Quest 3 VS. Quest 3S: Launch, Games, Accessories & MORE NEWS

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Quest 3S, Oculus Quest 2, & Meta Quest 3 NEWS
META QUEST Into the radius 2 DISCOUNT: (starts sept 9th) ITRMQBDAY-501CA6

0:00 We Got Quest 3S Accessories In?
1:06 Quest 3 Accessories on 3S???
1:47 Could Batman be BUNDLED?
2:20 Are these Bread Crumbs?
2:43 This WOULDN'T Cannibalize
4:09 Why does this KEEP Happening??
4:58 Here's To Hoping
5:26 New Headset LAUNCH
8:00 New 'FREE' Quest Games
8:50 ANOTHER New VR Headset??
9:54 Another MONKE Quest
10:31 The SHOCKER??
11:16 BIG NEWS is Coming in 2-3 Weeks
12:00 You are THE BEST!!!


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MY QUEST 3 SETUP: (so far)

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META QUEST Into the radius 2 DISCOUNT: (starts sept 9th) ITRMQBDAY-501CA6


Why do I feel that every game, every accessory, every new development comes out somewhat incomplete? There is hype about something new but when u get it, u either are dissatisfied or have to wait for a patch or update to fully enjoy it? Is that a marketing plan to get you to keep paying? You buy a Quest 3–it’s uncomfortable until u buy a new headstrap; u buy a new game, it doesn’t work as well until a patch is made. It just seems that’s the formula used to keep u interested, and to keep u paying


The issues with Hitman 3 Reloaded are not just with the poor graphics. The game has horrible VR design all the way through it with button presses for virtually everything that would normally be interactive in a VR game among other issues. These are major structural issues with the game implementation that aren't the kind of thing that would or could normally be corrected in a patch. The whole game would require a major overhaul in virtually every aspect in order to fix it.


You should cover Freeland VR it launches on the 19th.


Can we really call it a review bomb if what people are saying is true?! I mean its looks dreadful, and all the jank is still there...makes you wounder what they spent their time even doing! Should of asked Vertigo Games if they would do it! I watched 1 reviewer play it and a lot of his punches didn't even seam like they registered, and jagged edges EVERYWHERE! The draw distance was so short people in the crowd were popping in and out...list goes on and on, all that time spent doing what exactly?! I was looking forward to it, this was suppose to be their redemption to the horrible version that already how did they manage to make it worse?!


Thanks for the Quest+ news. Missed the catalogue additions.

I only had like 4 games when I signed up so I thought it was a good deal.


They sent me a box too, but it's ticking. I wonder what it is. 🤔


Beat Saber while I did play modded, I preferred official tracks, as they were mapped usually better then a lot of mapped tracks done by people just learning the ropes, doing their favourite songs. The problem lies in all they do now is rap, RnB, mainstream pop. Get back to the roots, start adding electronic music, a wide variety of electronic music to boot.


I think with the big IPs they are used to sending out undercooked for 3-6 months and gamers would struggle thru it due to brand loyalty and hype which does not really exist within the vr industry yet especially since we have had years of close enough off brand versions that has been developed by people passionate about vr and their vr community rather than what feels like the AAA leftover scraps and cash grabs


This is the first month that the games for Meta Quest + that I've personally enjoyed in the 8 months I've had it. The discounts sometimes are really good and I do notice some people get better discounts than others. I think it's good for people new to VR and want to experience games and get decent discounts for games they want to buy.


I choose to spend my money on games that are ready, I’m not gonna reward incompetence


Any idea if Into the Radius 2 will be crossbuy?


I've only played a little bit of Hitman 3 for Quest (100+ hours on PS). It's not a disaster but unquestionably the worst version of the game. I'm waiting for the patch but making sure not to play much so I can still refund it if it's not much better.


I have quest+ that came with my headset and think for a new quest user it's good value. I have some VR games on steam I picked up when I had a PCVR headset but there is a few I wanted to play and got them day one with quest+ so I was happy. Im not one to replay many games, and if I do I'll spend the money to pick up an actual copy so I've been a sucker for game subscriptions for a while anyway 😂.


Sad for Hitman, as if, they never read reviews from existing PCVR port. Would not be surprised if Meta hides this exclusive title investment.


Hiitman 3 at its core it's a great game and let's not cheat ourselves - it's a bad port but it doesn't ruin the gameplay when you're on a mission, planning, looking around and exploring the area. Even if the port's stupidities reveal themselves from time to time thats only break the immersion for a short while.


Haven't bought Hitman 3 learned my lesson from KSP 2 and wont buy until it improves significantly


Are you sure that discount is for IR2 and not IR1? Either way, thanks for providing it!


Why are VR games graphics generally so bad ? And why is it so hard for Meta to provide straight up PC connection for PC/VR that is not compromised by compression. It's like PC made Meta, yet they are forgetting their roots and ignoring PC


Having same accessories for 3s just makes sense. Think of it like Xbox Series S.
Quest+ 6 month deal makes 512gb Quest 3 very sweet proposition. I activated it after 3 months from purchase so i had time to go through my backlog of games i previously owned. And i also wondering if my moir is too bad to return it. So yes, q3 was undercooked too. Investors arso rushed and ruined hardware.
