Wal Thornhill: An Electric Cosmology for the 21st Century | EU Workshop

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This presentation by Wal Thornhill at the EU Workshop, November 14-16, 2014, offers a compendium of the things that scientifically curious people need to know in order to see the electric force in its dynamic role from microcosm to macrocosm.

0:00 Introduction
0:59 The Queen of the Sciences
2:03 Plasma Cosmology
2:59 A Dark Age of Cosmology
5:26 Einstein's Flawed Legacy
6:53 Mathematics # Physics
7:24 Modern Physics is Useless for Cosmology
9:12 Nobel Nonsense
15:09 Michael Faraday
17:25 Sir Oliver Lodge
19:41 Matter and Mass
20:17 Real meaning of E= Mc
22:51 Possible Outcomes 1
24:07 Possible Outcomes 2
26:47 Possible Outcomes 3
30:25 Oops!
31:00 What Causes Gravity?
32:42 Charged Planets
33:31 Catastrophism's Massive Problem
34:02 Electric Sun Confirmed
34:30 Order out of Chaos?
37:06 Electrically Modified Newtonian Dynamics (EMOND)
39:46 Proto-Saturn's Capture
40:35 Halton (Chip) Arp
43:52 Quasar Mass Gain
44:09 The Electric Universe

See Wal’s first workshop presentation Breaking News

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Dr. Thornhill has the gift of providing explanations and more importantly, descriptions, easily understandable by way of a linear common sense. Of course, being on the right track helps as well.
Thank you!


This is Wal's most compendious lecture ever... (that's really good)

For science aficionado's and students who haven't encountered competing theories, the 45 minutes spent watching this could be the most impactful of their lives. Bravo, Wal Thornhill... this talk is masterfully distilled and enormously comprehensive... (and just down right exciting)!

Now all it needs is Grumpy Cat or an Epic Rap Battle and tens of millions will see it! :0)
and... Tweeted! :0)


I'm so glad this is happening in my lifetime, I'm sure going to let my grandchildren know about the thunderbolt project. Love your lectures.


I'm going to have to watch this at least 5 times, it's so packed with information. Things are really coming together for the EU model. Great pioneering work found here!


The funny thing is I remember looking at physics and astrophysics growing up and being mesmerised by the human ability to decode and understand the mechanics of such a sophisticated and elaborate nature of the universe, then as I got older and I understood it a little better I actually understood it less.. (If you understand what I mean) it all seemed to not make sense anymore it became too exotic and special to be reality. I started to question what I was taught and tried to see if I could relate what we saw out there to what we see here.. I found myself researching all sorts of pseudo ideas some which held some weight but nether less wild and inaccurate, then I found these guys...and it was like I found the holy grail! All that that seemed too much for my brain to comprehend became comprehensible and I could visualise the mechanics without absurd mathematics and exotic special factors. Wal and co have been a big inspiration for myself and I only hope that one day all their hard work is validated by the scientific community and are recognised for their contribution to the advancement in human knowledge and understanding. Keep it up guys


Thank you Wal and the TBP team.  What a wonderful and thought-provoking presentation.  I could listen to your presentations forever, even as we "expand into the future" LOL.  I'm so glad I'm not "compressing into the past"--things must have been so tight and uncomfortable back then!

In hockey, there is a term known as "undressing the goalie"--this occurs when the goal scorer puts the puck in the net so in such a smooth, rapid, matter-of-fact way that the goalie literally has zero chance of preventing it, and consequently looks as though he has just had his pants pulled down around his ankles.

During a presentation such as this one, I can't help but be reminded of the hockey analogy--people like the featured Nobel laureates are being undressed with each new EU presentation.

I challenge any BigDarkBlackHoleBanger to submit themselves as opposition in a debate, to be posted here on this channel.  Perhaps the featured Nobel laureate would submit himself as Wal's opponent in a debate of which theory of the universe is more valid?  Seriously though, what a joke answer he provided for that 11 year old.  The 11 year old actually asked a marvelous question...and I hope he one day visits this forum, to see that his instincts in asking such a simple and yet such a valid question, were very well founded.  Leave it to the unspoiled mind of an 11 year old to point out the obvious to a puffed-up flamingo who specializes in gobbledygook.


Finally a courageous rational renegade. This cosmology resonates with me and feels like the next realization of mankind. Age of Ego over. And an age of reason to replace it. Thank for standing up and pointing out the paradoxes and outlining this new understanding. I always argued that current science cosmology does not say what banged and how. To explain accelerated expansion they throw at us "inflation theory". Yet again I ask how does infinity expand? Is it not simply our perception that is? Amazing clip of that very question trying to be answered through some "hocus pocus" math talk by the self proclaimed experts.


He finally got me to understand why MASS is variable in an Energy field.


One day man will look back and say that Wal Thornill, and gave birth to the twenty second century. This man should be the leading face of science. I wish mainstream science would snap out of the coma they are in and give this man his just due. I truly believe he’s right in what he’s saying, I just feel it in my bones. I too read Worlds In Collision and it changed my life forever. May Mr. Thornill and Mr. Talbott live forever, thank you for you’re great contributions to real science and understanding the ancient world. Thank you


Wal's challenge at the end is a worthy one. Especially coming from him.
Wal would be a tough act to follow; he is the most gentlemanly, intelligent and competent presenter I have ever seen.
His contributions to the informational truth and intelligence of our system(s) of science is profoundly huge and disarmingly appropriate and succinct.
Thanks, Wal.


Disgusting what they did to Professor Arp, unconscionable and unforgiveable, no better than savages burning someone at the stake, outrageous.


Thanks Wal for your leadership! Another really great presentation.


Wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing this with us, I am going to watch it a second time, even. This is great. I appreciate you. Have a wonderful day!


Volume very good, thanks!  Watch those calories, Wal.  And, thanks for all you do. May the aether be with you.


Wal Thornhill is a natural born teacher.


A clear and entertaining dose of reality. I look forward to the continuing efforts of the thunderbolts project.


The Immanuel Velikovskys "Worlds in Collision"Book, makes me feel i can Write a book, just by the understanding i get from Reading his book..)..BRAVO!!!!


very hard hitting talk , this will keep me thinking for a long time its so radical . I think i will watch this many times before i grasp it


Many thanks Wal Thornhill for this fine presentation and for taking on a leadership role in this most interesting area of study.  Looking forward to the EU conference in June.


A great lecture, thanks Wal and all at the Thunderbolts Project
