Mary R. Storm of Steel: The Development of Armor Doctrine in Germany and the Soviet Union, 1919–1939. Cornell University Press, 2003.
Hofmann G.F. A Yankee Inventor and the Military Establishment: The Christie Tank Controversy // Military Affairs. 1975, February. Vol. 39. № 1. P.
Mikhail Svirin, Tanks of the Stalin’s Era. Encyclopedia ‘The Golden Age of the Soviet Tank Building’, Moscow. Yauza, Eksmo, 2012, Page 108 [Russian: Танки Сталинской эпохи. Суперэнциклопедия. «Золотая эра советского танкостроения»]
A. Shirokorad. ‘Encyclopedia of the Domestic Artillery’, Minsk, Harvest, 2000
Сборник – KhKBM, 2007
Magazine Bronekollektsiya No 1, 1996. Light tanks BT-2 and BT-5. [Russian: Бронеколлекция №1 1996. Легкие танки БТ-2 и БТ-5]
Igor Shmelev. The History of a Tank (1919-1996) An Illustrated Encyclopedia. [Russian: История танка. 1916-1996. Энциклопедия техники. Шмелев Игорь Павлович]
3. A report on all tanks received from industrial plants for the period from 1931 to March 1, 1940
More sources are listed in the article.
An article by By MarkoPantelic and Alex Tarasov
Narrated by PBLK Wood
Edited by Big Turn
Sound edited by PBLK Wood