Plasma Universe & Electric Universe, What's the Difference?

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Plasma Universe & Electric Universe, What's the Difference?

Welcome to a new series which will look at some of the main concepts of the plasma universe and see if this can leads us to new insights. I would first like to start by examining what the differences are between the plasma universe and Electric Universe at a high level and then start by examining the main concepts of the plasma universe. Now I will caveat this by saying that this is my interpretation of the difference and the aim is not to cover the full breadth of each but to understand where they overlap and don’t. Let dive in...

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00:00 Intro
00:40 Plasma Universe Origin
02:31 The Plasma Universe
07:59 The Electric Universe
13:25 Comparison

#electricuniverse #plasmauniverse #seethepattern
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Your style of owning your own conclusions, keeping an open mind, and respectfully pointing out differences rather than ad hominem attacks keeps me subscribed to your informative channel.


You Gareth are the one who binds it all together and makes it comprehensible. Thank you, blessings, and please keep up the good work. Have you thought about writing a book?


Great, even handed, non-polemical presentation. So many could learn from your truly gentlemanly example. Thanks.


Excellent summary .. The only thing I would add is that I believe both Plasma Cosmology and Electric Universe members have also included as another possible explanation for redshift that should be considered is redshift due to refraction through the plasma or gas medium, which is different than the tired light explanation of redshift.


Great presentation, the differences between the two hypothesis was unclear to me and I'm surprised I'm more in the electric universe camp. I love the idea of stars/galaxies being formed in a Z-pinch and being a load on the current. the fact that stars can be stressed to the point of excess, creating matter that somehow (squeezed, electric potential, hmm) ejects forming other celestial bodies is really quite elegant. I can even picture this creation process in the solar winds based on the composition of elements. Even the rotation of bodies could be explained by how the simple motor works, instead of letting the magnet rotate you hold that and let the battery rotate!

such a fascinating subject :D


thanks Gareth, for sharing your interpretation of both main views!! much appreciated.. 😃


Thank you for the clearer understanding. I wasn’t aware of the difference of plasma and electric universe theories. That said, I like models that don’t break every time something new is discovered.


Thank you for your level-headed and systematic approach to these big and improving ideas in astrophysics, cosmogony, and cosmology. In 1970 I was turned away quickly by the chair of the Astronomy Department at U of A when I asked his opinion of Fritz Zwicky's early hypothesis of dark matter explaining motion in the Virgo cluster. In 1970 my Astronomy class was subjected to a tirade by the professor against Velikovsky. In 1999 in a plenary session of the centennial meeting of the APS in Atlanta regarding the attempted calibration of 1A supernovae magnitudes against redshift measurements, we were subjected to an ad hominem attack against Chip Arp by the speaker when I raised Arp's view of the data. The speaker spoke of Arp as a "cranky old man" and that "nobody believes him". The chair of the session, apparently startled, asked the speaker "Surely you have a better reason than that." The speaker had no answer. In 1972 I switched from astronomy to the study of biological sciences, chemistry, the sociology of knowledge, and environmental sciences. Since 1976 I have been a professional environmental scientist, analytical chemist and laboratory director of our family owned analytical laboratory Analytech since 1981. In 2001 I discovered a laboratory confirmation of Tom Gold's "hot deep biosphere" theory when I found magnetite content on the surfaces of our hydrated graphite tubes we use in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry!


I love the simplicity and elegance of the plasma & electric universe model.


I'm going back over older videos on this topic because there's so much to contemplate.
You're unbiased, unobtrusive presentations are worth a second time around, I think.


Plasma and electricity are so intertwined, this feels like a difference without a distinction. Is my local creek a water creek or an ice creek? Depends on when you look.


Hello, Gareth;
Thank you for all you do.
Excellent video.
I seem to be able to understand better when I see comparisons.
Have a GREAT day, Neighbor!


"Electric Avenue" by Eddy Grant plays through my head as I think of the Electric Universe.


One of your best for sure! Thank you. I believe the key to cracking this is adoption of the aether model. The universe is either bumping particles or aether perturbations. No middle ground. Whoever can explain the manifestation of a Field (electric, magnetic or gravity) wins the game. Over the years I have found Ken Wheeler to have the best, if not complete, explanations. I feel that the electric model is much closer to truth. The sun is not a thermonuclear engine. All in all its great to have this video as a discussion point.


Outstanding presentation that provides a great deal clarity on these two exciting theories. Looking forward to your next presentation. Thanks!


That was quite helpful. It will be interesting to hear more.


its crazy how the pictures of the filaments looks like the connections of a brain. maybe its "GOD'S" brain expanding and subtracting because he has a thumping headache at our stupidity....

P.S. you should direct people who are new to this stuff and your channel to this video.. it explains a lot of what you are trying to achieve with this channel and letting us know about what were not been told... THANK YOU!! YOUR A BLOODY LEGEND ; )


Brain time👍😳 thank you ☮️💞
I learned MORE from this video than ALL the others regarding these topics combined..🤓 thanks brother 👍


so i've got this theory... from the rumors we can assume that antigravity devices(ufo) uses an electric field to counteract gravity. if this was the case does not gravity have to be of an electric nature?
and regarding the sun... it's deepest and lowest temperature we've meassured is roughly 3000celsius in a sunspot or a coronal hole, it's photosphere is 5000 and its corona reaches 15 000 000celsius. where does the energy come from? S.A.F.I.R.E. kinda closed the lid on that discussion when they made their "sun in a box"

Love your content man! keep it up!


It is worth noting that Halton Arp was also an explorer of alternative theories of gravity. Some of his writings in that regard are captured in the book Pushing Gravity, which is a fascinating read.

As you described well Gareth, the electric universe community is still quite diverse and exploratory in concepts. Some people are interested in potential connections to mythology, some hold to traditional explanations of gravity, which don't necessarily preclude electrically powered stars. Probably one thing that nearly everybody agrees on in the community is that comets are EDM phenomenon, not dusty snowballs. The evidence for this is overwhelming.
