Wal Thornhill: An Electric Cosmology for the 21st Century | EU Workshop

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This presentation by Wal Thornhill at the EU Workshop, November 14-16, 2014, offers a compendium of the things that scientifically curious people need to know in order to see the electric force in its dynamic role from microcosm to macrocosm.
0:00 Introduction
0:59 The Queen of the Sciences
2:03 Plasma Cosmology
2:59 A Dark Age of Cosmology
5:26 Einstein's Flawed Legacy
6:53 Mathematics # Physics
7:24 Modern Physics is Useless for Cosmology
9:12 Nobel Nonsense
15:09 Michael Faraday
17:25 Sir Oliver Lodge
19:41 Matter and Mass
20:17 Real meaning of E= Mc
22:51 Possible Outcomes 1
24:07 Possible Outcomes 2
26:47 Possible Outcomes 3
30:25 Oops!
31:00 What Causes Gravity?
32:42 Charged Planets
33:31 Catastrophism's Massive Problem
34:02 Electric Sun Confirmed
34:30 Order out of Chaos?
37:06 Electrically Modified Newtonian Dynamics (EMOND)
39:46 Proto-Saturn's Capture
40:35 Halton (Chip) Arp
43:52 Quasar Mass Gain
44:09 The Electric Universe
See Wal’s first workshop presentation Breaking News
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The Thunderbolts Project — a Voice for the Electric Universe
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Ideas and/or concepts presented on this channel do not necessarily express or represent the Electric Universe Model of Cosmology, The Thunderbolts Project, or T-Bolts Group Inc.
The Thunderbolts Project™
Trademark of T-Bolts Group Inc. a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Copyright © 2014–2022 T-Bolts Group Inc. All rights reserved.
0:00 Introduction
0:59 The Queen of the Sciences
2:03 Plasma Cosmology
2:59 A Dark Age of Cosmology
5:26 Einstein's Flawed Legacy
6:53 Mathematics # Physics
7:24 Modern Physics is Useless for Cosmology
9:12 Nobel Nonsense
15:09 Michael Faraday
17:25 Sir Oliver Lodge
19:41 Matter and Mass
20:17 Real meaning of E= Mc
22:51 Possible Outcomes 1
24:07 Possible Outcomes 2
26:47 Possible Outcomes 3
30:25 Oops!
31:00 What Causes Gravity?
32:42 Charged Planets
33:31 Catastrophism's Massive Problem
34:02 Electric Sun Confirmed
34:30 Order out of Chaos?
37:06 Electrically Modified Newtonian Dynamics (EMOND)
39:46 Proto-Saturn's Capture
40:35 Halton (Chip) Arp
43:52 Quasar Mass Gain
44:09 The Electric Universe
See Wal’s first workshop presentation Breaking News
If you see a CC with this video, it means that subtitles are available. To find out which ones, click on the Gear Icon in the lower right area of the video box and click on “subtitles” in the drop-down box. Then click on the subtitle that you would like.
The Thunderbolts Project — a Voice for the Electric Universe
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Ideas and/or concepts presented on this channel do not necessarily express or represent the Electric Universe Model of Cosmology, The Thunderbolts Project, or T-Bolts Group Inc.
The Thunderbolts Project™
Trademark of T-Bolts Group Inc. a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Copyright © 2014–2022 T-Bolts Group Inc. All rights reserved.